There are so many different types of exciting camping games you can play at different times during your trip.
Lots of camping fun is centered around the fire, but, activities for large groups can be especially challenging.
Here are some entertaining campfire games for large groups (and small ones) you are going to want to try on your next trip!

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Group Campfire Games
Enjoy these 9+ games for camping large group fun around the campfire.
#1 Shared Camping Experiences Game
Divide the group into teams of 4 or 5 people who don’t know each other well.
They discuss, as a group, camping experiences they all have in common.
“Normal camping experiences” are discouraged from being included on the list (example, camping in the rain.)
The first group that comes up with five items their group has in common is the winner.
Once the winner is declared, each group reports what experiences were on their list.
Some examples:
- Camped more than one night at Grand Canyon National Park.
- Attracted more than 10 hummingbirds at a time to a campsite.
- Traveled over 200 miles to get to a camping destination.
- Etc.
#2 Camping Candy Confessions Game
Divide the group into teams of 5 – 10 people who don’t know each other well.
Pass around a bag of candy that has at least 5 colors of candy in it.
Each player takes between 1 and 5 pieces of candy (make sure they don’t eat it until the game is over.)
After the candy has been distributed, the leader writes what each color of candy represents (which he/she determined beforehand) on a chalkboard, whiteboard or piece paper.
Each person states their name and one fact about themselves for each type of candy they have … then they can eat it!
There are no wrong answers and no winners or losers … this camping game is all about getting to know each other.
Some examples:
- Red – Favorite camping activity
- Green – Favorite place to camp
- Blue – Favorite camping memory
- Yellow – Favorite camping food
- Orange – Wildcard, tell us any camping fact about yourself that you want to share!
#3 Camping Words Game
Divide the group into teams of 5 – 10 people.
One person starts the game by saying a word related to camping.
The next person has to come up with a camping-related word that is related to the first word.
Each person adds one word that is related to the last word until someone can’t think of another word … at that point, that person is the loser of the round and gets a point.
The person with the least number of points is the winner.
Some examples:
- S’mores
- Campfire
- Kindling
- Matches
- Camp stove
- Griddle
- Pancakes
- Picnic table
- Camping spot, etc.
#4 Camping Alphabet Game
Divide the group into teams of 4 or 5 people.
Designate a category related to camping.
Each person around the campfire must name a thing related to that category starting with the letter “A” and explaining how it is related to camping.
Continue the process going down the alphabet.
The first person unable to come up with a word is the loser of the round and gets a point.
At the end of the alphabet (or the campfire is extinguished) tally up the points, the person with the least number of points is the winner.
Some category examples:
- Camping activities
- Camp food
- Camping gear
- National Parks, etc.
#5 Camping Fortunately/Unfortunately Game
Divide the group into teams of 4 or 5 people.
One person starts the game by making a statement about camping beginning with the word “fortunately”.
The next person responds to that statement beginning with the word “unfortunately” building on the story
The statements can be creative, fictional and fun.
Continue around the campfire alternating between the positive and negative statements until someone can’t think of another statement.
That person is out of the game and the game continues until every player is eliminated except for the final one who is designated the winner.
Some examples:
- Fortunately, we reserved the last available spot at the campground for the weekend.
- Unfortunately, the rest of the spots are reserved by the Elvis Impersonator Convention.
- Fortunately, their rhinestone-studded costumes will attract fish to the shoreline and we can catch them with our hands.
- Unfortunately, …
#6 Twenty Camping Questions Game
Divide the group into teams of 5 – 10 people.
One person (the “thinker”) thinks of some camping-related person, place or thing, like Smokey Bear.
The other players get to ask a total of 20 yes/no questions.
The first person to guess correctly is the winner.
If nobody guesses correctly by the 20th question, the “thinker” wins and maintains the “thinker” position for the next round.
The player who wins the most rounds is the winner of the game.
#7 Camping Movie Game
Divide the group into teams of 5 – 10 people.
This game is similar to the 20 Camping Questions Game except for this … the “thinker” thinks of a movie about camping or with camping-related scenes like The Great Outdoors with Dan Akroyd and John Candy, RV with Robin Williams and Cheryl Hines, Meatballs with Bill Murray, The Long, Long Trailer with Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz.
The other players get to ask a total of 20 yes/no questions.
The first person to guess the movie title correctly is the winner.
If nobody guesses correctly by the 20th question, the “thinker” wins and maintains the “thinker” position for the next round.
The player who wins the most rounds is the winner of the game.
#8 Camping Emotions Game
Divide the group into teams of 4 or 5 people.
One player starts the game with a sentence about an emotion felt while camping … two of the words must include the letter “A”.
The next player uses that same sentence but replaces the two words that begin with the letter “A” with two different words that begin with the letter “A”.
Each player repeats the process and then a new sentence is created using the letter “B”.
If a player can’t think of a new word (no repeats allowed), they are out … the play continues through the alphabet until the last remaining player is declared the winner.
Some examples:
- I think camping is awesome because of the air.
- I think camping is adventurous because of the animals.
- Etc.
Happy Camper String Art Wood Box Sign
#9 Would You Rather Camping Game
Divide the group into teams of 5 – 10 people.
One person asks the other people around the campfire a “Would you rather ___________?” about a camping related topic.
There are no wrong answers and no winners or losers so there should be no pouting when playing this camping game!
Some examples:
- Would you rather roast a hot dog or a marshmallow?
- Would you rather peel the potatoes for dinner or wash the dishes afterwards?
- Would you rather see a bear or a butterfly?
- Would you rather go for a hike or a swim?
- Would you rather eat a s’more or a pie iron pie?
I’d Rather Be Camping Accent Pillow
10 Fun Activities And Campfire Games For Families With Kids
Looking for campfire games and activities for families?
We’ve got 10 you need to try including these fun games:
- Next Line Please
- Name That Tune
- Twenty Questions
- Two Truths And A Lie
The Super Hero Camper Game
Fill in the blanks to this camp story … the crazier the better!
Get a FREE printable copy of the Super Hero Camper Game and other games for camping.
Charades Camping Game
This classic game has a unique camping twist!
Get a FREE printable copy of the Charades Camping Game and other ideas for rainy day camp games!

Don’t Forget The Smores!
The best addition to campfire games is enjoying campfire sweet treat!
Check out these smores camping variations and try “Tropical Therapy” and see why it is my favorite!
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