Finding class time during the day to allow students to work on their addition and subtraction basic facts can be challenging! But knowing those facts quickly will help your students master the harder math skills ahead of them! You will love how easy it is to prepare these Cute Owl Themed Addition and Subtraction Task Cards for your class.

This Addition and Subtraction Task Cards Resource Includes:

My students LOVED Task Cards and your students will too! You can dedicate one of your math centers, math workstations, as a task card center. By changing out the skill each week, your students already know the directions for using the task cards. Your students will enjoy the freedom of task cards while learning and reviewing important skills at the same time! Students can answer these Addition and Subtraction Basic Facts Task Cards in your classroom math journals or on the included recording sheets. These Addition and Subtraction Task Cards are perfect for assessment grades for third grade, fourth grade, and fifth grade classrooms! The Answer Keys are also included to help you quickly and efficiently check your students work in a very short amount of time.

1. These Addition Task Cards have been divided into five different addition strategies, each section is labeled to help the teacher sort by strategy or just mix and match!
→ Eight task cards focus on addition doubles.
→ Eight task cards focus on addition doubles plus one.
→ Eight task cards focus on the addition plus one strategy.
→ Eight task cards focus on the addition plus two strategy.
→ Four task cards focus on the addition plus zero strategy.

2. These Subtraction Task Cards have been divided into five different subtraction strategies, each section is labeled to help the teacher sort by strategy or just mix and match!
→ Eight task cards focus on subtraction doubles.
→ Eight task cards focus on subtraction doubles plus one.
→ Eight task cards focus on the subtraction less one strategy.
→ Eight task cards focus on the subtraction less two strategy.
→ Four task cards focus on the subtraction less zero strategy.

Once your students are use to the expectations of using task cards, your task card math center can run all year with different skills from a variety of over 700+ of my task cards! Click here to see all my task cards.

When it comes to the ease of prepping these Addition and Subtraction Task Cards, all of the pieces are rectangular and easy for you or a parent volunteer to cut on a paper slicer. No need to cut around a cute turkey or a complicated flower pattern task card, just rectangles with graphics that are adorable and eye catching to hold your students' interest!

This Addition and Subtraction Task Cards and Recording Sheets Resource includes:
→ 36 Task Cards in color
→ 36 Task Cards in black and white to save ink!
→ 1 Printable Recording Worksheet
→ 1 Teacher Folder Cover in color
→ 1 Teacher Folder Cover in black and white to save ink!
→ 1 Task Card Folder Cover and/or Center Sign in color
→ 1 Task Card Folder Cover and/or Center Sign in black and white to save ink!
→ 1 Answer Key Sheet
→ 36 Task Cards in color
→ 36 Task Cards in black and white to save ink!
→ 1 Printable Recording Worksheet
→ 1 Teacher Folder Cover in color
→ 1 Teacher Folder Cover in black and white to save ink!
→ 1 Task Card Folder Cover and/or Center Sign in color
→ 1 Task Card Folder Cover and/or Center Sign in black and white to save ink!
→ 1 Answer Key Sheet

These Addition and Subtraction Task Cards also include the answer keys, which you can laminate and leave at the center to be student led, self-checking sheets. In small group lessons you can give each student three to four task cards and they can help each other and review their Addition and Subtraction Skills by checking the answers that their partner or neighbor answered, keeping everyone involved! Keep your students engaged, alert and on their toes with this one little, cute Owl Themed Addition and Subtraction Basic Facts Task Cards Resource!

Have you ever been given a volunteer one day without advanced notice? A college student or a local business person maybe that the office assigned to you? These task cards are perfect to give to the volunteer to work one on one with each student during the day. Place a small desk in the corner or in the hallway and your students will love some one on one time practicing their basic facts with the volunteer that day, in addition to making you look like an amazingly prepared teacher! Download this resource today and you'll be ready to go!
*** Excellent for a substitute teacher folder, or sub tub! ***
Common Core State Standards
Add and subtract within 20, demonstrating fluency for addition and subtraction within 10.
Fluently add and subtract within 20 using mental strategies. By end of Grade 2, know from memory all sums of two one-digit numbers.
** Grab this resource to enjoy these Addition and Subtraction Task Cards in your Math Center today! **

