You've likely been cooped up inside during the many short, grey, cold days over the past few months. Well, you can kiss those winter blues goodbye at Walmart, your one-stop shop for all of the best outdoor gear for camping, hiking, climbing, or revitalizing your yard this spring. From the greatest hiking boots to the coolest tools that'll keep you and your family safe, dry, and warm while spending time outdoors, Walmart has everything you need at prices you can afford.
Go ahead and book that campsite you've been eying up, map out that epic hike, and dream big about a backyard full of life, because this spring you're going to be outside, playing games with your kids, listening to music, building fires, avoiding bugs, learning how to grow vegetables with your children, and making incredible memories together.
To get your spring started right, we've curated the coolest, most affordable outdoor gadgets and gear from Walmart to stock up on right now.
Seating when camping or while on a hike with kids is often an afterthought. This affordable camping stool folds for easy carrying and provides a place to sit around the campfire after a long day on your feet.
Lightweight, palm-sized, and quickly rechargeable in just 2 hours, your hands will stay toasty (up to 131° F) even in unforeseen weather. Expect up to 8 hours of warmth from this clever hand warmer that doubles as a backup power bank, meaning your phone won't die on you while outdoors!
There's hardly a situation you could find yourself in while camping, hunting, fishing, or hiking that you won't be prepared for when you have this affordable 15-in-1 tool. Tucked away inside this compact tool are needle nose pliers, slotted screwdrivers, knives, a saw, a nail file, and even a bottle opener to easily pop open a cold one at the end of the day.
Matches get wet and lighters run out of fluid, but you'll always be able to start a fire in the great outdoors with this handy tool. This magnesium rod lasts for a whopping 15,000 strikes and comes with a paracord compass bracelet, too.
Nature is full of wonder during the day, but come nightfall, the mood can change. Shadows and sounds in the dark make being outside scary for some, especially little kids, which is why you should always have easy access to light. This LED camping lantern is waterproof, rechargeable, and can either hang or sit on the ground to illuminate the night.
Let's be real for a second: nature is awesome, but bugs and bug bites can torpedo time spent outdoors with or without kids in tow. Be prepared this spring and ward off ticks, mosquitoes, gnats, and more with Max Formula Repel 40% DEET spray. You're welcome!
If you've got work to do in your yard this spring or have a few hikes on the horizon, you can count on these Skechers to keep your feet dry and well-cushioned. Their cloud-like memory foam insoles and trademarked Relaxed Fit interior will provide the most comfortable support no matter the terrain or weather. Plus, these steel-toe boots come in wide sizes, too!
A cooler is the cornerstone of any campsite setup, beach day, or backyard hangout. Whether you're stashing your favorite drinks, cheeses, or chocolates under cubes of ice, this Igloo on wheels with an expandable handle for easy transport will keep everything chill inside.
Music is a staple of outdoor fun, whether it’s at the beach, on a boat, in the backyard, or around a campfire in the woods. The JBL Flip 5 is portable, waterproof, has excellent range, makes your tunes sound amazing, and comes in many colors including camouflage.
A waterproof backpack is a must-have for anyone looking to spend quality time in nature. This rucksack is lightweight, breathable, waterproof, and tear-resistant, making it the perfect choice for climbers, hikers, campers, or simply to pack a picnic at your local park.
You want to leave only footprints when spending time in Mother Nature, so leave the disposable water bottles at home and pack this clever collapsible bottle instead. Expand it when you're refilling up to 16 ounces of cold water, and shrink it when finished to lighten your load.
Here's an under-the-radar outdoor essential that'll let you enjoy your time in just about any weather, in the shoes and clothes you already own! KIWI water repellant spray cleverly fills the pores in fabrics to keep water, dirt, and other elements away from your body. Springtime can be incredibly damp, so prepare your outer layers with this spray to stay protected.