Your Written Astrology May 2020 – Huge Personal Shifts
Reboot your future
Destiny plays a role but you decide your path
Create a map to the stars
We’re in Gemini weather like we’ve not experienced in a very long time this month, Aries. For you, this is going to focus on news, ideas, communication, your immediate surroundings, siblings if you have them and also even past lovers. Let’s talk first about the Nodes and you need to check your chart now to see where yours are. If you are unsure please speak to one of our astrologers. Pay particular attention if you have the North Node in either Gemini or Sagittarius. Gemini is all about short trips often to familiar places, early education and what is right on our doorstep. Sagittarius rules long distance travel, higher education and global perspectives. As the North Node arrives in Gemini and your 3rd on May 6th, it will move backwards through the sign. So, from 29 degrees to zero in other words.
Because of other aspects in the sky which I will get to in a moment, the start of this cycle links you to the past in a big way. The Nodes operate on 19 year and also 9.5 year cycles. In other words, time to look back at these key dates because what went around then is likely to come back now. Either ‘different wrapper, same chocolate’ or in a spooky déjà vu kind of way. You have a full Moon in your house of resurrection the day before the Node arrives in your 3rd, so this may point the way to what is about to reappear or be reborn.
The Nodes can mark the timing of important and destiny-driven life events. Often when we astrologers don’t have your time of birth, one aspect we will look at are the Nodes as an indicator of major events. So, look back to look forward as to what this cycle is about to deliver. If you were 18 or over during the following periods, you may see the patterns emerging.
Dec 14, 1945 – Aug 2, 1947. Aug 26, 1964 – Feb 19, 1966. Mar 17, 1983 – Sep 11, 1984. Oct 14, 2001 – Apr 14, 2003. And now, May 6, 2020 – January 18, 2022. Learning, travel, lightening up, focussing on one idea at a time and because Gemini is the sign of the Twins, yes, it takes two baby, are going to feature. Team up, buddy up, double up. Don’t go it alone! Find that ‘other half’ – and be aware this may not be a romantic one – but of course it could be! And yes, you can still put those feelers out there in lockdown. You have time however as the nodes take almost two years to work through a sign.
So, let’s talk about love and partnerships as well as the past. The Nodes move just before we enter what is going to be major retrograde weather of the rare variety. The 11th sees Mercury which rules Gemini and your 3rd, arrive in it. But this is also the same say as Saturn turns retrograde in your 11th, preparing to make its final visit to your 10th. Past contacts and friends feature and if they are in touch now, take it that they still have an important role to play – one way or another.
Mars enters your past-focussed 12th the same day as Venus makes a rare retrograde station in your 3rd. Take it this is ‘love on hold’ but also could see the return of a past lover. Your ruler in your 12th hands you peak energy and the desire to act on those insights. With the planet of love now heading backwards it is not a good time to look for a new lover – or partnership of any description for that matter. Also be aware that if things have been rocky between you and your significant other, the cracks may widen now especially if you are spending more time in one another’s space.
Venus retro is all about returning to past loves rather than pursuing new ones. And in your 3rd this can be via links to past places (even though you cannot visit in person!), past projects – especially written and business ones – and past subjects that involved or immersed you. Especially those from your younger days. Deciding to go back to study at some point, picking up that idea and infusing it with new inspiration, rediscovering what you used to love to immerse yourself in, and yes, reaching out to past loves may form part of your path when it comes to eventually moving forward again.
Jupiter is the next planet to head retro-active in your 10th on the 15th. So, career progress may also stall and opportunities hard to find. This is about working with what you have from where you are. Creating a launchpad from your living room even. Your thoughts and ideas can take you anywhere even if you cannot leave home. Travelling via learning and ideas is favoured so look at ways to explore or share these. Above all, don’t be in too much of a hurry to get ‘out there’ again. Otherwise you can end up taking two steps forward to end up back at the beginning.
The Sun arrives in your 3rd on the 20th and we have a new Moon in here on the 22nd which trines retrograde Saturn in your house of friendships and the future. With the appearance of the new Moon you have the Sun, Moon, Mercury, retrograde Venus, Vesta and North Node all in this house. There’s a lot written about the link with your 3rd to writing, speaking, publishing, the internet, your neighbours, siblings, communication and commerce. Especially those with links to your past re-booted for your future. But this is also the house of your Conscious Mind which is not discussed quite as much.
While there is still an emphasis on the past returning, you are being asked to consciously direct your thoughts towards your future. To have a plan in other words. Again, you can design this from anywhere. The most important ingredient to living your plans for real is to have one!
If people and circumstances come spinning out of the past, ask yourself how they fit into this future you are building. Some will have continued or new relevance and meaning. But you may find others need to be consigned to the past and left there. Watch for that ‘what goes around, comes around’ feeling from the 24th as Mars and Ceres meet in your 12th. Mercury will meet the North Node in your 3rd on the 28th, just hours before it exits and heads off into your 4th. This is, don’t forget, Mercury’s ruling house. News requires a decision from you and this tells you that you have been here before or are about to walk a path destiny has laid out for you. Think about where this could take you, Aries. You get to draw the map from here on in.
In a nutshell:
New love remains on hold this May. But old contacts could reappear. Do they fit into the vision you have for where you want to go next, Aries? Time to create a new map to the stars!
Know your worth
Love all you have to offer
Find the buried treasure of the past
Where’s your love story happening this month, Taurus? With your money and self-worth. Big ‘Price is right’ revelations around your relationship with your cash and also how you expect to be treated and rewarded, set a new value on your personal stock. Ruler Venus turns retrograde in its ruling 2nd from the 13th. While this is no time to launch yourself out into new love or financial ventures, it is the time to redefine your relationship with your money and all that you have. And to value yourself, your talents, abilities and skills. And to clearly define how you expect your professional and personal relationships to reflect this.
Venus begins the month slowing down and meeting Vesta in your 2nd on the 6th. This is the same day as the North Node arrives in here. You need to pay close attention if you have the North Node in either Gemini or Sagittarius. If you are not sure, one of our astrologers will be happy to explain. The Nodes move backwards through a sign – so, from 29 degrees to zero in other words.
Because of this month’s retro weather, the start of this cycle links you to the past in a big way. The Nodes operate on 19 year and also 9.5 year cycles. In other words, time to look back at these key dates because what went around then is likely to come back now. Either ‘different wrapper, same chocolate’ or in a spooky déjà vu kind of way.
The Nodes can mark the timing of important and destiny-driven life events. Often when we astrologers don’t have your time of birth, one aspect we will look at the Nodes as an indicator of major events. So, look back to look forward as to what this cycle is about to deliver. If you were 18 or over during the following periods, you may see the patterns emerging. Dec 14, 1945 – Aug 2, 1947. Aug 26, 1964 – Feb 19, 1966. Mar 17, 1983 – Sep 11, 1984. Oct 14, 2001 – Apr 14, 2003. And now, May 6, 2020 – January 18, 2022.
Pay attention to what others are telling you around the time of this month’s full Moon on the 7th. This takes place in your partnership zone. As well you know, full Moons reflect their light back into the house opposite. So, in this case, this is your 1st and therefore you. What is reflected is how someone sees you. This can be your love partner, your boss, a friend, a long-term work associate or yes, that frenemy. And people can do this from a distance even if they are not physically there with you.
They can show you how they see you in so many different ways. No matter how this is conveyed, it it is always a reflection of how you see yourself deep down. Like it or not, it’s showing you if there is any need for an all-important adjustment on your part with regards to valuing yourself.
Mercury’s arrival in your 2nd on the 11th coincides with Saturn heading retrograde in your 10th. So, expect to be going back over just what you have achieved with your career to date, the rewards it has brought you and anything related to your status. If you come to the conclusion you need a more rewarding path or position, time to look at how to better leverage what you have achieved in the past before seeking anything new. Especially after your ruler heads backwards from the 13th. Needless to say, the looking back to go forward aspect of all this retrograde weather applies to relationships that are valuable to you – or were and could be again.
Venus retrograde can re-deliver an old love interest. Or in your 2nd, a past employer or previous income stream. Mars’s entry into your 11th on the same day fires up that desire to connect again. And to set new, more self-determined goals for the future.
Linked to this is looking back to see what opportunities you may have missed. If you discover these, then this is an area where you have a green light to act and explore that lost potential. However, Jupiter now joins the backwards-motion fray as it too retrogrades from the 15th. Progress may now slow when it comes to those big ideas and plans. This is also not the time to enter into legal proceedings as Jupiter rules the law. Reclaiming a lost dream or big plans is favoured now however. What have you been led to believe you cannot have, experience or do? Again, this is often determined by our self-worth and what we feel we deserve.
