Photo Content from Mifflin Lowe
Bestselling author, singer, songwriter, and musician Mifflin Lowe has had six books published, selling over 300,000 copies in four languages. His books include a children's poetry book, Beasts By The Bunches (Doubleday), and three humor books for adults: The Cheapskate's Handbook, I Hate Fun, and How To Be A Celebrity (Price/Stern /Sloan.)
Why is storytelling so important for all of us?
It brings us closer together and fires our imaginations. My mom used to read Greek mythology to us when we were young. My two younger sisters, my mom and I would cuddle in bed and be entranced by the stories. Greek Mythlogy are arguably the greatest stories ever written.
What are some of your current and future projects that you can share with us?
I’m lucky to have two great publishers doing my children’s stuff— Bushel & Peck and Familius. B&P has published a book THE TRUE WEST about diversity in the American Frontier which was named a 2021 Notable Social Studies Trade Book, a joint project of the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS) and the Children’s Book Council. In Feb 2021 Familius published THE CUDDLE BOOK. I’m currently working on ART: A VISUAL ENCYCLOPEDIA. for kids 7-11 with Bushel & Peck. It’s a compendium of art and artists for kids 7-11, which I intend to write in the same succinct, down-to-earth way as THE TRUE WEST. David Miles, owner of B&P, is an astonishingly great art director. I’m so lucky to have hooked up with him and B&P. Lastly, I’m dying to get CARMELLO, THE UNFUNNY CLOWN and BEASTLIES including poems like “The Squirm Worm” and “The Dirty Bird” with a publisher. I’ll be happy to send attachments for any/all of the above.
What is your happiest childhood memory?
Well, the sweetest memory, a wistful and precious one, was being on the beach on Long Beach Island, N.J. with my mother in September when the summer crowds were gone. I was maybe 9-10 years old. The subtle nip of autumn in the air and the beach, empty other than us, left me touched by the transitory beauty of life — seriously.
What was your favorite subject when you were in school and why?
How could I not say English? I loved to read. Also history.
What was the greatest thing you learned at school?
Work hard. I used to do 2 1/2 to 4 hours of homework 5 nights a week in high school.
In your new book; DAD: THE MAN, THE MYTH, THE LEGEND, can you tell my Book Nerd Kids Community a little about it.
It’s all about a boy who sees his father as a mythic figure in a variety of ways — from Tarzan to Einstein. In his imagination he translates quotidian events (a spurting hose) into grand adventures (the hose becomes a python). In most every event, Dad comes to the rescue. Sometimes, Dad is a goofball, but a lovable one. At those times, Mom comments wryly.
What do you hope for readers to be thinking when they read your novel?
I hope kids and parents are thinking about each other — and how lucky they are to have one another.
Did you learn anything from writing DAD: THE MAN, THE MYTH, THE LEGEND and what was it?
Nothing I didn’t already know — it’s a gift and a blessing to have a wonderful Dad and Mom.
If you could introduce one of your characters to any character from another book, who would it be and why?
I’d introduce both the boy and the girl from DAD to the cat in The Cat in the Hat. They’d have goofy, imaginative fun.
Tell me about a favorite event of your childhood.
I was in fourth grade and was given the chance to entertain the whole community (adults, kids, everybody) in a show at the Medford Lakes Community Center. I did an impression of a woman putting on a girdle which brought the house down. I’m pretty sure I’d never seen a woman putting on a girlde, but I had seen a girdle (drying on the clothesline) and I could only imagine what a chore it would be to put it on and pull it up.
You have the chance to give one piece of advice to your readers. What would it be?
Love each other.
Name one thing you miss about being a kid.
What is your greatest adventure?
When I was in Boy Scouts our troop hiked 50 miles on the Appalachian Trail in July. We carried everything on our backs. The first night, there was a thunderstorm that lasted all night and soaked everything including my sleeping bag. For the next 4 days I had to walk over rocky trails (ouch) carrying a wet sleeping bag. Along the way I killed 178 (or so) biting flies. It became a game to keep track of how many of these horrid inscents we were killing. I never want to do anything that remotely reminds me of this again.
