News — News

Challenging the Authority


Challenging the Authority

How Richmond’s mayoral candidates are addressing the future of public housing. In the virtual Richmond mayoral race that 2020 demands, a masked and gloved candidate, Justin Griffin, picking up a fly-covered pile of dog poop and gingerly tossing it in a trash bag, is a rare physical moment. The goal of holding a Gilpin Court trash cleanup, he says, was to meet voters and demonstrate the kind of attention he would offer as mayor. In the first 20 minutes, he’s talked to one resident sitting on his porch. A few people have stopped to stare at the dozen yellow-vested volunteers...

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#ShutDownDC Protesters Successfully Shut Down DC to Demand Climate Action

BREAKING ClimateStrike Environment News S23 ShutDownDC

#ShutDownDC Protesters Successfully Shut Down DC to Demand Climate Action

(CD) — With the goal of disrupting business as usual in the “center of decision-making in the U.S.,” hundreds of activists blocked key intersections across downtown Washington, D.C. Monday morning to demand that lawmakers take bold and urgent action to confront the existential climate crisis. Chanting “We want climate justice now!” and “The planet we love is under attack,” demonstrators positioned vans, cars, their bodies—even a sailboat—in the middle of major D.C. streets to shut down rush hour traffic. #BREAKING: Activists w Extinction Rebellion shut down intersection of 16th & K in Washington, DC by parking a sailboat in the...

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Rage Against the War Machine: An Interview With Peace Activist Cindy Sheehan


Rage Against the War Machine: An Interview With Peace Activist Cindy Sheehan

(MPN) — Some 2.7 billion dollars per day. That’s how much the U.S. government will spend next year to prop up the military and the more than 800 bases it maintains in over 70 countries. All in the name of national security. And despite that staggering figure, a majority of Americans feel that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan were not even worth fighting, and they certainly have not made America safer. That money is more than enough to pay for four years of college for every college student in this country, to fund food stamps and other social safety nets that help our most vulnerable, and to fund...

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