140 Uplifting Christmas Posts To Heal Your Soul Before 2023 (New Pics)

It’s often during the holiday season that we remember that we should prioritize our family and friends, instead of furiously running the rat race, lured by the prospect of getting more cheese (literal or metaphorical, you choose).

But the blunt truth is that 2022 has been one of the worst years in recent memory. And many people are celebrating the holidays under the shadow of war, illness, and poverty. It’s difficult times like these that we need something to hold on to more than ever—a reminder that there is hope and love and goodness out there in the world.

Our team here at Bored Panda has collected this list of the most uplifting and heartwarming Christmas posts to remind you that kindness is all around us. Scroll down and prepare to have your faith in humanity restored!

We got in touch with British comedy writer Ariane Sherine, the author of ‘The How of Happy,’ for a chat about prioritizing our loved ones, the importance of giving them our undivided attention, and learning how to be kind. You’ll find our full interview with her below, dear Pandas.

Meanwhile, for some more cheerful and soul-healing Xmas stories, you can look through our earlier posts here (2021) and here (2020). Check them out when you’ve enjoyed this one to the fullest.

#1 The Amazon Driver Who Delivered My Package At 6 PM On Christmas Eve

Image credits: pinkandperjurous

#2 Every Year My Parents Recreate The Christmas Card Our Friends Send Them Of Their Kids, Here's Last Year's

Image credits: Jeromiewhalen

#3 My Wife Had To Leave For A Business Trip For Six Weeks, And I Remodeled Her Room As A Christmas Surprise. I Don’t Have Anyone Else To Share It With Until She Comes Back

Image credits: luckaeweb

For us, Christmas is about giving our loved ones the affection and attention that they deserve. Human beings are very social creatures, and acts of kindness are our bread and butter: it’s the glue that holds us all together. Without altruism and self-sacrifice, there would be no civilization as we know it. And without gifts to show how much we care, it would be far harder to build trust.

Bored Panda reached out to writer and happiness expert Ariane for her opinion on how to focus on what truly matters in life. We were interested to get her take on how we can remember to show how much we love our nearest and dearest throughout the year, and not just when Christmas rolls around.

“It's difficult as life often gets in the way. But I try to do something nice for my daughter each week,” the author of ‘The How of Happy’ opened up to Bored Panda. Some of the small, kind things she does is buy her daughter her fave chocolate and leave her a nice message on their message boards.

#4 What An Incredible Christmas Miracle

Image credits: deannagayle57

#5 Our Star This Year

Cancer came fast and aggressive. He had lymphoma. It spread fast causing him to go to liver failure. Couldn't do surgery, liver couldn't handle chemo. He was only 4… He was the best boy. It will be quieter this Christmas without him…. Dogs are family

Image credits: MichaelScottWorldsBestBoss

#6 My Wife And I Don't Have Kids Yet, So We Take Our Dog Out To Look At The Christmas Lights. He Absolutely Loves It

Image credits: pacmaneatsfruit

It’s the intent and emotions behind the gift rather than the physical gift itself that’s important.

“It doesn't have to be an extravagant gift or gesture—something as small as a kindly note can lift their spirits. Also, pay attention to what they say and do and ask them about it. 'How did the concert go?' or, 'Is your aunt feeling better now?' shows that you care and listen to what they say,” Ariane said that our time and attention are invaluable. They’re what matters, not the price tag or the wrapping paper.

#7 This Morning I Was Able To Surprise My Husband With A Special Christmas Gift

Image credits: AmaturePlantExpert

#8 Family Has An Outdoor Gathering For Christmas That I Can't Join (I Have Covid). My Niece Really Doesn't Want Me To Be Alone And Has Stayed By My Window For The Past 45min

Image credits: matanemar

#9 Kiwi Is Cancer And Cone Free For Christmas

Image credits: Tierabithia

We also wanted to understand why people give out gifts at all. Writer Ariane was kind enough to illuminate this for us.

“It's a physical demonstration of our love and shows that we care about them. But again, gifts don't have to be expensive—you can give the gift of time and effort instead,” she told Bored Panda.

#10 My Daughter's Boyfriend Just Showed Me What His Christmas Surprise For Her Is Going To Be

Image credits: Cautious-Damage7575

#11 In New Zealand, The Police Are Offering Free Gift Wrapping For Christmas This Year

Image credits: ravens_revenge

#12 Local Supermarket Giving Away All Its Unsold Christmas Veg For Free To Cut Down On Food Waste

Image credits: Penguin__Farts

“So you can make cards, a photo book, or fill a jar with scraps of paper containing happy memories or loving sentiments. Often these homemade gifts will mean more to the recipient than lavish presents,” she explained what we can do if we feel like we can’t come up with any original ideas for good gifts.

