News — howtoorganizeakeychain
Why are Books That Shape? From Codices to Kindles, Why This Rectangle Stays Golden

Anyone who has ever tried to organize their bookshelves can tell you that books are not a standard size. In fact, even books that fall under the same category (mass market paperbacks, trade paperbacks, hardcovers) can vary wildly. It makes a perfectly matched… #howtoorganizeakeychain
Sunday's Best Deals: Bonobos, Simplehuman, BarkBox, and More

A Simplehuman Gold Box, savings on your first month of BarkBox, and Bonobos End of Summer Sale lead off Sundays best deals from around the web. Bookmark Kinja Deals and follow us on Twitter to never miss a deal. Plus, if youre curious about what retailers ar… #howtoorganizeakeychain
The Complete Guide to Making Great Business Presentations in 2019

Introduction Are you ready to consume a comprehensive treasure trove of the best presentation ideas and techniques for 2019? This ultimate guide is over 16 thousands words with nine full chapters of helpful and up-to-date information. It takes you through the… #howtoorganizeakeychain
8 Things I Learned During My First Week Working as a Professional Organizer

I thought I was an all-star organizer. I read The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up. The books on my shelf are color-coordinated from light to dark. My snacks and baking goods are in canisters with pretty labels. I walk around The Container Store for fun. I… #howtoorganizeakeychain
How to see your Wi-Fi password using 'Keychain Access' on a Mac computer, so you can share it with others

Maybe you just got a new device - or maybe you have a house guest who asked for the password before even saying hello - whatever your situation, knowing your Wi-Fi password is essential if you're going to keep everyone, yourself included, happy. If you alr… #howtoorganizeakeychain