News — Organize
25 Clever And Functional Toy Storage Ideas
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Anyone who’s ever stepped on a tiny LEGO piece can appreciate the benefit of keeping toys organized. Leaving playtime items strewn about is a potential hazard for delicate feet — and visual clutter that can cause undue stress. Toys left lying around are more likely to experience premature wear and tear, and smaller items might end up lost, never to be seen again. Whether you’re blessed with a spacious playroom, or you need to stow toys in a cramped, multi-purpose space, read on to discover our favorite toy storage ideas to suit a variety of needs. Toy Baskets View this...
The first step to organizing your home office is to declutter your office
Organize OrganizedHomeChallenge Papers Printable Printables

That can be pretty scary for many of us. But it doesn’t have to be a daunting task, when you follow these 11 tips and use the free printable Declutter Your Office checklist. How Do You Declutter an Office? You can find more details and in-depth explanation for each step in the declutter your office process are below. Remove obvious and easy to access items that don’t belong in the office. Pull everything out – and that means everything. If the job will take too much time and you have limited space, you can tackle one area at a time,...
Your home office is asked to do so much for you that home office organization is critical to making it work well for you
Organize OrganizedHomeChallenge

Let’s be honest, a lot of the work that is done in the office is not fun and the products of that work are not fun. That means that we often avoid organizing our home office and that’s where the trouble begins. An organized home office makes work and life much easier, leading to a better mood all day. Agitation at work and at home can significantly impact other areas of your life – and it can all begin with a simple misplaced item or a pile of papers you just don’t know what to do with. So no more...