#13 Every Year We've Taken A Cousins' Christmas Photo Since We're Kids. I Have Covid But Refused To Miss It

Image credits: Franchise707

#14 Gnomes I Made As Gifts For Family From My Late Father-In-Law's Shirts. The Man Loved Christmas And Plaid, So

Image credits: mommaSlade

#15 Me Dying Of Cancer Over The Spring vs. Me Happy And Healthy Spending Christmas With My Beautiful Family

Image credits: waxeryboiliroo

Finally, Bored Panda asked Ariane about how someone might start to learn how to be kind and charitable if they’re unsure of where to start.

“Like Ebenezer Scrooge? I think you need three ghosts to come and visit you on Christmas Eve!” she quipped, adding that it’s best to take small steps.

“Maybe start with cards, then graduate to gifts and gestures. But one of the greatest gifts you can give is truly listening to people. Just giving them your time,” the author of ‘The How of Happy,’ said.

#16 My Grandma Is The One That Got Me Into Video Games, And For Christmas This Year She Absolutely Killed It. I Love You Nana

Image credits: drummerboy441

#17 My Mom Loves Yellow Ochre And Van Gogh. I Painted This And Gave It To Her For Christmas

Image credits: paintlapse

#18 My First Boyfriend And Our First Christmas Tree

Image credits: joedah

“Maybe invite them round, make them a pot of their favorite tea and biscuits, and have a catchup? And then, if they invite you back to theirs, bring a thoughtful gift you know they'll love,” Ariane said how we can lay the groundwork for a long-lasting, solid relationship.

#19 My Grandparents Are Still Using The Star They Bought From A Gas Station, For Their First Christmas Together Over 55 Years Ago. Love Them So Much

Image credits: Known-Ad290

#20 The Wife's Christmas Present Arrived Early. This Is Appa

Image credits: mischievousdemon

#21 My Cat Got A Christmas Card From The Kids Across The Street

Image credits: UltraGorlan

Previously, Bored had spoken to priest and psychologist Dr. Fraser Watts, about the spirit of giving.

He explained that if we ever happen to receive a gift we’re not entirely happy with, we ought to imagine what our loved ones felt when choosing or making it. We should value the effort they put in, not the actual physical thing.

#22 My 6-Year-Old Step-Son Wanted Nail Varnish For Christmas So We Got Him It And Did His Nails On The Christmas Day

His nan is old-fashioned and didn't approve so he scratched it off. He told me he liked having painted nails so today we sat and did each other's nails ready to show his nan when she picks him up tomorrow.

Image credits: sullie1986

#23 Bought A Machine For Christmas, Never Sewed Before So I’m Pleased With The Outcome

Image credits: Blissmoments

#24 This Is The Same Man That Once Made A 10-Foot Tall Star Covered In Christmas Lights That He Mounted To The Roof Of The House Growing Up. This Is Very On-Brand For Him

Image credits: aaronhoyland

Meanwhile, during an earlier interview, Vanessa King, the Head of Psychology at ‘Action for Happiness,’ told Bored Panda that people keep themselves happy when they go out of their way to help others.

What’s more, there’s an evolutionary basis for altruism. When we’re kind to eat other, we build trust and maintain our social relationships with other members of the group. Meanwhile, our biology rewards us for this. “When we do things for others, it activates the reward center in the brain, so when we give a gift, it feels the same as receiving a gift,” she explained.

#25 My Dog Hates Getting Rain/Wind In His Eyes, So My Dad Got Him Goggles For Christmas For When They Go Hiking

Image credits: ragerlol1

#26 My Son Is The Real Life Version Of The Book He Got For Christmas

Image credits: designerlifela

#27 I Was Orphaned Early This Year. My Teacher Is Starting The Adoption Process, And Here's An Ornament She Got For Our New Family

Image credits: userunknown1998

As we're covered recently on Bored Panda, gifts aren't essential for happy and healthy relationships. Though, if you're with someone who places a lot of importance on them, you can use the act of gift-giving as a way to show that you care about them and that you understand what they value.

Far more important than all of this, however, is helping the people you care about feel loved, understood, appreciated, wanted, and respected.

