News — Happiness
It’s taken me 2 weeks to write about this — not because I didn’t want to — but because I didn’t feel ready to.
Children CoronavirusPandemic Happiness MentalHealth Parenting

For Harry Potter fans, coronavirus has felt like Voldemort to my mind. Writing about the virus that I wish didn’t have to be named has taken me lots of mental and emotional processing time. And perhaps you can relate. It went from being insidious to pandemic within weeks. Suddenly my daughter’s school was canceled “indefinitely.” My heart lept into my throat when I read the school district’s email. I was moving into my new therapy office that day. I brought Clorox wipes with me and cautiously wrapped the wipe around the door handle as I walked into my new space....
2020 is around the corner, making it a good time to set goals to be more organized
Happiness OrganizationSkills OrganizedPeople Organizing ProfessionalOrganizer

Organized people have certain things in common, and we’ve distilled it down to the top 8 habits you should build to be more organized. Organized people love lists and planners. From sticky notes to dry erase boards, wall calendars to day planners, if you want to stay organized, write it down. Set goals. People with mad organizational skills set goals and keep them. How? They set S.M.A.R.T. goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound). Here’s a great example: Instead of setting a goal to be more organized in the New Year, set a specific goal. Goal: I will make my bed every morning except Saturday....
2020 is around the corner, making it a good time to set goals to be more organized
Happiness Minimalist OrganizedPeople Organizing ProfessionalOrganizer

Organized people have certain things in common, and we’ve distilled it down to the top 8 habits you should build to be more organized. Organized people love lists and planners. From sticky notes to dry erase boards, wall calendars to day planners, if you want to stay organized, write it down. Set goals. People with mad organizational skills set goals and keep them. How? They set S.M.A.R.T. goals (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-bound). Here’s a great example: Instead of setting a goal to be more organized in the New Year, set a specific goal. Goal: I will make my bed every morning except Saturday....