The Sun’s arrival in your 2nd marks the point where you can reset your value system. The new Moon in here on the 22nd trines retrograde Jupiter indicating you are back on course in some way if you have been knocked off it. The new Moon marks the point where the energy around all this peaks as you have the Sun, Moon, Mercury, retro Venus, Vesta and the North Node in here. Want to create yourself a future that has real value? Now is your moment.
The 24th marks a new deal on the table especially when it comes to those future plans and how you are seen by others as Mars and Ceres meet in your 11th. Look closely at the messages or what has been handed down, past patterns and cycles around money on the 28th. Are these your ideas or are you simply repeating a long history inherited from your family or even a past life experience with abundance and prosperity?
You may have been reflecting on this lately during your lockdown period. A new take on all of this is possible now and a fresh start could be on offer as Mercury meets the North Node on the 28th. To see the pattern, go back over the dates I gave you earlier in this forecast. If you were young at the time, look to what themes played out in your family. This is how history can repeat itself without us even being aware of it.
Within hours of meeting the Node, Mercury will move off into its ruling 3rd. The focus now shifts to your conscious mind and your ideas. Especially now around your hopefully by now, upgraded values. Time to communicate these and also to have a clear idea of what you want them to bring you. Time for a new game plan when it comes to what you have, believe you can have, and what you now know you’re truly worth, Taurus.
In a nutshell:
Re-write the love story between yourself and what you are truly worth this month, Taurus. Ruler Venus heads backwards in its ruling 2nd. Time to show the world just how valuable you are.
Salvage your past dreams
Showcase all you know you are meant to be
Happy birthday, Gemini!
It’s a very different retrograde vibe this month to the kind triggered by your ruler Mercury. That comes next month. But as the sign used to moonwalking backwards through a specific area of your chart three times a year, you are in a position to make the most of this month’s intense planetary reversals. What is more, as your birthday season begins, the focus is very much on you, reinvention, relaunches and reclaiming lost loves from the past. This may not be an actual person – although it can be. This could even be a goal, a dream or a lost part of you that you gave up.
Time to see yourself in a new light in other words. Also, to ensure that those around you reflect this. Look closely now at employers, your boss, people in positions of influence and authority and your public persona or image. Are you being taken seriously? Being treated as an equal? Receiving the rewards or compensation commensurate with what you do? Time to take a serious, considered approach to any work or career matters or anything that impacts on your reputation. Or even in some instances with how your partner sees you if you are married or live with someone. The 6th is an all-important day as Venus in your 1st meets Vesta and trines Neptune in your 10th at the same time.
Themes around what you are expected to do, duty, responsibility and even equality could surface now you were previously unaware of. Perhaps brought on by spending more time in each other’s company.
This is a self-defining day. And it could mark the start of a new cycle where you are seen by others how you want to be seen. The 6th marks the arrival of the cosmic North Node in your sign. You need to check your chart now to see where yours are. If you are unsure please speak to one of our astrologers. Pay particular attention if you have the North Node in either your 1st or your 7th in Sagittarius. This is going to be about you and partners – past, present and potential. As the North Node arrives, it will move backwards through your 1st. So, from 29 degrees to zero in other words.
Because of the major retro weather and Venus retro in your 1st from the 13th, the start of this cycle links you to the past in a big way. The Nodes operate on 19 year and also 9.5 year cycles. In other words, time to look back at these key dates because what went around then is likely to come back now. Either ‘different wrapper, same chocolate’ or in a spooky déjà vu kind of way.
The Nodes can mark the timing of important and destiny-driven life events. Often when we astrologers don’t have your time of birth, one aspect we will look at the Nodes as an indicator of major events. So, look back to look forward as to what this cycle is about to deliver. If you were 18 or over during the following periods, you may see the patterns emerging. Dec 14, 1945 – Aug 2, 1947. Aug 26, 1964 – Feb 19, 1966. Mar 17, 1983 – Sep 11, 1984. Oct 14, 2001 – Apr 14, 2003. And now, May 6, 2020 – January 18, 2022. Learning, travel, lightening up, focussing on one big and personally important, idea at a time and looking at your image, style, profile, brand, appearance and personal message you send out there will become all-important. No, it’s not narcissism. It’s understanding what you believe about yourself, you communicate both verbally and non-verbally.
Because the South Node is now in your 7th of partners, and you are the sign of the Twins, finding that ‘other half’ is going to feature. Team up, buddy up, double up. Existing partnerships could be locked down or else ‘consciously uncoupled’ as you opt for a better relationship with who you are. Finding that perfect relationship for you right now will become a priority. Just be aware this may not be a romantic one – but of course it could be! And you have time here. The Nodes take approximately 1.5 years to move backwards through a sign.
The full Moon of the 7th occurs in your 6th. So, it reflects its light back into the outer limits 12th in your chart. It highlights a link between your routine, what you do or even where you spend your time and what you believe, and how you feel. This is an excellent time to make any adjustments to your thoughts, diet or daily habits. Meditating, spiritual practices, astrology, Tarot, yoga – all these can re-balance your soul. Follow up on insights now and don’t ignore them.
Mercury arrives in your 1st on the 11th which is the same day as Saturn lifts feelings of restriction and replaces these with new visions for the future, when it retrogrades in your 9th. However, be aware that the 13th sees Venus head backwards in your sign and the 15th, and Jupiter which offers opportunity, turns back in your 8th. This is all about something coming back or you going back to it. It’s also about karma and past lives and who travels with you from lifetime to lifetime. Lost loves, trips down memory lane to places far, far, away. New beginnings to be exhumed from your past and reimagined for your future. Link back to discarded dreams and asked yourself what fears got in the way of preventing you from having them?
Mars’s arrival in your 10th on the 13th fires back up those ambitions. Again, this may relate back to your insights at the start of the month around how you are seen, regarded and rewarded. Mars hands you confidence to pursue worldly goals and take action. In here however, it can also hand you the desire for cooperation and to work towards a higher purpose.
You are less likely to insist on having your own way and are open to feedback and also assistance from others. Do know what result you want to achieve however as otherwise you can see this energy simply dissipate like the morning mist. Deals can be done around the 24th when Mars and Ceres meet in here. Or is that handshake being done with yourself as you realign with your calling, path or purpose? Again, know what it is you want to achieve and be seen as someone who knows where they are going.
Be ready to show the world a freshly re-minted version of you and above all, do not be your old self as the Sun arrives in your sign on the 20th. The day of the new Moon which is the 22nd, marks an important new beginning for you. Yes, it is about you but it is also about others too. Because unless we are a hermit living in a cave in the Himalayas – which is what the world feels like right now, we need people! Even keeping our social distance. And they form our key experiences and co-create our future with us. Being aware how at ease you are in your relationships and social situations is a big part of who you are becoming and will be and also attract in the next 12 months.
How comfortable are you putting yourself ‘out there’? The day of the new Moon sees the Sun, Moon, Mercury, retro Venus, Vesta and the North Node all in your sign. This is a chance to show the world a brand new you. So, get ready to launch or is that a re-launch? And yes, this can be done in a socially distanced way via the messages you send and the images you put out there.
Mercury’s alignment with the North Node on the 28th could bring you important news or else someone or something spinning back from your past. A decision could have long term impact now. Mercury will move off into your 2nd of money within hours of this. Remember, Venus rules this house and is retrograde still! If you are entering into financial or even love dealings now, hold on to those core values and that realigned image of yourself you should now have forged. Just because you once accepted something, doesn’t mean you have to continue to do so. A new you demands a new outcome – even from the past now, Gemini.
In a nutshell:
New beginnings that come with your birthday season involve reclaiming something from your past. Is this a lost love? Or just your own faith in yourself to create what you want for your future, Gemini?
The past may reappear but it doesn’t have to repeat
Balance the books on your karma
There’s no escape from the truth around love!
This is not your usual soul-house declutter time that you go through every year in the month leading up to your birthday, Cancer. This is going to feel very different for you. You’re going deeper and further back into your past and the mysteries of life than you have ever gone before. We’ve major retrograde weather happening now and there will be unfinished business to attend to. Even of the karmic kind.
You’ve had almost two years of the North Node moving backwards through your 1st house. This has meant the South Node has been transitting your partnership sector. Along with Pluto and also Saturn in here, this should have brought about destiny driven events connected to close relationships. This month could see final outcomes and tying up loose ends if any remain. This can be with anyone close to you – not just a romantic partner.
