News — Sustainability
As a Cuban-American kid growing up in Miami, Katie Boué found solace in the flat Florida swamplands that surrounded her family’s home
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Her parents encouraged her to spend time outside, basking in the sunshine, rooting around in the dirt, and befriending earthworms. “I was raised on literally the most basic version of what it means to be outdoors, and I never realized what a special thing that was until I got older,” Boué recalls. Years later, a date took her to a climbing gym. While the occasion didn’t result in a romance, Boué left with a new love: rock climbing. “Through climbing, I was introduced to the idea of public land and the idea of sharing wild spaces,” she says. “The outdoors...
How to Reorganize Your Closet—Without Using Any Plastic
Advice Stories Sustainability TopStory

Fall is the perfect time to reorganize your closet, putting every pair of jeans, every cardigan, and every boot in its rightful place—but don’t run off to buy new plastic bins just yet. While those clear boxes might look nice and streamlined, they’re not so great for the environment. It’s definitely possible to tuck away all your stuff using only sustainable tools instead—just follow professional organizer Shira Gill’s lead. We asked her to explain exactly how she keeps her clients’ closets in tip-top shape without using any plastic at all. Here, she shares her easy-to-adopt secrets. Storage Bins For larger...