Aging is an inevitable process that we all go through, and as we age, our bodies undergo various changes that can be both physical and mental. Though aging can be scary, it’s crucial to understand that it’s a natural process and the changes you can expect as you move through your 30s, 40s, 50s, and beyond.
Physical Changes
Some of the first changes you are likely to see are the physical changes to your external features and skin. As you age, your skin loses collagen, leaving you with reduced elasticity. This is entirely natural, and you can delay or reverse it by using skincare products containing retinoids, peptides, and antioxidants to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles. Wearing sunscreen and drinking plenty of water will also help you to retain a youthful appearance for longer.
Other physical changes include grey hair as you lose pigment cells, changes to your body shape or finding it harder to stay in shape, and increased sun spots on the skin.
Mental Changes
Sadly, not only does our physical appearance change as we get older but so too does our cognitive ability. While it’s a natural part of aging, there are things you can do to combat issues such as cognitive decline, memory loss, and mood changes.
Brain training games, increasing your intake of Omega-3 foods, learning new things, staying active physically and socially, reading, and using memory reminders can help you to keep on top of your mental health and reduce the speed at which you experience cognitive changes as you get older.
Common Health Issues with Aging
While not everyone is affected by the onset of age-related health conditions, there is no denying they become more prevalent as you get older. Joint disorders such as arthritis come with age and can be relieved or avoided by maintaining a healthy weight, staying active, and taking supplements to support joint health. Other bone and joint-related issues include osteoporosis when your bones become weak and brittle as your body doesn’t retain calcium as it didn’t in younger years. Increasing calcium intake can help with this.
Other conditions you might be more susceptible to include age-related hearing loss, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, depression, cataracts, back and neck problems, or respiratory diseases, to name a few.
Mental Health Changes
Lastly, it is only natural to experience mental health changes as you age. You experienced many changes throughout your life, and your life will change even more as you get older. From retirement to losing contact with family and friends and unexpected circumstances, including poor health, there are many things you can experience in your lifetime. With this in mind, there is an increased risk of mental health changes in senior years confounded by health changes, reduced social activity, and more. Loneliness is often described as a silent killer, which is valid for the older community, who often find themselves as a second thought in life or cannot carry out social activities due to physical limitations.
Aging is a natural process that we all go through, and while it can be challenging, it’s essential to understand that we can manage the changes that come with it. By embracing these changes and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, we can age gracefully and maintain our quality of life.
The post Aging Gracefully: Understanding the Common Changes Your Body Goes Through appeared first on The Fashionable Housewife.