Your 12th is your house of the past. It’s also your house of secrets, hidden truths, hidden enemies (often the one within) and your relationship to your god – whatever s/he is to you, the universe, a higher power, psychic matters and you links to past lives. Powerful 12th house transits like the ones you have going on this month, will either show you the hidden truth – or see you taking refuge from it by going further into fantasy or denial. As it has a big link to your karma, as does the North Node, it’s about what you have set in motion coming full circle. Your choices and decisions in the past. And not just in this lifetime, but many lifetimes as we repeat patterns until we learn from them.
First, check your chart now to see where the North Node is in it. If you are unsure please speak to one of our astrologers. Pay particular attention if you have the North Node in either Gemini or Sagittarius. Gemini is all about short trips often to familiar places. Sagittarius rules long distance travel and global perspectives. As the North Node backs into your 12th on May 6th, it will move backwards through this house. So, from 29 degrees to zero in other words.
Because of other aspects in the sky which I will get to in a moment, the start of this cycle links you to the past in a big way. The Nodes operate on 19 year and also 9.5 year cycles. In other words, time to look back at these key dates because what went around then is likely to come back now. Either ‘different wrapper, same chocolate’ or in a spooky déjà vu kind of way. Venus the planet of love and which also rules your bank account, will retrograde in here from the 13th.
Along with the full Moon in your 5th on the 7th, this could even re-deliver a past lover now. Seeing the truth behind how someone else sees you is another likely outcome. Or finding out their beliefs aren’t in alignment with yours as Venus and Vesta meet in your 12th also on the 6th.
The Nodes can mark the timing of important and destiny-driven life events. Often when we astrologers don’t have your time of birth, one aspect we will look at the Nodes as an indicator of major events. So, look back to look forward as to what this cycle is about to deliver. If you were 18 or over during the following periods, you may see the patterns emerging. Dec 14, 1945 – Aug 2, 1947. Aug 26, 1964 – Feb 19, 1966. Mar 17, 1983 – Sep 11, 1984. Oct 14, 2001 – Apr 14, 2003. And now, May 6, 2020 – January 18, 2022.
Mercury enters your 12th on the 11th. This is an excellent transit under which to involve yourself in any metaphysical subjects. The Tarot, astrology, reincarnation, religion, psychic development. Your intuition will be at a peak and you may just have that spooky feeling that something is going to happen – and then it does! The 11th also marks the day when Saturn will also begin its retrocycle in your 8th of endings, rebirth and transformation.
Saturn rules both timing and karma. As well as big lessons and the need to own our actions. Saturn needs to close the books in some way. During its retrograde, it will pay one final visit to your 7th before moving forward and not returning here for almost 30 years. So, this could mark one final go-around, opportunity for commitment and to get it right, karmic debts being cleared or paid back and closure if needed.
The day Venus retrogrades (13th) also sees Mars head into your 9th. Watch closely for any desire for escapism on any level now. Understand this can involve running away in more than one form. Yes, travel is one way you can do this but right now this option is closed. But Jupiter which rules long distance journeys and foreign affairs of all kinds, will also retrograde on the 15th in your 7th. With the ruler of this house backwards too – this should tell you that when it comes to relationships – there is no escape. Only staying and dealing with things. Once and for all. As Buckaroo Banzai said: Wherever you go – there you are.
Other forms of escapism include food, alcohol, legal and illegal drugs, shopping, the internet, binge watching boxsets and yes, denial and delusion. Even when faced with facts we continue to take refuge in the fantasy that they don’t mean what we know they do. So don’t. Karma means ownership which also includes owning our choices. This is how we free ourselves of those sticky cycles. And again, this is something you can do from the comfort of your living room if necessary.
If you need to ask for help during this cycle as this can be a test of the soul and spirit, reach out. Allow trustworthy people into your inner world and tell them what is really going on with you rather than presenting a false façade. Long lost loves, goals tied to far off places, big dreams and distant shores can all reappear. The past is a place we can revisit in order to put it into perspective and release ourselves if necessary. And the Sun’s entry into your 12th on the 20th marks this point.
As does the new Moon in here on the 22nd. This Moon will see the Sun, Moon, Mercury, retro Venus, Vesta and the North Node all in here. Something old is returning. But if this is someone who represents a certain type or situation for you, please think carefully. Especially if your history with them includes you ‘fixing’ or rescuing them, themes around addiction, mental health issues, co-dependency or even trouble with the law. What you need to understand is you are re-visiting the past, but you no longer live there.
Others may receive help or benefits from someone who appears to have no agenda or even desire for repayment (other than paying it forward) in mind. Those who assist you now are people you have helped in the past. You can also consciously choose something different this time around if faced with choices or situations which feel familiar. The 24th sees Mars and Ceres meet in your 9th. Can you head in a direction or grasp an opportunity that represents freedom for you? Or the chance to step free of a cycle or way of doing things once and for all? The decision is yours as Mercury meets the North Node in your 12th just hours before it arrives in your sign on the 28th. Mercury rules ideas and the conscious mind.
You are what you think, say and communicate. Your image, style, appearance, message and brand. What is all this 12th house energy teaching you about this? Consciously make an effort to communicate your message in every way you can. Revelations and trips back to your past should show you the results of when you failed to do this. Time to see who you are in a whole new light, Cancer.
In a nutshell:
Revisiting the past means learning from it and connecting to your intuition. Look at all the times you ignored its wisdom, Cancer. It’s time to begin again but with a fresh perspective on truth and love.
Connections co-create your future
Your secret desires surface
There’s a plan for you – and a place where it all happens, Leo!
It’s all about your soul or karmic group now, Leo. Friends and connections from the past could return this May. As could past loves. And goals from your past can be born again with new meaning. Especially if you have come to realise they were actually more than just dreams but form part of who you are and what you are here to do.
It’s not just family and lovers we have karmic ties to. But friends and even entire groups of people. This month is about how your destiny will be intertwined with that of others. It’s a month for joining in even from a social distance, and looking closely at what the Now Age of Aquarius means to you. Being part of something bigger. New ideas can also form part of this experience. Some of these may challenge you. If so, this is part of your evolutionary journey now. No matter whether you like them or agree with them, entertain them and see the world through the eyes and experiences of others. Above all, don’t be a hermit even if self-isolating. Your people are a click away.
The reason for all this is the extremely fated line up of planets and important aspects in your 11th this month. We are also in major retrograde weather set to redeliver people, places, news, or even in some instances, missed connections or opportunities. Above all, this is a time to choose those you choose to hang with whether post lockdown in person or virtually, carefully. If you no longer feel connected or worse, feel you cannot be yourself around them or have to become someone else to keep up, then time to recast your social life in a big way. Or even your personal one.
The 6th sees the North Node enter your 11th. Check your chart now to see where yours are. If you are unsure please speak to one of our astrologers. Pay particular attention if you have the North Node in either Gemini or Sagittarius. Gemini rules our early life, our neighbourhood, siblings and childhood. Sagittarius rules long distance travel, foreigners, emigration and big ideas. The Nodes move backwards through the houses. So, from 29 degrees to zero in other words.
Because of other aspects in the sky which I will get to in a moment, the start of this cycle links you to the past in a big way. The Nodes operate on 19 year and also 9.5 year cycles. In other words, time to look back at these key dates because what went around then is likely to come back now. Either ‘different wrapper, same chocolate’ or in a spooky déjà vu kind of way.
The Nodes can mark the timing of important and destiny-driven life events. Often when we astrologers don’t have your time of birth, one aspect we will look at the Nodes as an indicator of major events. So, look back to look forward as to what this cycle is about to deliver. If you were 18 or over during the following periods, you may see the patterns emerging. Dec 14, 1945 – Aug 2, 1947. Aug 26, 1964 – Feb 19, 1966. Mar 17, 1983 – Sep 11, 1984. Oct 14, 2001 – Apr 14, 2003. And now, May 6, 2020 – January 18, 2022. Learning, travel, lightening up, focussing on one idea at a time and because Gemini is the sign of the Twins, yes, it takes two baby as the South Node will be in your 5th of romance. Children could also feature. As could grown up children, becoming a parent or grand-parent.
Family, home and security – especially security of the emotional kind, where you live and the people you live with and even your career could trigger insecurities or simply the need to cocoon around the 7th when the full Moon appears in its ruling 4th. Everything may seem personal now and hit those emotional triggers. Full Moons shine into the house opposite. So, your 10th of career and professionalism. Keep your cool and your game face on at work – even if working remotely, no matter what. At home – ask for what you need emotionally. A hug, someone’s time to listen or just downshift and recharge. You need gentleness.
Remember, romance is very much on hold unless you are fanning old flames. The reason? First Saturn heads retrograde in your 7th on the 11th. Then Venus which rules your love life turns retrograde in your 11th on the 13th. It doesn’t matter which house Venus retros in. It has its own retro rules to follow. Which means the things Venus rules (love and money), are now in limbo. Also, in your 11th, Venus is about the love of friends rather than that of someone special.