#28 My Family Has Tree Ornaments For Pets We Have Had In The Past 10 Years. My Mom Says It's So They Can Still Join Us On The Holidays

Image credits: Emmisbaby

#29 This Man Pulled 8 People Out Of A Burning Bus On Christmas Eve

Image credits: OpenTheBible

#30 I Made A First Christmas Ornament For My Daughter And Son-In-Law

Image credits: lsellers-hammon

How are you celebrating the holidays this year, dear Pandas? Did you find the presents that you wanted underneath the Christmas tree? What are your plans this jolly weekend? Tell us a bit about it all in the comments. Merry Christmas!

#31 A Black Santa At My Local Walmart

Image credits: YourDailyDoge

#32 Reached Out To My Local Foster Care And Received A List Of What Each Kid Wanted

Image credits: mattypanckake420

#33 Christmas 2020, Battling Lymphatic Cancer vs. Christmas 2021, Celebrating 8 Months In Remission. Yet Smiling In The Face Of Life And Death

Image credits: BossMossel

#34 Got Grandpa An Upgrade For Christmas. i7 11700k, 1050ti. He's Been Running XP On A Pentium III, 667mhz, For Almost 20 Years Now

Image credits: opesoory

#35 This Will Be The First Christmas At My Own Place

Image credits: kupri_94

#36 My Daughters Got Their Christmas Present A Little Early. Meet Freyja

Image credits: adamhasabeard

#37 Merrymaking With The Family Merry Christmas From West Oakland To You And Your Family

Image credits: Prestigious-Use6981

#38 My Mom Has Been Working From Home Due To Covid And She’s Always Joked That The Dogs Are Her New Bosses. So For Christmas, I’m Printing These Out To Frame For Her Office

Image credits: -milkbubbles-

#39 This Is Grandma, A Stray Cat I Found At Work. She Just Had A Christmas Miracle I Could Have Never Anticipated, And Now My Heart Is Full

Image credits: darthparrot

#40 I Made This Little Guy For A Christmas Present, 100% Hand-Made

Image credits: alleraluol

#41 Christmas Is A Day For Cheer, No Matter Your Circumstances

Image credits: dontdrinkthewater_

#42 I Saved The Flowers From My Grandma’s Funeral Service, Pressed Her Favorites, And Put Them Inside Of Photo Frame Keychains For Her Daughters And Husband For Christmas

Image credits: ellaf21

#43 Somehow I Finally Got My First Christmas Tree Today

Image credits: Foxfromfleabag

#44 I Cooked Christmas Dinner For Me And My Wife. After Really Struggling With Chronic Pain And Depression This Felt Like A Huge Achievement

Image credits: Vandamar666

#45 Pure Joy

Image credits: themouseyouknow

#46 My Family (Me And My Dad) Have This Thing We Do Every Year Where We Put Out Snacks For Delivery Drivers At Christmas, And It’s So Wholesome Seeing Their Reactions

Image credits: Kitty_Girl_1717

#47 I've Been Struggling With Mental Health For Some Time. A Friend Of Mine Gifted Me A Self-Made Advent Calendar With 24 Selfcare Tasks To Complete Each Day Till Christmas

Image credits: yuubilee

#48 Our Realtor Gave Us A Christmas Ornament Of Our New House

Image credits: lrnrae

#49 Our Garbagemen Left Us A Christmas Card In Our Mailbox

Image credits: brandschain

#50 I Adopted A Family This Christmas. They Couldn't Afford A $12 Matchbox Car For Their Son. When I Saw Their Car Had Bald Tires And Missing Lugs, I Decided To Help Them Out Too

Image credits: SkydivingSquid

#51 My Parents Finally Accepted My Name Change After Three Years. They Got Me A Necklace With My New Name On It For Christmas

Image credits: reddit.com

#52 7 Years Ago, My Mental Health Was In A Dark Place After A Friend Kicked Me Out Of Their House. 7 Years Later, I'm Sober, In Active Recovery, And Have My First Christmas Tree

Image credits: tbbHNC89

#53 My Friend Had To Miss Our 15-Year Tradition Of Watching Non-Christmas Movies Together This Year. Then This Arrived In The Mail Unexpectedly This Week

Image credits: PersnicketyHazelnuts

#54 My Friend Joe Made Me A Wooden Christmas Tree As My Gift For Christmas. My Heart Is So Full

Image credits: Coach_Flying_Kiwi

#55 I Baked Over 200 Dozen Cookies For Christmas This Year

Image credits: bubonis

#56 Growing Up, My Father Stomped On My Tamagotchi Because It Woke Him Up In The Middle Of The Night. 20 Years Later, A Coworker Bought Me A Tamagotchi For Christmas

I don’t think I’ve ever been so happy to open a present.