What was your favorite book as a child and why?
Well, as I said, the stories of Greek Mythology. Also, Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy stories. Also #2, Dr. Seuss books. Also #3 Where the Wild Things Are. Greek myths are WILD. Raggedy Ann/Andy, likeable and fun. Dr. Seuss and Wild Things, visually great.
What decade during the last century would you have chosen to be a kid?
1950s. You didn’t have to wear a bicyle helmet and you could go just about anywhere with your friends and stay out until dinner time without having your parents get all in a lather about where you were. They knew you were with friends and it was all okay.
Where can readers find you?
A: Well, my books are on Amazon, a lot of them are at Barnes & Noble. Some are at Walmart and Target and my favorite places — independent bookstores. Also my WEBSITE — which has lots of free music I’ve done including “The Underpants Song” and “Friends” on my album, “THE KING WHO FORGOT HIS UNDERPANTS. I love having people downlaod “Friends” and make videos of friends and family.
I was in fourth grade and was given the chance to entertain the whole community (adults, kids, everybody) in a show at the Medford Lakes Community Center. I did an impression of a woman putting on a girdle which brought the house down. I’m pretty sure I’d never seen a woman putting on a girlde, but I had seen a girdle (drying on the clothesline) and I could only imagine what a chore it would be to put it on and pull it up.
You have the chance to give one piece of advice to your readers. What would it be?
Love each other.
Name one thing you miss about being a kid.
What is your greatest adventure?
When I was in Boy Scouts our troop hiked 50 miles on the Appalachian Trail in July. We carried everything on our backs. The first night, there was a thunderstorm that lasted all night and soaked everything including my sleeping bag. For the next 4 days I had to walk over rocky trails (ouch) carrying a wet sleeping bag. Along the way I killed 178 (or so) biting flies. It became a game to keep track of how many of these horrid inscents we were killing. I never want to do anything that remotely reminds me of this again.
What was your favorite book as a child and why?
Well, as I said, the stories of Greek Mythology. Also, Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy stories. Also #2, Dr. Seuss books. Also #3 Where the Wild Things Are. Greek myths are WILD. Raggedy Ann/Andy, likeable and fun. Dr. Seuss and Wild Things, visually great.
What decade during the last century would you have chosen to be a kid?
1950s. You didn’t have to wear a bicyle helmet and you could go just about anywhere with your friends and stay out until dinner time without having your parents get all in a lather about where you were. They knew you were with friends and it was all okay.
Where can readers find you?
A: Well, my books are on Amazon, a lot of them are at Barnes & Noble. Some are at Walmart and Target and my favorite places — independent bookstores. Also my WEBSITE — which has lots of free music I’ve done including “The Underpants Song” and “Friends” on my album, “THE KING WHO FORGOT HIS UNDERPANTS. I love having people downlaod “Friends” and make videos of friends and family.
- 1.) Dads and kids need to be close to and appreciate each other. A “tight” family is a good thing.
- 2.) It will help kids understand they don’t have to be perfect to be loved.
- 3.) My favorite scene, pages 11 & 12, when the boy brings a volcano to his school’s Science Fair and it sets off the sprinkler system and soaks everybody.
- 4.) It will help kids understand that their parents don’t have to be perfect to be loved.
- 5.) It will inspire kids to believe in themselves and try to do great, wonderful things.
- 6.) It will help kids to understand that their parents have their own, occassionally complex and often funny, relationship.
- 7.) Dani Torrent, the artist, is a genius.
- 8.) David Miles, the publisher and layout artist (guy who puts the book together,) is a genius.
- 9.) It will inspire kids to use and appreciate their imaginations.
- 10.) KIRKUS REVIEW — A child enumerates all the ways Dad is a superhero in his own right.