Combined with the Nodes and Saturn retrograde, if there is unfinished business between you and someone, this can give you another chance to try again however. Following up on lapsed career contacts and opportunities as well as hearing from people overseas you lost touch with are highlighted by Jupiter also heading retrograde in your 6th. This is a good time to also pay close attention to wellbeing and fitness matters, especially if you have been over-indulging of late due to lockdown! So, try one of the many fitness channels on line or a socially distanced walk or cycle ride.
Above all, be mindful of how you are coming across if you are communicating with influential, important or people in a position to help you in some way. Old friends could be in touch or you could reach out yourself. And if so, you could be reminded that the resonance which first drew you together is still there. Mercury’s arrival in your 11th on the 11th could bring this your way. And intensifies your desire to connect. The more open you are, the better. Mars enters its ancient ruling 8th in your chart on the 13th, further fuelling your desire for passion even if this is only the future variety, and also change. What can you change right from where you are? Begin within now, Leo.
Ruler the Sun also arrives in your 11th on the 20th. Time to pour those ideas, creativity and self-expression into new ways of doing things and new areas. Especially when the new Moon arrives in here on the 22nd. At this point you have the Sun, Moon, Mercury, retro Venus, Vesta and the North Node all in here. Your 11th isn’t just about friends, connections and the future. It is one of the most complex houses in your chart.
The energy has a direction all its own and one of the things it wants you to learn is surrender. The universe has a plan for you. Next – it is all about what you desire most in life. And sometimes this may surprise you what this is. But it is time to reconnect to this. Above all, it’s time to share yourself. Be a true friend and not a fake one. If you do, you may be surprised at what manifests – as if by magic.
That strange energy that seems to have a plan for you that is all its own may make itself felt from the 24th when Mars and Ceres meet in your 8th. Triggering a change that results in something new emerging. The 28th sees Mercury meet the North Node in your 11th indicating that whether you know it or not, this is fate at work for you. Look to who you hear from and what relates to those goals and desires. Within hours Mercury arrives in your oh-so-spiritual 12th. Look to who or what also comes back from the past now. Act on insights. And don’t doubt for one moment fate has a plan for you, Leo. And it’s connected to those you know.
In a nutshell:
Your destiny is linked to those you know this May, Leo. And don’t doubt for one moment that fate has a plan for you. Set your future in motion by connecting in any way you can now. Even from the comfort of your couch!
Work with what you have
Take yourself seriously
Author a new path
First up, love is on hold this month. Venus will head retrograde in your 10th of career, status and reputation from the 13th. Just like retrogrades involving Mercury your ruler, a Venus one comes pre-packaged with its own rules no matter which house this occurs in. So, this is not a time to embark on a new love affair or even go looking for one albeit on-line. It’s also not a good time to enter into new financial dealings either as Venus also rules your bank account.
You need to be mindful of your spending and try to resist splurging or impulse buys. Especially glamourous and indulgent items to cheer you up in isolation. They may lose their lustre for you once Venus heads direct again. The same goes for that lover as they could go from hot to not overnight or ghost you just when you thought the connection could be promising.
Adding to the ‘No go love’ area, we have Mars entering your 7th on the same day as Venus heads backwards and this is Venus’s ruling house. Not only that, Mars is not in its best position in your 7th which is after all, all about relating and cooperation. Mars is all about pure desire and self-directed action. So, you may want things your way or simply feel your partner is out of touch with your needs. As if that was not enough, Jupiter joins the retro-active party from the 15th – heading backwards in your 5th of romance.
Past loves in touch, yes. Planning that trip to a place you love for the future – again, yes. New loves – forget it for now. Where to show the love? Your path, your status, your chosen career, your reputation, public image, how you are perceived and rewarded are going to be all important now thanks to the intense planetary focus on your 10th – retro Venus aside.
Vesta is in here at on the 6th, Venus still very much direct but slowing, meets Vesta. Vesta can trigger gender issues. Be aware this can be with your spouse or those you live with as well as your boss or in your 10th, with people in positions of authority. A bias in other words. Now this may be neutral as in you find yourself the minority gender working in a place dominated by the other. Or a Mr. Bennet type character in a household full of women! Just occasionally however, Vesta can bring up issues around equality so be on the lookout for this. Are you being treated differently because of the gender you identify with? Or expected to undertake certain tasks because of this?
Breaking barriers and stereotypes is possible now. As is changing how others see you. It’s time to take yourself more seriously. A little gravitas goes a long way. It’s also time to own your choices and decisions from the past. Good or bad. Ask what you have learned from them and see them as experiences. Above all, don’t judge yourself too harshly. That’s counterproductive to the new long term strategy you can put in place now.
The North Node arrives in your 10th on the 6th. Linking you to the path you are destined to walk. But also reminding you that you author this too. See this as a co-production between you and the universe. With the universe acting as the ultimate collaborator in your life. Check your chart now to see where your North Node is. If you are unsure please speak to one of our astrologers. Pay particular attention if you have the North Node in either Gemini or Sagittarius. The Nodes move backwards through the sign. So, from 29 degrees to zero in other words. This will eventually bring about a karmic crossroads decision for you as the Nodes move to square your Virgo Sun or other planets.
The Nodes operate on 19 year and also 9.5 year cycles. In other words, time to look back at these key dates because what went around then is likely to come back now. Either ‘different wrapper, same chocolate’ or in a spooky déjà vu kind of way. You have a full Moon in your 3rd the day before the Node arrives in your 3rd, so this may bring you news of the direction this is going to take you in.
The Nodes can mark the timing of important and destiny-driven life events. Often when we astrologers don’t have your time of birth, one aspect we will look at the Nodes as an indicator of major events. So, look back to look forward as to what this cycle is about to deliver. If you were 18 or over during the following periods, you may see the patterns emerging. Dec 14, 1945 – Aug 2, 1947. Aug 26, 1964 – Feb 19, 1966. Mar 17, 1983 – Sep 11, 1984. Oct 14, 2001 – Apr 14, 2003. And now, May 6, 2020 – January 18, 2022. Because Gemini is the sign of the Twins, you and someone else feature. That boss, that important person, that business partner, your live-in love or spouse or even the establishment itself. It is all about co-operation now.
Try to avoid making long term decisions around relationships now. Wait until Venus moves direct once more next month. This also includes those work or business relationships and anything that effects your status as the ruler of your 10th – Saturn, also heads retrograde in your 6th of work and wellbeing from the 11th. If you receive rewards now, it is because you have earned them. If you find doors are closed to you, then it is time to mine those past experiences and with the influence of the Node and also the Sun and new Moon in here on the 22nd, to set a new course for yourself based on those lessons. This is where owning your choices comes in.
Ruler Mercury’s arrival in your 10th from the 11th, gives you the mental focus you need to look at what you have to offer, your ideas, past achievements and experiences, and come up with a strategy to leverage these and make the most of them. This is all about what you have at your disposal right now and working within that rather than branching out. So, again, you may want to put those plans to look for a new job on hold for now but rather look to where you want to get to and how you can more effectively sell yourself instead.
Even if you don’t work, you may experience shifts around your partner and how you are perceived by others. This is the house of your public face so think of your reputation as something precious and be mindful of how you are seen – even at a self-isolating distance! You could have validation of this and even recognition as Mercury will meet the North Node in here on the 28th. This occurs just four days after Mars and Ceres meet in your 7th. A powerful conjunction which could usher in a new deal on a key relationship.
Hours after meeting the Node, Mercury will enter your 11th of the future. Who you meet, reconnect with and what you set in motion will have long term implications. Which is why it is so important to get serious about what it is you want – and where you want to get to this month, Virgo!
In a nutshell:
Your public and professional image, your career and your path are all in focus like no other time. Need to change direction? It’s time to plan rather than act. Set your sights higher, Virgo.
Mindfulness makes for opportunity
Big up that past love from long ago and far, far away
New beginnings stem from the past
Ruler Venus retrogrades rarely. When it does, all those things close to your Libran heart get the ‘pause’ button pushed on them. Love and partnership matters. Money. Venus is in your 9th when it heads backwards and in fact, you have a truly intense focus on this sector of your chart right now due to massive planetary activity. Throw into the mix that the ruler of your 9th – Jupiter, is also set to move backwards in your 4th of home, family and security from the 15th. Your roots, your sense of place and belonging, family and even country ties and what you need to feel secure will be in focus as well as people and places from long ago in places far, far away.