Image credits: adreyjay

#57 Not All Landlords Are Scums. Mine Hasn't Raised My Rent Once In 4 1/2 Years And Sends Me A Check Every Year At Christmas

Image credits: Colin_Bowell

#58 I'm Surprising My Wife On Christmas With Tickets To See Her Favorite Band. However, The Tickets I Bought Were Digital Only. So, I Just Designed, Printed, Cut Out "Fake" Tickets

Image credits: JephriB

#59 Today Is World Smile Day. Looking At This Always Makes Me Smile. A Very Special Request Last Christmas

Image credits: blondibear73

#60 While We All Are Busy With Gifts These Two Are Truly Enjoying The Christmas

Image credits: phoenixlalaland

#61 My Mam Still Does My Old Room Up Like This When I Visit For Christmas. I'm 33 Years Old

Image credits: MajorasMask89

#62 My Neighbor, A 78-Year-Old Widow, Sent Me This On Christmas! I’m So Happy For Her

Image credits: AshRae84

#63 Every Time I Go To Walmart To Grocery Shop For The Last Two Years, I Walk By The Electronics To See If They Have A PS5. It’s Never Happened. That Changed Today

 My step-son is going to be very happy at Christmas.

Image credits: SlawBoss

#64 I Found A Ripped Up Christmas Card On The Train, So I Put All The Pieces Back Together

It says:
"Have a happy Christmas
ps. Stop drinking, get help from someone.
Bad things happen to good people sometimes, but how you react to these things is what defines you. 
You always have a choice, there are better things ahead for you but it's in your hands, it's your responsibility."

Image credits: burritobattlefield

#65 My Dad Hasn’t Played Drums Since The 90’s So We All Pitched In To Get Him A Set For Christmas. He’s Been Playing Drums In His Sleep Lately

Image credits: ImagineBagginz

#66 My Grandpa Died On 12/07/14. He Was A Mechanic For Boeing And Tucker Snow Cat. We Decorated A Small Christmas Tree Using Parts In His Junk Bucket From His Shop

Image credits: Pioneer-Dwelling72

#67 This Christmas Tree Farm Has Newfies That Will Cart Your Tree To Your Car For You

Image credits: yetisa

#68 Forever Home For Christmas

This here is Ebony, she’s approximately 3 months old and is a lab mix. She was my gift to my parents for Christmas I have two dogs already bag home, they’re both 10 years old but they’re not doing good. One of them developed diabetes and the other one has been throwing up (we’re taking her to vet ASAP). We’re hoping that some of the habits behind our dogs will rub off onto our newest family member. (This is me in the picture btw)

Image credits: 0xolite0

#69 Every Year My Grandma Gifts Our Family Holiday Cards. She Also Sells Them And Donates All The Money She Makes To Her Local Hospital. Here's Her Latest Collection For Christmas

Image credits: CrpticK

#70 I Just Found This Christmas Gift From My Neighbor On My Steps

Image credits: deathakissaway

#71 My Step-Mother Taped A Box Of These Pills To Each Of The Gifts She Gave For Christmas This Year

Image credits: Odd_And_Unhelpful

#72 My Great Grandfather Joined Us For Christmas. I Was Named After Him And I’m Blessed He’s Still Here

Image credits: OwxnZan

#73 This Is So Wholesome, We Need More People Like This

Image credits: highlands2022

#74 Early Christmas Presents, Pyjamas Included, From My Mother-In-Law (Won't See Her On The 25th). I'm 28, Married And A Dad. But I'm In My Element

Don't stop loving what makes you happy.

Image credits: TheDreamLightDude

#75 Wholesome Christmas Gifts

Image credits: OffColorDecals

#76 Due Covid My Dad Has Been Away From Home For Months Now. Today He Came With (Unexpected) Christmas Gifts. I Cried A Little

Image credits: reaa143

#77 This Christmas Log That Has Been Passed Down In Our Family Since 1933

Image credits: momkj

#78 My Wife Just Tossed Me A Whole Bag Of Tamales That A Coworker Hand-Makes Every Year For Christmas Gifts. I Am So Happy Right Now

Image credits: front_yard_duck_dad

#79 My First Cross Stitch Is Also My Partner's Surprise Christmas Gift

Image credits: SoloENTertainer

#80 Uncle In Prison Had Someone Make This For Me For Christmas And You See What The Guy Charged Him

Image credits: Civil_R0se

#81 My PictureGame Secret Santa Sent Me An Ancient Giant Shark Tooth For Christmas That His Dad Found In Belgium In The 1980’s

Image credits: SoDakZak

#82 Found A Braille Christmas Card At A General Store

Image credits: theonlyquirk

#83 My Ex Decided That, Although We Broke Up On “Eeh” Terms, To Give Me All This Amazing Stuff For Christmas To Me. I Couldn’t Even Think What To Say. I Miss Her

