The Healing Rose


This blog post is not for the weak-minded. Nor is it for the weak of heart. It is to encourage those who have both spiritual resilience and also 'eyes that see'.

Recent events have been a time marker of sorts. And layers of healing, all of them deeply entwined and intermixed, will be unraveled one by one.

This woman I first saw playing the role of SueEllen Snivens on the Mary Tyler Moore show. Every Friday night our family would see her while we watched T.V.  She's had various roles as an actress. Her husband was Alan Ludden, a former game show host, on a different show I used to watch when I got sick. I believe it was called Password. I think she used to sometimes show up on his show as a guest too. 

Alan was close friends with Bob Barker, yet another game show host. Bob was from the Price Is Right. Bob is a big supporter of animals, known for his donations and his telling everyone to get their pets fixed. 

Well, people did what he said. And now, instead of being able to find a puppy or kitten from a neighbor for free, it's a big deal to try to rescue or adopt one. Because of their scarcity, the pet has been elevated in status in our society. And even more, it is common practice to also embed a microchip into the family pet so people will be able to prove it's theirs incase of dispute. How often such disputes arise, and how often people who take a pet would let it be in a situation for the former owner to dispute it, I'm not sure--but it's part of our society now. 

Those who have eyes that see, probably already know of the hidden roles this woman has held, for a long time, and also, the significance of a 31st 'departure'...

This woman was first lady in my younger years. I think I grew up with Mrs. Agnew, Patricia Nixon, Betty Ford, Rosalyn Carter, Nancy Reagan, and then her. 

People with eyes that see, and who are in the know, are aware not only of her hidden role, as well as her lineage.  Things are not what they seem. Not with all the world being a stage, and the stories we are told as 'history'. 

If you look closely, there is resemblance between both of these women described in the blog. I see it in the smile. You might ask yourself 'how can that be?'

Well, you never know. It is uncanny, isn't it? They could pass for sisters!

I spend a lot of my time at this place. I have in two lifetimes, not one. 

I post a lot of the fun I have while I am there.

I never forget what happened in the old life, or, my role in helping to do my part as a spiritual warrior. 

Not even at the funnest times.

I also have a working knowledge of how the hidden world is run. Just basically a 'nuts and bolts' level of understanding.

At times where opportunity was most optimal, my heart cried out to Divine Creator, interceding for the sake of the children, and used the strongest and sincerest form of repairing the energy chasms which exist. Not once but twice. And yes, what I did energetically threw a wrench into a well oiled spiritual machine designed outside of the scope of Divine Creator--not once, but twice!

Is there a title for who I am and what I do in this capacity?

No. None exist. And no one has the energy signature to accomplish what I have been sent to do, besides me.

The place in the photo before this one, is known as the most likely place for a pandemic to hit in my area. There are people mixing together from all over the world, in close proximity. The night before we went, I lay awake wondering if something was going to be administered/sprayed to the huge crowds that were there, a new twist by TWDNHOBIAH?

But I went.

Not only did I go, but I posted pictures.

Pictures of me mask-less, me smiling, and genuinely having fun. 

How many pictures is it going to take to undo the programming of fear porn spewed out by the mainstream media?

How many examples is it going to take, to help make the horrible memory of this photo above, turn into an old story to tell your grandchildren to make them laugh at what you once endured? 

This is a layer of healing, where, if you have eyes that see, and hopefully, natural immunity, are willing to pick up the cause and share on your social media. You can't go through the logic, your memes aren't really going to 'connect' with people who are unfortunately persuaded by the mainstream media. If you have family and friends who are so persuaded, know that they are being bombarded with images which are military precision like in their ability to evoke psychological reaction and compliance with what is asked of them.

Make sure it's your smiling face in the crowds, unmasked, that is on the social media feed to counter those images. Appeal to the heart. Take care to strengthen the connection between your heart and theirs. 

After long enough of this campaign, it will be clear that you are not dead yet. You are having fun. And you are free from the control of the MSM, which is a branch of the group, TWDNHOBIAH, and further, under the leadership and direction of people who appear to be loving, warm, examples of kindness and goodness such as the everyday faces we grow up seeing on familiar? 

To be honest, for years I used to wonder why at New Year's Eve they would pair Kathy Griffin with Anderson Cooper. Now I have eyes that see, I know. LOL!

We each have our own tasks to accomplish. We each have our lessons, our 'curriculum', and our challenges just in our daily lives.

But when we have eyes that see, it is a literal GIFT. First of all, we aren't beholden to TWDNHOBIAH any more, for our eyes can see the truth. Second, we aren't being fooled or tricked any longer. 

In Sicily, growing up, my mother confided that everyone knew what the priests did with the nuns, and what happened with the inevitable progeny (offspring). They knew EXACTLY what happened. It was common knowledge in the village. But nobody ever let the Church know, that they knew. They were afraid of repercussions. The Church was powerful, especially in a small village where reputation meant everything. Did the people put a stop to it? How could they? The Church is organized all over the world, right?


Know what is going on.

When you are in the right place, at the right time, you will know what to do about it. 

It might not hit you until the last second upon which you are to act.

When it's time you'll know, you won't doubt, and you'll feel it strongly in your heart.

Ross gently says, 'what if you don't have eyes that see?' and 'what can be done about it?'

I would say, to pray. 

Ask Divine Creator for Spiritual Wisdom and Sight. 

Know and trust that those who have Eyes That See would never ever hold it against you for, perhaps, 'needing glasses' and that your vision isn't so good at the moment. 

We are all in this together. 

Creator sent the best of the best, and if you are reading this, undoubtedly you are in this group!

Perhaps instead of focusing on the eyes, you might wish to explore if you have Ears that Hear, or a Nose for Truth, or other things...

Always be humble. 

Treasure your spiritual gifts.

And fight the one who takes something beautiful and delights in destroying it! Literally and spiritually.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twins

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