Avoid unnecessary expenditure now and if you are contemplating buying something even before Venus heads backwards, stop and ask yourself what need this really fills for you? Chances are it may be an emotional one. Look also to your relationship with your money as the full Moon strikes your 2nd on the 7th. You of all signs know you are in one with it. Does it need therapy? A little TLC? Some love? How much is ‘enough’? See yourself as rich now – even if just in intangibles such as your talents, or people as in all your relationships. You don’t need ‘stuff’ to feel this way. You need feeling and emotional connection. For so many of us, this lockdown period is delivering valuable lessons on what we truly need – and what we don’t. So, work with these insights.
The 6th sees the North Node arrive in your 9th. The focus on your past now includes those past places you may have lived and foreign connections. Don’t forget this includes past lives. Also, knowledge from that past life. Areas which fascinate you and to which you have a natural affinity but are perhaps, outside of your family and background. You have no explanation for where or what draws you now. Returning to learning or study may feature. As could be travelling back to countries you have a connection with either in this lifetime or another. Yes, not right now, but the Nodes take approximately 1.5 years to transit a sign. Be prepared to be pulled back somewhere during this cycle.
Check your chart now to see where yours are. If you are unsure please speak to one of our astrologers. Pay particular attention if you have the North Node in either Gemini or Sagittarius. Gemini is all about short trips often to familiar places. Sagittarius rules long distance travel and global perspectives. The Nodes move backwards through the sign. So, from 29 degrees to zero in other words.
The Nodes operate on 19 year and also 9.5 year cycles. In other words, time to look back at these key dates because what went around then is likely to come back now. Either ‘different wrapper, same chocolate’ or in a spooky déjà vu kind of way. The Nodes can mark the timing of important and destiny-driven life events. Often when we astrologers don’t have your time of birth, one aspect we will look at the Nodes as an indicator of major events. So, look back to look forward as to what this cycle is about to deliver. If you were 18 or over during the following periods, you may see the patterns emerging.
Dec 14, 1945 – Aug 2, 1947. Aug 26, 1964 – Feb 19, 1966. Mar 17, 1983 – Sep 11, 1984. Oct 14, 2001 – Apr 14, 2003. And now, May 6, 2020 – January 18, 2022. Learning, travel, lightening up, focussing on one idea at a time, and even partnerships due to Gemini being the sign of the Twins. Team up, join up, buddy up, double up. Don’t go it alone! Find that ‘other half’ – and be aware this may not be a romantic one – but of course it could be! And at the start of this cycle, with Venus retrograde, this can be a past partner too.
Emphasising the focus on past loves, Saturn in your Now Age 5th of romance also heads retrograde from the 11th. Which is the same day as Mercury arrives in your 9th. Look out beyond your usual horizons and see what (or who) is out there. News could come from far away. Again, you could even plan a trip for the future despite not being able to travel right now. Above all, do whatever you can to stand out, raise your profile and be seen via your virtual presence. Especially after the Sun arrives in here from the 20th.
Look closely at who or what may be limiting you. Messages you may have received from others especially telling you what you can or cannot do. However, slow down when it comes to your work and routine. Mars in your 6th could have you feeling there is nothing you can’t take on or tackle when it arrives in here on the 13th. You want to get things done. But ditch the desire to rush and the emotional heat. You won’t react well to stress now and also if you hurry mistakes and accidents can occur. Yes, even at home! Slow down. And don’t take on too much either. Adopt a ‘one thing at a time, done properly’ approach. And don’t let others rush you either.
The new Moon in your 9th on the 22nd marks the start of a real or metaphorical journey. This will top out the number of astral factors in this house to six – Sun, Moon, Mercury, retro Venus, Vesta and the North Node. Be open as to what this journey entails. This new Moon is about travel and also mindfulness. That is being mindful that opportunity or ‘luck’ doesn’t just involve being in the right place at the right time or knowing the right people. But also in your ability to see it for what it is. So, explore potentials rather than reject them. Can you rule your world from your couch? The answer is ‘Yes’ – if you are willing to explore the ways.
Saying ‘the buck stops here’ in terms of what you take on or are willing to give up could feature as Mars and Ceres meet in your 6th on the 24th and will both align to Uranus in your 8th. There’s a choice to be made here and this could be around what is truly most important to you.
News around that new path or direction you are now headed in could arrive on the 28th when Mercury and the North Node meet in your 9th. This can be a destiny driven path, the return to a place you have been before or completion or karma set in motion 19 years ago. Have you walked this path before? Or are there themes which are repeating that could even have been handed down through your family? You can make a new karmic choice now. What you write, say, hear or communicate has big implications.
Within hours of meeting the Node, Mercury moves off into your 10th. If you have felt over the past few years you have lost kudos, ground or even traction in your career or status, this could mark the start of a re-ascention for you. This month may have a lot to do with the past. But it also tells you that the only way is up, back where you belong, from here on in.
In a nutshell:
Love heads backwards along with your ruler Venus this month. It’s not so much that love is off the menu, Libra. It’s about re-exploring the past and reviving old loves, rather than the new.
Love drives the engines of change
Own your past
Release yourself into the future
There’s a changing dynamic at work between you and someone else this month, Scorpio. It could involve your partner – past or present, your employer, someone close to you or even an institution – your bank, a government body or company for instance. At the heart of all this is how powerful you feel and what you have been thinking about for a very long time. Whether this is something you desire or something that pushes your buttons in all the challenging ways – you’ll attract it now.
Links to the past are going to feature in a big way. As will your choices and decisions. Be aware that the choices you make now, you will live with for a long time to come. No pressure! So, think things through. But when you do act, come from a place of confidence, surety and empowerment. Time to reclaim these if you have felt they have been missing these past couple of years. As to who or what this dynamic of change will focus on, you should be given a heads-up on this as the emotion filling full Moon appears in your sign on the 7th. This brings to the surface your underlying feelings around something or someone. This is because full Moons shine their light into the house opposite. In this case your 7th. So, there’s an intense emotional focus happening now.
This occurs the day after the North Node arrives in your karmically charged 8th house. Remember,
this is your house of rebirth and resurrection too. And this month brings us a heavy emphasis on the past and the engines of change. Think ‘re’ words at this time. Renegotiation. Reconciliation. Renewal. Release. Check where your North Node is in your chart. If you are unsure please speak to one of our astrologers. Pay particular attention if you have the North Node in either Gemini or Sagittarius. Gemini is all about short trips often to familiar places. Sagittarius rules long distance travel and global perspectives. As the North Node arrives in Gemini and your 8th on May 6th, it will move backwards through the sign. So, from 29 degrees to zero in other words.
Because of this month’s heavy retrograde weather, the start of this cycle links you to the past in a big way. The Nodes operate on 19 year and also 9.5 year cycles. In other words, time to look back at these key dates because what went around then is likely to come back now. Either ‘different wrapper, same chocolate’ or in a spooky déjà vu kind of way.
The Nodes can mark the timing of important and destiny-driven life events. Often when we astrologers don’t have your time of birth, one aspect we will look at the Nodes as an indicator of major events. So, look back to look forward as to what this cycle is about to deliver. If you were 18 or over during the following periods, you may see the patterns emerging. Dec 14, 1945 – Aug 2, 1947. Aug 26, 1964 – Feb 19, 1966. Mar 17, 1983 – Sep 11, 1984. Oct 14, 2001 – Apr 14, 2003. And now, May 6, 2020 – January 18, 2022. Your 8th is a house where karma lives. So, expect this to feature in a big way. Even if you were under 18 on any of these dates, this could involve past life karma or themes which keep repeating in your family. So, be aware of this.
The 11th sees Mercury enter this house. Expect negotiations especially around money to feature. Important papers can be signed now. The 11th also sees Saturn begin to move backwards in your 4th. Family matters, home or even that mortgage could be up for renewal, refinancing or renegotiation especially during the current circumstances. Detach from emotional charges around money. It’s all about how confident you feel negotiating. Older male family members or even authority figures or connections may feature now. Your best resource are family members, friends or contacts with experience. So if you need advice, turn to these.
Ancient ruler Mars brings emotional heat and desire as it enters your 5th on the 13th. This would normally bring you a green light to go seek out love. But this coincides with the day when Venus which rules your love life (and your bank account), heads retrograde in your 8th. As with a Mercury retrograde, a Venus one has its own retro rules no matter what house it heads backwards in. And as well you know, this is your house of sex as well as power money.
So, seeking out that new lover even from lockdown mode and wearing a Hazmat suit, should be put on hold for now. Unless you enjoy complicated situations that is. As should taking on new financial commitments or splurging. Reviving a lost love, refinancing – all permitted however. Be warned that with Venus retro in this house plus all the other factors at present, this is of course your house of endings. If things have not been going well between you and someone else, this may be the time where you have to concede the connection has been lived out – and move on.