A More Detailed Description of What is Included in this Addition and Subtraction Task Cards and Recording Sheets Resource:
Addition Task Cards
This 24 Page Task Card Resource Includes:
Page 1 - Teacher Folder Cover - Cute, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified Addition Task Cards folder cover.
Page 2 - Matching Printable Center Sign saying "Task Cards" to post at your center, or attach to a folder for a moveable, well organized math center. See my "new letter" at the end of the resource for more details.
Pages 3 to 11 - 36 Owl Themed Addition Task Cards in Color.
→ Eight task cards {two pages} focus on addition doubles.
→ Eight task cards {two pages} focus on addition doubles plus one.
→ Eight task cards {two pages} focus on the addition plus one strategy.
→ Eight task cards {two pages} focus on the addition plus two strategy.
→ Four task cards {one page} focus on the addition plus zero strategy.
Page 12 - Recording Sheet for your students' answers to the task cards.
Page 13 - Answer Key for the Recording Sheet
Page 14 - Teacher Folder Cover - Cute black and white cover for your personal teacher files. Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified Addition Task Cards folder cover. In black and white to save money without using colored ink!
Page 15 - Matching Printable Center Sign saying "Task Cards" to post at your center, or attach to a folder for a moveable, well organized math center. See my "new letter" at the end of the resource for more details. In black and white to save money without using colored ink!
Pages 16 to 24 - 36 Matching Addition Task Cards in a Black and White Outline Format. Perfect for a Make and Take Family Math Night or a weekly take home homework task card set.
Pages 25 to 36 >>> NEW FREE BONUS FILE
A Twelve Page Letter From Me! This letter includes many ways to use Center Games, Task Cards, and Color By Number in your classroom!
(The actual number of pages listed on this TpT description page does not include this bonus letter. The resource is a total of 24 pages and these 12 pages are a free bonus for my followers!)
Please Note --- This letter is included in both resources, but it is NOT included in the TpT description of actual page numbers. This letter is a FREE bonus for my TpT followers! Thank you, Fern :)
Subtraction Task Cards
This 24 Page Task Card Resource Includes:
Page 1 - Teacher Folder Cover - Cute, colorful cover for your personal teacher files. Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified Subtraction Task Cards folder cover.
Page 2 - Matching Printable Center Sign saying "Task Cards" to post at your center, or attach to a folder for a moveable, well organized math center. See my "new letter" at the end of the resource for more details.
Pages 3 to 11 - 36 Owl Themed Subtraction Task Cards in Color.
→ Eight task cards {two pages} focus on subtraction doubles.
→ Eight task cards focus {two pages} on subtraction doubles plus one.
→ Eight task cards focus {two pages} on the subtraction less one strategy.
→ Eight task cards focus {two pages} on the subtraction less two strategy.
→ Four task cards focus {one page} on the subtraction less zero strategy.
Page 12 - Recording Sheet for your students' answers to the task cards.
Page 13 - Answer Key for the Recording Sheet
Page 14 - Teacher Folder Cover - Cute black and white cover for your personal teacher files. Attach to the front of a folder, keep all your pages inside the folder, place into your file cabinet, and you are all ready for next year with this easily identified Subtraction Task Cards folder cover. In black and white to save money without using colored ink!
Page 15 - Matching Printable Center Sign saying "Task Cards" to post at your center, or attach to a folder for a moveable, well organized math center. See my "new letter" at the end of the resource for more details. In black and white to save money without using colored ink!
Pages 16 to 24 - 36 Matching Subtraction Task Cards in a Black and White Outline Format. Perfect for a Make and Take Family Math Night or a weekly take home homework task card set.
Pages 25 to 36 >>> NEW FREE BONUS FILE
A Twelve Page Letter From Me! This letter includes many ways to use Center Games, Task Cards, and Color By Number in your classroom!
(The actual number of pages listed on this TpT description page does not include this bonus letter. The resource is a total of 24 pages and these 12 pages are a free bonus for my followers!)
Please Note --- This letter is included in both resources, but it is NOT included in the TpT description of actual page numbers. This letter is a FREE bonus for my TpT followers! Thank you, Fern :)
*** Excellent for an assessment. ***
These Addition and Subtraction Task Cards are PERFECT for...
- Scoot Game! Keep them all up and moving!
- Math Center Assignments
- Fine Motor Skills Work
- Small Math Group Lessons
- Math Workstations
- Morning Work Worksheet
- Remediation and RTI Groups
- Clip Board Work Time
- Seat Work
- Substitute Teacher Folders
- Indoor Recess
- Homework Packets
- Morning Work Tubs
- Independent Practice
- Early Finishers
- Emergency Sub Tubs
- Morning Math Buckets
- After School Tutoring
- Early Morning Arrival Students
- Early Morning Tutoring
- Indoor Recess
- And so much more!
These Adorable Owl Themed Addition and Subtraction Task Cards are so easy to prep, it is perfect to give to a parent volunteer who is asking, "How can I help?" or your PTA / PTO volunteer room. It is also terrific for an Emergency Substitute Tub, Folder or Binder!

To Recap ~ This Addition and Subtraction Task Cards Resource Includes:
- 4 Teacher Folder Covers, one in color and one in black and white
- 4 Task Card Folder Covers and/or Center Signs, one in color and one in black and white
- 72 Task Cards in color
- 72 Task Cards in black and white
- 2 Printable Answer Recording Worksheet
- 2 Answer Key Sheet
→→→ Would you like some fun Color By Numbers to go with these task cards? Click here to see one of my favorite addition and subtraction worksheets, Color By Number Addition and Subtraction Transportation with Free Bonus Coloring Pages Bundle. You and your students will LOVE it!♥