There's always so much for Thankful Day, but this week, i'm thankful it's not quite as much as last week. If i had one of those weeks every time, i think i'd burn up my 9 lives in under a year, so to speak.
Last Saturday was busy, busy. The Sam's Club shopping was crazy, and we are thankful to still have gotten it done in under one hour.
Then later in the day i got a call from Ms. A, Becca's mom. It seems they have another dog now, a service dog in training named Mr. Bingle. How's this for interesting, she won the dog in a raffle, and donated him to the school where she works since the school is specifically for kids with learning disabilities. The dog will live with her family where it can be of assistance with Becca, and be at the school for the kids there, too.
Mr. Cal, the dog they have had for 12 years, is not amused by this huge newcomer. (Mr. Cal probably weighs all of 15 pounds at most, and Mr. Bingle is an 8-month-old Golden Doodle that is as big as Coda, or bigger, and is going to get bigger, too.)
Anyway, Ms. A was asking if i was okay with staying home from church with Becca and watching Mr. Cal and Mr. Bingle, who'd never been left alone together. Of course i was fine with it.
Mr. Bingle was very nervous when Ms. A left, but i completely ignored him and he eventually came and sat next to me and let me pet him, so i'm thankful he's warming up.
We'd hoped Little Girl would be released on Sunday, but instead she came on Monday, and we're very thankful we had such a good, long time with Coda and that Little Girl is back safe and sound.
Whenever we have Coda for a good while, Enigma SissyCat gets nervous and sometimes over-grooms herself. We'd noticed the last few days that she was getting a red patch on her belly again, so Sweetie arranged to drop her with the vet on Tuesday.
The Tuesday thankful things for Sweetie are: the vet was able to give the cat long acting shots so we don't need to medicate her, when Sweetie lost his debit card after paying at the vet he was able to get to the bank and get a new one right away, when Sweetie drove over a pothole on his way to the bank and ended up with a bent rim and a slow leak in the tire he was able to get to Kevin and Lenny's where they fixed it at no charge.
My Tuesday was a bit less dramatic, but i'm thankful i was able to sit with Ms. JAI as she cried and shared some of the difficulties she's had. Sometimes that's more important than dusting.
Ms. G is nursing a sore knee, so i'm glad i was able to tote and fetch and carry and just generally let her sit. She's always on the go, and needs to slow down before she ends up needing surgery.
Sweetie and i did Ms. SE's house on Thursday and we're all thankful, especially since i've missed their house 3 times this summer between vacation, being sick, and the funeral. It will also be a thankful thing if i don't miss again any time soon!
Then we got to go to the laundromat, and it's always thankful to have lots of clean clothes.
Yesterday was a thankfully quiet day, mostly. At the shelter, i was able to talk to a fellow volunteer who is looking for part time work and who might be able to help with Becca during the week, and i'm so thankful i mentioned it to her, there will be news if it works out.
The rest of it was quiet until Brother-in-Law got the letter from the IRS, but i'm thankful it's something small and easily dealt with, and i'm thankful i've convinced him of that and gotten him to calm down.
Please write up your own list and link up to Ten Things of Thankful, where Dyanne and her co-hosts always have a warm welcome waiting.
Today is:
Armed Forces Day -- Mozambique
Family Health and Fitness Day USA www.fitnessday.com/family/
Fish Amnesty Day (same as National Hunting and Fishing Day in the US, because it hurts fish to be caught!)
Grand Magal de Touba -- Touba, Senegal (Muslim pilgrimage to honor the memory of Sheikh Amadou Bamba; began sunset yesterday, through sunset today)
International Ataxia Awareness Day -- highlighting the difficulties of living with the many forms of ataxia
International Rabbit Day -- learn to care for these wonderful pets and promote responsible rabbit ownership
Join a Cabal of International Bankers Today Day -- internet generated, and only for people without a conscience
Kamarampaka Day -- Rwanda (Republic Day, marks the 1961 abolition of the monarchy)
Kiwanis Kids' Day -- local clubs sponsor events for kids on the fourth Saturday of September
Math Storytelling Day -- the brainchild of Maria Droujkova
National Comic Book Day -- internet generated, but go read one, they are fun
National Crabmeat Newberg Day
National Day of Remembrance for Murder Victims -- US
National Food Service Employees Day -- because everyone wants to eat out once in a while
National Hunting and Fishing Day -- US
National One-Hit Wonder Day -- US, remembering those who had only one hit on the rock charts
National Psychotherapy Day -- US (a day to wear turquoise and encourage education about how psychotherapy can help people)
National Public Lands Day -- US (Helping Hands for America's Lands -- a day to volunteer on America's Public Lands; note that entrance fees are waived for this event!)