The 15th also sees Jupiter move backwards in Mercury’s ruling 3rd of contracts and communication. Use caution in business dealings – pretty well what you would do during a Mercury retrograde in fact. Foreign connection, legal matters, studying and doing business overseas may be particularly impacted. But again, this may not apply if you are engaged in reviving a past contact. With Mars in your 5th, pour that passion and desire into turning the heat back up with your present partner if you have one. Indulge in hobbies and pastimes you can pour your passion into. Especially if these are what you can share with your children. Or work on those creative projects.
The Sun’s arrival in your 8th on the 20th, plus the powerful new Moon in here on the 22nd, brings the number of karmic power playing positions in here to six – Sun, Moon, Mercury, retro Venus, Vesta and the North Node. This new Moon will trine retrograde Saturn which rules karma in your 4th. This is a re-visitation. It’s about owning your past history. Your decisions, choices and actions. It’s also about your roots, what you have established for yourself and how you are seen. Your status and reputation. And the things which affect this.
It’s time to own everything in your past and if you have been blaming others, to now see your own part whatever that was, and let it all go. If you can do this, you are promised a powerful new beginning. One in which you step free of rinse and repeat cycles forever. It’s all in the ownership and understanding you define your path from here on in.
Ceres rules deals, compromises, power and can usher in new cycles of experience. Reconciling your past with where you have arrived at in the present represents on a soul level, perfect compromise and balance. The 24th brings about a meeting between Mars and Ceres in your 5th where you can co-create something new with someone. But a compromise is necessary – but worth it.
News around this or of a ‘what goes around comes around’ flavour could occur on the 28th when Mercury engages the North Node in your 8th. If something or someone feels familiar, look again at those past choices. You can choose different this time if you want. What results from this could set you on a fresh course towards travel, opportunity, learning and freedom for the future, as just hours later Mercury heads off into your 9th. Just remember – release is a ‘re’ word too this retrograde season, Scorpio.
In a nutshell:
Powerful aspects link you to the past, Scorpio. Is this a repeat performance or something you can fashion into a fabulously fresh future? You are the broker of a sweet, new karmic deal now.
Love makes the world – and destiny, go round
Have you settled for less in past?
Work with what you have right now
Look back 19 years if you are old enough and see who featured back then. The past is set to repeat in some way when it comes to partnerships and long-term loves. You begin the month with Venus which rules your love life and all partnerships, in its ruling 7th in your chart. And this is where the main planetary action will take place this month. And where destiny drives you for the next 1.5 years.
Let’s talk first about the Nodes and you need to check your chart now to see where yours are. If you are unsure please speak to one of our astrologers. Pay particular attention if you have the North Node in either Gemini your 7th or your 1st. As the North Node arrives in Gemini, it will move backwards through the sign. So, from 29 degrees to zero in other words.
The Nodes operate on 19 year and also 9.5 year cycles. In other words, time to look back at these key dates because what went around then is likely to come back now. Either ‘different wrapper, same chocolate’ or in a spooky déjà vu kind of way. You have a full Moon in your house of the past, past lives and mysteries the day before the Node arrives in your 7th. Are you thinking about someone from your past or important past relationships? Maybe in a broader spiritual/reincarnation perspective? Don’t be surprised then if who or what you are remembering now, reappears either in person or in the form of a strikingly familiar situation.
The Nodes can mark the timing of important and destiny-driven life events. Often when we astrologers don’t have your time of birth, one aspect we will look at the Nodes as an indicator of major events. So, look back to look forward as to what this cycle is about to deliver. If you were 18 or over during the following periods, you may see the patterns emerging.
Dec 14, 1945 – Aug 2, 1947. Aug 26, 1964 – Feb 19, 1966. Mar 17, 1983 – Sep 11, 1984. Oct 14, 2001 – Apr 14, 2003. And now, May 6, 2020 – January 18, 2022. Learning, travel – especially back to places where you have a past or past life connection, lightening up, focussing on one idea at a time and because Gemini is the sign of the Twins, yes, that ‘other half’ of you is going to feature. Team up, join up, buddy up, double up. Don’t go it alone! Find that person who completes you on some level. And be aware this may not be a romantic one – but of course it could be!
So, let’s talk about love and partnerships as well as the past. The Nodes move just before we enter what is going to be major retrograde weather of the rare variety. The 11th sees Mercury which rules Gemini, arrive in your 7th. Partnerships especially the past and the present, will be the main topic of conversation. This is also the day that Saturn in Mercury’s ruling 3rd, turns retrograde. If there’s karma still to be lived out between you and someone, they may return. As could even a past career or work opportunity. What’s still to be learned for both of you in which case?
The 13th puts new love very much on hold so please don’t go looking for it now. Venus makes one of its rare retrogrades and in its ruling 7th. If you are tempted to flaunt the Venus retro rules all you may end up with is a lover who blows hot and cold (but mostly cold), who is all passion and then suddenly ghosts you, or isn’t as available as they make out (‘It’s complicated’). A Sagittarian friend of mine once went on a first date on a Venus retro with a theoretical physicist. Who then tried to use fuzzy logic to explain away the fact he was in fact, married. That’s the kind of situation a Venus retro in your 7th can deliver!
Added to this, ruler Jupiter then also retrogrades in Venus’s ruling 2nd in your chart from the 15th. As well as love, new financial dealings, launching that side hustle also has the ‘pause’ button hit now. This is however an excellent time to come up with a long-term financial plan and to aim for bigger biccies for the future. Watch your spending too.
Working with the love (or even the money) you have right now, reviving a past love or source of income, are the best ways to work with this intense retrograde energy which is going to impact on you in a very personal way. On a soul level, look to your self-worth. Are you harbouring any self- worth or self-esteem issues? Are you ‘settling’ for something you deep down know isn’t right or good enough but are afraid this is all you can have? If someone or something turns up again do you feel saying ‘Yes’ once more is better than saying ‘No, thanks’? Our ability to say no is linked to our self-worth. What’s your answer?
Mars enters your 4th on the 13th. You need to be aware this is not a good placement for Mars. Soy ou may feel very emotional and vulnerable when it comes to anything connected to your security. You may even mis-read other people’s intentions and jump to the wrong conclusion. Those you live with may rub you up the wrong way. Your partner or your flatmate left their unwashed dishes in the sink – AGAIN!! Instead of just shrugging in your usual way, this now turns into a major conflict. Turn down the emotional heat if you can by either channelling your energy into domestic activities or else spend as much time as you can outside of the home in a socially-distanced way. Gardening if you have one or walk or cycle. You need an outlet!
The Sun’s arrival in your 7th on the 20th highlights the focus on you and another person. Or more than one. This can be your live-in lover, marriage partner, bestie, business partner, activity partner, long standing work connection or past partner. Usually the new Moon in here which occurs on the 22nd, marks the start of a new phase of relating.
Usually with Venus in here if you were single and seeking, this would usher in a wonderful time to look for and begin a new love. But with Venus backwards we are looking back towards the past. Perhaps even looking at it in a new light as when we relate to history in a new way, we stop repeating it. If you are settled, you can revive the kind of feelings you had when you first met. Cook a special meal and set the mood. Recapture that rapture in the bedroom or just take the time to make your partner – and yourself, feel loved-up and special again.
This could even involve brokering a new and better deal around housework or who does what at home. Maybe feeing up more time so you have more of that for love? Mars and Ceres meet in your 4th on the 24th. This could bring in a compromise over domestic duties. The 28th truly transports you back to the past. You could either hear from an old lover or partner, be offered a déjà vu opportunity that allows you to relive an old story or something is offered to you a second time as Mercury meets the North Node in your 7th.
How is that path not taken looking? Ready to explore? Within hours of this, Mercury will shift into your house of other money and shared assets, your 8th. There’s a bargain or a new deal to be done with the past that either sets you going around again or on towards something new. It’s all in your confidence to make the right choice now, Sag. Whether this is yes or no, you’re setting a dual destiny in motion.
In a nutshell:
New love gets the pause button pushed on it. But exploring past loves hands you the keys to your future. The next 1.5 years are all about your destiny with that other half, Sag!
Let go and let flow again
If it comes back – it’s yours if you want it
Reframe past loves and re-set your karma
There’s going to be a more than usual intensity when it comes to your past this month, Capricorn. This is due to very heavy retrograde weather. You not only have Pluto retrograde in your 1st but Jupiter also heads backwards in your sign from the 15th. Yes, lockdown makes forward, free-wheelin’ progress which Jupiter usually embodies difficult. But you can reconnect to those goals – especially the really big ones!
