News — Parenting
If your entryway is anything like ours, it’s a magnet for piles of shoes, backpacks and unopened mail
MomHacks Natl Parenting Products Tny

Luckily, you can turn your entryway from cluttered mess to minimalist perfection with the right piece of furniture, a pop of color or even a hook or two. We’ve gathered up easy entryway decor ideas for small spaces and busy families, so you’re sure to find a makeover trick that will work for you. Hopefully, you’ll never have to scramble to find your kids’ shoes again. photo: Wayfair Affordable Chic This very affordable Bamboo entryway table/shoe rack is perfect for small spaces. Only measuring 25.25'' H x 28.375'' W x 10.625'' D, it has a tall space for umbrellas and...
Hard to believe that back to school is literally right around the corner
BackToSchool ForMoms Parenting RemoteLearning

Where in the world did summer go and how do we get it back?! If you’re geared up and ready for school to start, the kids just might be feeling the same way. Here is some simple back to school supplies that are great for traditional or virtual learning options. It’s safe to say that this school year might not look the same as other school years typically have. There seem to be options for in-person and virtual learning and it’s something that we all have to be prepared for. While there are some school supplies that are perfect for...
It’s taken me 2 weeks to write about this — not because I didn’t want to — but because I didn’t feel ready to.
Children CoronavirusPandemic Happiness MentalHealth Parenting

For Harry Potter fans, coronavirus has felt like Voldemort to my mind. Writing about the virus that I wish didn’t have to be named has taken me lots of mental and emotional processing time. And perhaps you can relate. It went from being insidious to pandemic within weeks. Suddenly my daughter’s school was canceled “indefinitely.” My heart lept into my throat when I read the school district’s email. I was moving into my new therapy office that day. I brought Clorox wipes with me and cautiously wrapped the wipe around the door handle as I walked into my new space....