National Seat Check Saturday -- US (make sure your child's car seats are secured properly)
National Youth Day -- Nauru
Old Holy Rood Eve -- OS calendar Holy Cross Eve, the last day to pick blackberries (after this, the devil poisons them because when he fell from heaven, he landed in a blackberry bush)
St. Cadoc's Day (Patron of the deaf; against cramps, deafness, glandular disorders, scrofula)
St. Finbarr's Day (Patron of Barra, Scotland; Cork, Ireland)
Toad Tempting Day -- Fairy Calendar
World Pharmacists Day -- International Pharmaceutical Federation; this year's theme is "Pharmacists: Caring for you."
Birthdays Today:
Lee Norris, 1981
Catherine Zeta-Jones, 1969
Will Smith, 1968
Scottie Pippen, 1965
Tate Donovan, 1963
Aida Turturro, 1962
Heather Locklear, 1961
Michael Madsen, 1959
Jamie Hyneman, 1956
Christopher Reeve, 1952
Mark Hamill, 1951
Cheryl Tiegs, 1947
Michael Douglas, 1944
Robert Walden, 1943
Juliet Prowse, 1936
Glenn Gould, 1932
Barbara Walters, 1931
Shel Silverstein, 1930
Phil Rizzuto, 1918
Dmitri Shostakovich, 1906
Walter Wesley "Red" Smith, 1905
William Faulkner, 1897
Jean Phillippe Rameau, 1683 (baptismal date, as actual birth anniversary is unknown)
Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, 1358 (Japanese Shogun)
Debuting/Premiering Today:
"Beauty and the Beast"(TV), 1987
"Stepping Out"(Play), 1984
"Winterset"(Play), 1935
"Dorothy"(Comic opera), 1886
Today in History:
St. Ferment is beheaded in Amiens, France, after voyaging there to preach the gospel, 303
The Battle of Stamford Bridge marks the end of the Anglo-Saxon era, 1066
Columbus begins his second voyage, with 17 ships, 1493
Vasco Nunez de Balboa becomes the first European to see the Pacific Ocean from the west coast of the Americas, 1513
The first printing press in the Americas begins operations, 1639
Old Style date; two very accurate clocks are set in motion at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich, England, the start of Greenwich Mean Time, 1676
Ethan Allan, American Revolutionary War hero, is captured, 1775
Benedict Arnold joins the British, 1780
The first all-black university in the US, Howard University, is created by Congress, 1867
Yosemite National Park is established by Congress, 1890
Charles Follis becomes the first black to play professional American football, 1904
Birth of the remote control -- Leonardo Torres Quevedo successfully demonstrates the invention of the "Telekino" and guides a boat from the shore in the port of Bilbao, 1906
Jimmy Doolittle performs the first blind flight from Mitchel Field proving that full instrument flying from take off to landing is possible, 1929
Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, is integrated by the use of United States Army troops, 1957
In a referendum, the people of Norway reject membership of the European Community, 1972
Belize joins the United Nations, 1981
The last of the Magdalene Asylums closes in Ireland, 1996
The Vitim event, a possible bolide (comet nucleus) impact in Siberia, Russia, 2002
China launches the spacecraft Shenzhou 7, 2008
The Wildlife Authority of Uganda announces that, since 1999, the population of some of the animals in the country's game reserves have doubled in population, 2010
King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia announces that women will now be able to vote and run in municipal elections, 2011
Singapore closes schools due to hazardous levels of air pollution from fires in Indonesia, 2015
World's largest radio telescope at 500m wide in Guizhou Province, China begins operating, 2016
For the first time ever, a woman graduates from the US Marine Corps' Infantry Officer Course, 2017
Hazzaa AlMansoori becomes first Emirati in space and first Arab astronaut to travel to the International Space Station, travelling on Russian Soyuz-MS 15 spacecraft, 2019
Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the first woman to lie in state in the US Capitol in Washington D.C., 2020