This dad clearly has an imagination to match his child’s. Last week, the kiddo was getting squeezed by a python, the double-page spread depicting a jungle scene with Dad using a vine to swing across to rescue his child from a menacing (and gigantic) snake. This gives way with the page turn to a single page revealing the child tangled in a green garden hose, Dad armed with a garden spade, and Mom, unimpressed, holding the hose where, presumably, Dad has sliced it with a trowel in the rescue effort. This sets the pattern, Dad imagining things with his children and Mom injecting a bit of reality, especially when his humoring of the children goes a little too far (“spaghetti with M&M’s, chocolate sauce, and…potato chips,” anyone?). This father seems to know just how to make everything right in his children’s lives, from serving up ice cream to the losing baseball team and getting a matching terrible haircut to finding his daughter’s lost doll. Torrent’s illustrations of the redheaded White family play up body language and facial expressions so readers feel like they are there with them in each situation, no matter how outlandish. And their reactions to each other are priceless (kisses? Ewww!).
Like this child, readers will want to be like this dad: able to dream big and accomplish anything. (Picture book. 4-8)
Yup, no matter what, Dad always sticks up for me. At the Science Fair, my model volcano spewed lava all over the place., I thought they were gonna lock me up for a million years. But Dad just said “Now that’s a volcano!!!”

Mom said if he pushes the swings that hard again, she’ll send him where no one’s gone before.
But don’t let them fool you. Mom and Dad are crazy about each other. Of course, it makes me gag when they get all lovey dovey. But deep down inside, it makes me feel sooooo good! Almost like they’re hugging me.
Yesterday, Dad blasted us off into space. We went so high and so fast, it was almost hard to breathe. Dad said we went where no kids have gone before. Mom said if he pushes the swings that hard again, she’ll send him where no one’s gone before.
But don’t let them fool you. Mom and Dad are crazy about each other. Of course, it makes me gag when they get all lovey dovey. But deep down inside, it makes me feel sooooo good! Almost like they’re hugging me.
And when I feel REALLY bad, Dad fixes my all-time favorite meal: spaghetti with M&Ms, chocolate sauce, and . . . potato chips.
And when I feel REALLY bad, Dad fixes my all-time favorite meal: spaghetti with M&Ms, chocolate sauce, and . . . potato chips.
“Dads are most ordinary men turned by love into heroes, adventurers, story-tellers, and singers of song.” Pam Brown

And if Annie and I get really, really, really scared, Dad always tells us to come snuggle in with Mom and him.
That’s my favorite, because just before I fall asleep, he always leans over and whispers, “I believe in you. You can do anything.”
He's the most interesting man in the world. He changes diapers just because he likes it. His bedtime stories are so epic, they begin "Twice upon a time." When he does long division, there are never any remainders. And if his love were a building, not even King Kong could reach the top.
He's a myth. He's a legend. He's . . . my dad!
Dad: The Man, The Myth, The Legend is an epic--and totally unexaggerated--tale for dads everywhere! Heroic, hilarious, and heartwarming, it's the sweet saga of Dad: protector, provider, and child's best friend.
And it's all true. Right Dad?
a Rafflecopter giveawayAnd if Annie and I get really, really, really scared, Dad always tells us to come snuggle in with Mom and him.
That’s my favorite, because just before I fall asleep, he always leans over and whispers, “I believe in you. You can do anything.”
He's the most interesting man in the world. He changes diapers just because he likes it. His bedtime stories are so epic, they begin "Twice upon a time." When he does long division, there are never any remainders. And if his love were a building, not even King Kong could reach the top.
He's a myth. He's a legend. He's . . . my dad!
Dad: The Man, The Myth, The Legend is an epic--and totally unexaggerated--tale for dads everywhere! Heroic, hilarious, and heartwarming, it's the sweet saga of Dad: protector, provider, and child's best friend.
And it's all true. Right Dad?