Create custom robots to handle specific challenges with Robot Workshop. |
Robot Workshop is a game for future innovators, and the game company (Thrive Venture Partners LTD) supports STREAM learning. As you can see from the box front in the image above, this game has won multiple awards.
The goal of Robot Workshop is to design and build robots for specific space missions on alien worlds. Robots that will be used to make people's lives easier by doing tasks that are complicated and considered too dangerous for human to attempt.
The game includes a square game board that measures 16" x 16". During the game you will be assembling custom body parts that are necessary to complete your mission. There are 20 custom body part tiles, and they include things like a grabber hand, a stun zapper, bipedal legs, and atmospheric sensors. Two pages of the instruction book are devoted to showing the 20 individual parts and their purposes. Keep the guide handy until you have played enough to memorize the parts and their functions.
There are 24 mission cards. Here is an example of a mission card.
Here is an example of the game board during play:
Your mission... according to the instruction booklet: "Your spaceship has landed on an alien world to start a new colony. As the robot engineer on the team, you will need to design robots to carry out missions based on what the brief says is needed." The mission robot solutions are shown in the back of the instruction book as complete robots.
Sounds like important work. Sounds like fun. Let's get started!
First player to reach the FINISH card and complete the mission wins the game.
Set up:
Set up the game board per the instructions, placing the robot part tiles in the workshop area and the mission cards, face-down, on their spaces. Give each play a robot core tile. Each player chooses a pawn and puts it on the start square. Place the die nearby. Keep the book nearby to consult if needed.
Player take turns. Start your turn by rolling the die and moving that number forward on the board. If you pass a mission space, you must stop there and forgo moving any remaining moves. Turn the card face-up and read it. This is the mission that player needs to build a robot for. Each robot consists of 4 pieces: Core, head, one arm, one leg. Player chooses the pieces he needs from the workshop and builds his robot. Once the robot is built, the other players check it for accuracy. If it is correct, the player moves any remaining moves that were foregone in that turn. If he is incorrect, he loses one turn. Either way his turn is over and a new mission card in placed in that space. Players continue to take turns and advance around the board. First player to the finish square on the board, that correctly fulfills the mission card on that square, wins the game.
The spaces on the board are three spaces, mission card, three spaces, mission card, three spaces, mission card, three spaces, finish card.
Just like real life, many times there is more than one solution to solve a problem. If the robot you build does not match the answer page, but you think it can do the job, make your case. If the majority of players agree, it is counted as a win for you.
Try this:
- Skip playing the game and just assemble the robots from the picture mission solution page.
- Skip the game. Place the body parts face-down on the table. Choose three to add to your core. Explain what the robot can do, based on the pieces.
- Work as a group and come up with your own mission scenario. Name your planet. Each person builds a robot and tells how it will contribute to the team to help solve the problem.
- Work on problem solving, logic, visualization, visual memory, spatial relations, visual closure, manual dexterity, palmar arch strengthening, process skills, executive functioning skills, play and leisure exploration and participation
In the box: Game board, 20 robot pieces, 24 mission cards, 3 player pawns, 1 four-sided die