These Thanksgiving activity pages are the perfect way to keep them busy on such a long day
So you’ve already run through all your tried-and-true Thanksgiving games and activities. How about a few free Thanksgiving coloring pages? Not only are they perfect for the kids’ table, but they’ll help your family achieve an unplugged Thanksgiving. From coloring turkeys and matching fall leaves to thoughtful lists and connect the dots, these are fun ways to keep the kids busy as you finish up the cooking.

Happy Thanksgiving
Your kiddo can color this adorable Thanksgiving picture and turn it into a greeting card or just something fun! Find it at

Thanksgiving Writing Activity
if your kid loves to write, they'll love this Thanksgiving activity page from!

Pumpkin Maze
Even the youngest members of the family will enjoy this pumpkin maze! Download the printable over at

Thankful Turkey
Gobble, gobble! Little hands stay busy coloring this terrific turkey before the big meal. Even more, if you print it on card stock paper, you'll have instant placemats. Printing these placemats is as easy as pie over at Crafts by Amanda.

Words for the Day
It’s a Thanksgiving word-fest! Little hands stay busy and learn about all things Thanksgiving by coloring in these terrific turkey day words. Head over to My Mini Adventurer for these word printables, grab crayons and you have happy little pumpkins while you finish cooking the meal.

Activity Placemat
Turn over a new leaf this year and print out these perfect placemats for half-pints to use. Your little pumpkins will have a fun time matching the shapes. Hop over to Saving Dollars & Sense for the printable.

Thoughtful List
Whether it’s what little diners are thankful for or their favorite Thanksgiving memory, this list will keep their minds busy. A special shout out to teacher Jen over at Teacher Karma for giving us this creative idea.

Don’t Eat Tom!
Game time! This turkey game is tons of fun (and easy for everyone to learn!). We give thanks to My Sister’s Suitcase, where you can get detailed directions on how to play. What’s more, you’ll find the free printable too. Who knows? Grown-ups might want to get in on the action too.
Related: The Thanksgiving Tradition the Whole Family will Love

Keep ‘Em Busy
Activities galore! From a Thanksgiving word scramble to coloring a cornucopia, there is plenty to do with this free printable. We are thankful to mom Angie over at Real Life at Home for providing these. All you need to provide is the crayons!

Match Colors
Can you get the right color? We love this Thanksgiving activity for the kids' table. A high five to mom Amy who gives you the free printable. Head over to Rock Your Homeschool; print it out and your little ones will stay busy while you finish up dinner. Just make sure you have all the crayon colors!

Pumpkin Patch
Little diners will scoop up the chance to color these pretty pumpkins. Head over to Don’t Eat the Paste to print out these gorgeous gourds.

Turkey Day Placemat
With this placemat from My Sister’s Suitcase, your kids definitely won’t be bored during dinner. It has word scrambles, turkey-tac-toe and opportunities for your little artist to draw and color.

A Bit of Everything
This fun page from Artsy Fartsy Mama has a little bit of everything: coloring, a word search, a place to write what they’re thankful for, and tic-tac-toe.

Give Thanks
Remind your little ones what Thanksgiving is all about with this printable from Hello Moments. In addition to a word hunt and tic-tac-toe, they’ll get to write a poem and jot down what they’re thankful for.

Counting Printable
This page from My Sister’s Suitcase isn’t just for coloring. It prompts kids to count the different items as they color it in—so it’s twice the fun!

Doodle Time
We love this cute coloring page from 1 + 1 + 1 = 1, especially since it has enough details to keep kids busy for quite a while. Get the printable, plus another adorable page with a turkey to color in.
Related: 9 Mermaid Coloring Pages Your Kid Will Love

Amazing Maze
If your kiddo loves mazes, they’ll definitely have a ball with this one from Brainy Maze. They can also color it in when they’re done.

Connect the Dots
Kiddos can get some quiet time in while filling in this turkey connect-the-dots page from Big Activities. There’s also another version available that uses the alphabet instead of numbers.

A Cornucopia
The tots can color in this overflowing cornucopia from Doodle Art Alley as they wait for the Thanksgiving feast.

Gratitude Cards
Challenge your kids to write something they’re thankful for on each of these cute cards from What We Do All Day. Or you can have them make personalized place cards for the table.

Make a Match
Print out, cut up and pass out this easy memory game from Mama's Learning Corner to keep kids busy during prep time.

Memory Game
Because all fine dining establishments have kid-friendly placemats, right? These particular mats come with a word scramble activity that's just right for little learners. Download the printable at Jinxy Kids.

Thankful Turkey
This activity is a great way to immortalize your Thanksgiving meal—have the kids write and draw the most memorable parts of the day. You can even print the same page next year and compare. Get the printable at How to Nest for Less.

Autumn Leaves
As the kids tackle this autumn coloring page, talk about how leaves change color in the fall. Get this printable at Make and Takes.
Related: 11 of Our Favorite Stegosaurus Coloring Pages

Snoopy & Charlie Brown
Happiness is a warm puppy and a fun Thanksgiving coloring page. We love this page that features everybody's favorite comic strip pup. Get this printable (and more!) at Best Coloring Pages for Kids.

Paint-by-Number Turkey
This paint-by-numbers coloring page is as easy as 1, 2, 3. Little artists who like to get their artwork just right will like the easy-to-follow idea. Get this printable at Nicole's Free Coloring Pages.

Thanksgiving Mad Libs
For a giggle-inducing Thanksgiving activity, try a round (or two!) of festive Mad Libs. Get the printable over at My Sister's Suitcase.

Activity Placemat
Nix the boredom between Thanksgiving courses with a placemat that offers up many different activities (aka distractions) for the kids. Download the printable at Whatever Dee Dee Wants.

Give Thanks - Dog and Cat
Animal-loving kids will have a blast with this coloring page that gives a dog and a kitty the spotlight. As they color, talk about what your own pets might be thankful for—and why you're thankful for your furry friends. Get the printable at Coloring Pages for Kids by Mr. Adron.

Pilgrims and Giant Feast
Your own Thanksgiving turkey may be more modest, but the kids will get a kick out of the giant feast on this coloring page. Will they color it a delicious golden brown or go for something a bit flashier? (Blue turkey, perhaps?) Get the printable at Raising Our Kids.

Thank You For ...
What are your youngsters most thankful for? Crayons? Books? Discuss and share as they decorate this fun list. Get the printable at Living Creatively.

Adorable Pilgrim Boy
How cute is this pilgrim boy coloring sheet? This tiny guy just needs your little one's colorful attention. Download your own pages at
Related: 10 Exciting T-Rex Coloring Pages for Kids

Thanksgiving Decoder Puzzle
Do your kids love figuring out puzzles? Give their thinking caps a mini-workout with this fun decoder puzzle. Get the printable at All Kids Network.

Pumpkin Connect the Dots
Once your kiddo connects all of the dots, they'll have the chance to color in the pumpkin picture. It's a 2-in-1! Find the worksheet on

Turkey Color by Number
Follow the numbers to find the colors to create this exciting Thanksgiving picture! It'll be such a festive way to celebrate the holiday. Get the worksheet from