News — BackToSchool
Schools Are Almost Certainly Re-Opening in the Fall
Backpacks BackToSchool Children Hacks Kids

Here’s Your Post-Pandemic Shopping List Suffice to say, the last year and a half of school has been unprecedented, challenging for some and nearly impossible for others. When COVID-19 shut down schools in the spring of 2020 many teachers who were used to instilling knowledge through hands-on interactions with children were relegated to video chatting for 6-7 hours a day instead. At the beginning of this school year, some districts reopened while others remained closed, and some adopted a hybrid model where students could come to school while others stayed home and conferenced in. It’s been a long road, but...
Hard to believe that back to school is literally right around the corner
BackToSchool ForMoms Parenting RemoteLearning

Where in the world did summer go and how do we get it back?! If you’re geared up and ready for school to start, the kids just might be feeling the same way. Here is some simple back to school supplies that are great for traditional or virtual learning options. It’s safe to say that this school year might not look the same as other school years typically have. There seem to be options for in-person and virtual learning and it’s something that we all have to be prepared for. While there are some school supplies that are perfect for...