Your ruler Saturn also retrogrades in your 2nd from the 11th. Venus is the natural ruler of your 2nd as well as your 7th. It too will retrograde in your 6th from the 13th. So, take it that new love and fresh financial dealings are off the table now. It’s time to focus on what you can refresh, renew or reimagine from your past. This can even include re-framing it. Especially your love life or financial history. Not in a sentimental way but via seeing it all as a learning journey which has brought you to where you are today.
Let’s now talk about the Nodes and you need to check your chart now to see where yours are. If you are unsure please speak to one of our astrologers. Pay particular attention if you have the North Node in either Gemini or Sagittarius. Gemini is all about short trips often to familiar places. Sagittarius rules long distance travel and global perspectives. As the North Node arrives in Gemini and your 6th on May 6th, it will move backwards through the sign. So, from 29 degrees to zero in other words.
The start of this cycle links you to the past in a big way. Especially as this puts the South Node in your 12th house of the past and past lives. The Nodes operate on 19 year and also 9.5 year cycles. In other words, time to look back at these key dates because what went around then is likely to come back now. Either ‘different wrapper, same chocolate’ or in a spooky déjà vu kind of way. You have a full Moon in your house of resurrection the day before the Node arrives in your 3rd, so this may point the way to what is about to reappear or be reborn.
The Nodes can mark the timing of important and destiny-driven life events. Often when we astrologers don’t have your time of birth, one aspect we will look at the Nodes as an indicator of major events. So, look back to look forward as to what this cycle is about to deliver. If you were 18 or over during the following periods, you may see the patterns emerging. Dec 14, 1945 – Aug 2, 1947. Aug 26, 1964 – Feb 19, 1966. Mar 17, 1983 – Sep 11, 1984. Oct 14, 2001 – Apr 14, 2003. And now, May 6, 2020 – January 18, 2022.
Learning, communication, lightening up, focussing on one idea at a time and because Gemini is the sign of the Twins, yes, it takes two baby, are going to feature. Team up, join up, buddy up, double up. Don’t go it alone! Find that ‘other half’ – and be aware this may not be a romantic one – but of course it could be! What a can tell you is that on this axis, whomever this turns out to be with – and it could be with more than one person and more than one dynamic, you have done this before. Even if this is not in this lifetime. Lockdown making you feel like you are missing out? Don’t worry. This transit will take 1.5 years to complete. Time is on your side!
Like any other retrograde, a Venus one has its own rules. When a planet heads backwards, unless it is Pluto which simply gets more powerful, we say that what it rules is suspended or a no-go area. Saturn of course rules your status, career, structure and establishment. Jupiter rules luck and expansion. Venus rules your love life and your money. So, unless you enjoy ‘It’s complicated’ situations, then this is not the time to embark on a new love affair. Despite starting the month with the Sun in your 5th house of romance. The same goes for your money. It’s not the time to enter into long term financial agreements, to take out new loans or credit cards for instance.
And while your ruler Saturn in your 2nd would normally have you keeping an eye on your spending, now it is backwards, you could be tempted to throw that budget out of the window and splurge away. Possibly on things to fabulise yourself – which of course, Venus and the Sun in your 5th would lure you into doing. Try to resist if you can. Simply because you may fall out of love with whatever it is you have convinced yourself you must have when Venus heads direct again. The same thing goes for that lover who connects on-line. You don’t want to end up wondering ‘What the hell was I thinking?’ Fortunately, maintaining social distancing means you cannot rush right now. Take this as working in your favour.
However, if someone does return, you may want to consider they still have an important role to play in your future. This could include friends as well as past lovers, colleagues or partners. Especially if they turn up under the full Moon in your 11th on the 7th.
Mercury enters its ruling 6th on the 11th and you may like to use this to look at how what you do every day impacts on how you feel. This includes your routine, what you eat, the vibe where you are, what you do on a daily basis, the weather, your job, the exercise you take (or not) and the thoughts you think. That clutter too. Mental and physical.
Is it time to clear not just that closet but that desktop, those shelves and that penicillin yogurt out of the fridge? What about all that other stuff you are hanging on to? Old texts, emails or letters from that lover for instance? Or even memories. Mercury rules your conscious mind and the impact this has on our physical self. How does holding on make you feel? Does letting go scare you even though whenever you look at something from your past you feel sad or get that sinking feeling? Time for some bravery if so.
Because Venus retro and also the Nodes can redeliver someone from the past, have the confidence to let go now in the knowledge that if there is still a future there for you both, they will return. But to hang on to the past means you block potential. Whether this is with them or someone new. Mars lands in Mercury’s other ruling sign – your 3rd on the 13th. You now won’t merely think it. You will have the conviction and confidence to do it. Or say it to someone if this is called for.
This is a fabulous transit under which to sell yourself, your ideas, apply for that role or to push forward with business matters especially anything which can be done on-line or to do with writing. You bring passion to anything you write, say or communicate. And say it like you mean it so people take you at your word. Mars and Ceres will meet in here on the 24th. This could see an offer or a deal on the table for you. Perhaps because you shifted the energy with all you got rid of, clearing the way for something new.
The 20th sees the Sun arrive in your 6th and along with the new Moon in here on the 22nd brings the total number of aspects in this house to six. Sun, Moon, Mercury, retro Venus, Vesta and the North Node. Take note of your chart if you have planets or other aspects in either Gemini or Sagittarius as these could be hitting those now. This new Moon trines Saturn. It is asking you to set a direction and create systems, order and structure in your life. To have a plan, a schedule, a ‘To do’ list. And to stick to it. It’s the small changes you make now that will lead to big shifts later. If you feel life is disorganised, chaotic or simply messy, you have the power to bring in order and flow once more.
News you have been waiting on or a blast from the past could be in touch as Mercury meets the North Node on the 28th. This occurs just hours before Mercury enters your 7th. Reviving a partnership or even a working connection is a possibility. Or what’s on offer may be new, but contain echoes of the past in the present. Does it take you towards where you want to go? And above all, does it make you feel good? Use those as your reasons to say yes or no, Capricorn.
In a nutshell:
The litmus test for holding on to something – or for taking them back, is how it or they make you feel this May, Capricorn. Energised and vibrant? Or on the down-slide? You know what to do.
Don’t sweat the small stuff (Pro tip: It’s all small stuff!)
Unleash long lost joy
Link back to romance
We’re in Gemini weather like we’ve not experienced in a very long time this month, Aquarius. This is your house of pleasure, fun, good times, holidays, where you shine and are noticed, children, creative ventures and yes, romance. But hold the front page! This month isn’t about new beginnings. It’s about the past. Tom Robbins wrote that it is never too late to have a happy childhood. Reviving or reliving your early days, hobbies, activities and even planning to travel back to places you lived when you were younger could feature now. As could childhood friends. Feel you missed out on something? Perhaps even education? Then this month offers the chance to go back and begin again.
Let your inner child out to play now. And give yourself permission to do what you love. First, let’s talk about the Nodes. So, check your chart now to see where yours are. If you are unsure please speak to one of our astrologers. Pay particular attention if you have the North Node in either Gemini or Sagittarius. Gemini is all about short trips often to familiar places. Sagittarius rules long distance travel and global perspectives. As the North Node arrives in Gemini and your 5th on May 6th, it will move backwards through the sign. So, from 29 degrees to zero in other words.
Because of other aspects in the sky which I will get to in a moment, the start of this cycle links you to the past in a big way. The Nodes operate on 19 year and also 9.5 year cycles. In other words, time to look back at these key dates because what went around then is likely to come back now. Either ‘different wrapper, same chocolate’ or in a spooky déjà vu kind of way. You have a full Moon in your house of resurrection the day before the Node arrives in your 3rd, so this may point the way to what is about to reappear or be reborn.
The Nodes can mark the timing of important and destiny-driven life events. Often when we astrologers don’t have your time of birth, one aspect we will look at the Nodes as an indicator of major events. So, look back to look forward as to what this cycle is about to deliver. If you were 18 or over during the following periods, you may see the patterns emerging.
Dec 14, 1945 – Aug 2, 1947. Aug 26, 1964 – Feb 19, 1966. Mar 17, 1983 – Sep 11, 1984. Oct 14, 2001 – Apr 14, 2003. And now, May 6, 2020 – January 18, 2022. Learning, travel, lightening up, focussing on one idea at a time and because Gemini is the sign of the Twins and your 5th, yes, a partner in crime too. Team up, join up, buddy up, double up. Don’t go it alone! Find that ‘other half’ – and be aware this may not be a romantic one – but of course it could be! And don’t sweat lockdown limitations either. The Nodes takes 1.5 years to make their journey through a sign. You have time!
This month’s full Moon takes place on the 7th in your 10th of career, reputation and status. You are ‘on show’ in some way now. People are taking notice whether you are aware of this or not. Above all, put your best professional face forward. Full Moons shine their light into the house opposite. In this case this is the Moon’s ruling 4th. So, home, family and most importantly, your emotional, financial and physical security. Something to do with your career may come to a climax now. No matter how you may feel inside, you need to take care of business.
Stick to facts, not feelings. And if you are faced with difficult people insisting on having their own way – don’t lose your cool. How you handle things is being noticed. Kudos to you. If you are involved in an interview process, pitch, presentation or out for a promotion, you have the confidence to go for it after the 13th and to push forward when Mars enters your 2nd. There could be a new agreement or deal around your income, side hustle, assets or work on the table which results in a win/win for both parties. Follow through on ways to make more especially if part of your plan for this involves sharing it with others. And see what comes to fruition around the 24th when Mars meets Ceres in here.
Although this month’s aspects are centered on your romantic 5th, now is not the time to begin a new love affair. Yes, even an on-line one or that intriguing stranger at a social distance in their PPE! Mercury arrives in here on the 11th – the same day as Saturn heads retrograde in your 1st. At this point you may be feeling you’ve been all too serious lately and have a desire to flirt or seek out someone new. However, you need to remain aware that Venus which rules your love life, will make a rare retrograde in here from the 13th.
So, love is now on hold. At least the new variety. Go against the Venus retro rules and you can end up not knowing where you stand, stood up, ghosted or in the dreaded ‘It’s complicated’ situation. Past loves and missed opportunities are another matter however. The 15th sees Jupiter also head retro in your 12th of the past. This could redeliver a past connection. Just hold off on the new for now.
The Sun also arrives in your 5th on the 20th – joining Mercury, retro Venus, Vesta and the North Node. The 22nd brings a new Moon in here which also makes a beautiful trine to retrograde Saturn in your 1st. That new beginning has its roots buried deep in your past. Watch what or who, reappears at this time. This could even be a new situation but it has a distinct familiar sense to it. You have been here before. Or if it involves an individual, there is still a chapter to be written between you.
News that has a fated feel, being recast in a leading role, reconciling with a past lover or finding yourself ‘back where you belong’ could be heading your way as Mercury meets the North Node on the 28th. Children, babies, your adult children, young people, the next generation, god children or that inner child I’ve been talking about, may link you back to lost joy and your own youth. Becoming a parent, step parent, grandparent or involvement with children brings out this side of you. Sometimes it does us good to stop adulting for a while. Give yourself permission to indulge in your carefree, playful side. How about reviving that childhood hobby for instance? Or sharing this with your children if you have them? This can work in reverse as your children or someone younger, draws you in to their world of joyfulness and fun!
Within hours of this, Mercury has moved on into its ruling 6th. Time to look at your wellbeing and routine. Headaches or backaches need special attention. Chillax and try yoga. This house is about duty and service. The things all of us have to do in other words whether we are in paid work or not. As karma is at work now, it’s about rewards or being held back until we have dealt with the small stuff properly. And aside from love this month, what you need to know is – it’s all small stuff, Aquarius!
In a nutshell:
Time to let your inner child out to play. And to stop taking life so seriously. Romance could make a revival. As could replaying your top ten hit list from the past. Let the good times roll – again.
Your past is like a beautiful vintage item – never out of style
Keep what adds to your security
Head to where you truly belong
You of all signs are adept at looking at the past and re-envisioning it. Salvaging what is still relevant, re-shaping it if necessary and re-forming it for the future. So, this month could see you in your element, Pisces. When confronted with the past and what to keep and what to chuck, look at whether or not it has longevity now. And how it contributes to your feelings of satisfaction, security and emotional safety. If it doesn’t or makes you feel unsure or nervous – this is a sign it no longer has a place in your life.
Let’s talk about the Nodes and you need to check your chart now to see where yours are. If you are unsure please speak to one of our astrologers. Pay particular attention if you have the North Node in either Gemini or Sagittarius. Gemini is all about short trips often to familiar places. Sagittarius rules long distance travel and global perspectives. As the North Node arrives in Gemini and your 4th on May 6th, it will move backwards through the sign. So, from 29 degrees to zero in other words.
Because of other aspects in the sky which I will get to in a moment, the start of this cycle links you to the past in a big way. The Nodes operate on 19 year and also 9.5 year cycles. In other words, time to look back at these key dates because what went around then is likely to come back now. Either ‘different wrapper, same chocolate’ or in a spooky déjà vu kind of way.
The Nodes can mark the timing of important and destiny-driven life events. Often when we astrologers don’t have your time of birth, one aspect we will look at the Nodes as an indicator of major events. So, look back to look forward as to what this cycle is about to deliver. If you were 18 or over during the following periods, you may see the patterns emerging.
Dec 14, 1945 – Aug 2, 1947. Aug 26, 1964 – Feb 19, 1966. Mar 17, 1983 – Sep 11, 1984. Oct 14, 2001 – Apr 14, 2003. And now, May 6, 2020 – January 18, 2022. This is in your 4th of family, your home, neighbourhood, where you grew up, your roots, traditions, family ties, property, those you live with – whether family, partners or sharers. It’s also about where you ‘feel’ at home and who with. Often this may not be who we were brought up with or where. The full Moon on the 7th promises transformation and also the opportunity to set sail, to head towards something or some place or an idea that calls us. It’s different for all of us. In some cases this can even be knowledge as both Gemini and Sagittarius rule learning and teaching.
Many of you may be considering moving I the future, nas Mercury enters your 4th on the 11th. Mercury rules contracts and buying, selling, renting and leasing. That past flavour continues as Saturn now heads retrograde in your 12th on the same day. Are you thinking about going back to your roots? This can also involve staying put but relinking to the past and sending the roots you have planted deeper. Again, if you are thinking about any kind of move or major career change now, consider how this supports you in the long term.
You have plenty of time to think this through due to the current climate before taking action. The decisions you make you’ll live with for a long time to come. Don’t rush making them even as Mars hurtles into your 1st from the 13th. This hands you confidence, passion, drive and yes, more than you fair share of sexiness, Pisces. But the problem with that is that this is the same day as Venus turns retrograde in your 4th.
Just like a Mercury retrograde, Venus ones come pre-packaged with their own set of rules. These apply to all Venus ruled activities. Love and your money in other words. It doesn’t matter which house the retro occurs in – the basic rules apply. So, steer clear of new love affairs (yes, the on-line variety!) unless complications, mysteries and not knowing where you stand are your thing. Try to avoid taking on new financial responsibilities. If you are redecorating at this time, you will need to keep a tight rein on your spending. Venus can throw budgets out of the window when it comes to beautifying your environment. The problem being you may wonder what possessed you later. The same applies to that new love interest too.
Loves and also friends from the past could come door knocking as Jupiter now heads backwards in your 11th. This is also your house of goals and dreams. What wishes still need fulfilling? While Jupiter backwards can limit progress or opportunities, it can see us reclaiming that past goal or social network. Encountering someone from your past – and perhaps also from far away, is another aspect of fate and the past impacting on your present. As could be deciding to return to education now.
The Sun arrives in your 4th on the 20th. This is now about you owning your own path. Not your past, not your family – you. The new Moon in here is one of the most important of the year for you.
This is the Moon’s ruling house. Parental issues may come up. Even if your parents are no longer here or you have not seen them for a while. What this Moon along with the Sun, Mercury, retro Venus, Vesta and the Node in here wants you to understand is that this is your life. Not your parents. Not what traditions tell you if these no longer mean anything to you. Yours. Claim this and as if by magic, you will see a new path open up. This could be via a person – especially one you have past ties to. It could be a past opportunity returning. Or the chance to begin again on a new footing and in a new environment. Does this give you a true sense of belonging – to yourself? If so, then just say ‘Yes’.
News relating to this could arrive as early as the 28th when Mercury entangles with the North Node. Decisions can be made now relating to your career path, your lifestyle and yes, that place you call home – or want to. Within hours of this encounter, Mercury will move off into your 5th of pleasure, romance, children, play and creativity. Reviving a hobby, a mini break back to familiar places, an old lover, revising a project or reconnecting to what gave you joy in the past can make everything old seem like new again, Pisces. That vintage love could just be back in style now.
In a nutshell:
If you’ve been living in someone’s shadow or trying to live up to their expectations, this month frees you to walk your own path, Pisces. Old loves return with new meaning. Get back where you belong.
Check out the general astrology and more about the Nodes here.
Check out your Monthly Astrology video here.
The post Written Astrology May 2020 – Huge Personal Shifts appeared first on Michele Knight.