Image credits: decrisp1252

#84 Someone On Facebook Gave Me This Entire Lot Of Unopened Art Supplies For Free As I Can't Afford Much For My 3-Year-Old For Christmas This Year. I Could Cry

Image credits: eighteightfivesix

#85 My Ex And I Decided The Kids Would Have One Christmas, Not Two. Here’s Us - Him And His Fiancé, Me And My Husband, And Our Two Girls All Together On Christmas Morning

Image credits: kcl086

#86 This Is The Last Christmas Card I Have From My Pap. He Wasn’t Able To Give Me It, But It’s My Favorite Present

Image credits: youmadeyourownlight

#87 My Daughter's Christmas List

My daughter told me she was making a Christmas list for Santa this year. I may have to have her provide an audio file to go with it.

Image credits: Peanut_Brief

#88 My Brother-In-Law And His Moto Club Delivered Christmas Gifts Today

Image credits: MadderHatter32

#89 I Made A Rose From Stainless Steel Scrap For My Girlfriend For Christmas

Image credits: YodasGhost76

#90 I’m 25 Years Old. Ever Since I Can Remember, My Dad Has Bought Me An Advent Calendar Every December. I Liked The One With The Chocolates Shaped Like Little Presents

So every year he scours the internet and stores for the one with the chocolate presents. I love my dad so much.

Image credits: xSurpriseShawtyx

#91 My Great Grandmother Having A Blast With Bubble Wrap During Our Christmas Celebration

Image credits: WalkingNukes

#92 Having A House And Having The Money To Put Up Lights And A White Christmas Were Always My 2 Childhood Wishes. They Came True This Year

Image credits: Ancient-Egg-3283

#93 My Husband’s Christmas Gift To Me. We Have Been Struggling With Infertility. This Gift Brought Me Happy Tears

Image credits: rsvp_as_pending629

#94 My Mailman Left Me A Christmas Card, This Put A Smile On My Face I Haven’t Had In A While. Thanks Steve

Image credits: Noonanamotopobapolus

#95 I Started A New Job A Few Months Before Christmas Last Year And I Have Never Felt More Appreciated And Valued. Here Is A Last Year's Christmas Card From My Boss

Image credits: Wristyplum

#96 My Mom Made Me A Christmas Ornament Out Of My Wendy's Uniform From When I Worked There As A Teen

When she gave it to me she was embarrassed and said: "I hope you don't think this is stupid..." I couldn't love it more!

Image credits: phlogistonexodus

#97 My Neighbors Heard That I Had Covid And No Groceries On Christmas, So They Brought Me And My Husband Dinner And Tobacco For Him

Image credits: SparkyDogPants

#98 My Grandma Passed Away This Year. Today I Found This Christmas Decoration That I Had Never Seen Before And Turned It Over To Find That She Made It Specifically For Me

Image credits: 14kanthropologist

#99 3rd Year My Wife Has Left Treats For Delivery Drivers

Image credits: stopitLook

#100 Went Home For Christmas And My Mom Got Me This. I Appreciate That She Listens To My Hobbies

Image credits: GreenEyedDemon

#101 Last Year I Lost My Son, At 11 Weeks Pregnant, And My Grandmother Within Two Weeks Of One Another

This year I’m celebrating Christmas with my (currently) ten-week-old rainbow. After so much sadness at the end of last year, I have so much to smile for now.

Image credits: HindoHandoHondo

#102 I Have Always Taken The Time To Wrap My Presents With Real Ribbons

Image credits: pocketmole

#103 I’m 28, And This Is My First Time Ever Having A Real Tree For Christmas. I Have Spent The Last 3 Hours Doing Home-Made Ornaments With My Two Daughters To Decorate

Image credits: ladymicbeth

#104 First Christmas In The First Home I’ve Ever Owned. 12 Years Ago I Was A Junky, And Attempted Suicide, I Truly Thought I’d Be Dead By Now

Luckily I got the help I needed, and I’m going on my 12th year clean in February. I now have more than I could’ve ever imagined; my own family.

Image credits: TickleMonster528

#105 Santa On His Way To The Next Town

Image credits: K.Grymen Photography

#106 My First Christmas In Ireland, With My Husband, And The First One In 15 Years With A Tree

Image credits: LondonFae_xx

#107 My Grandpa Recently Started Using A Tablet. I Got Him A Holder For Christmas And My Grandma Sent Me This Picture Of Him Using It. It Really Brightened My Day

Image credits: chchchcharli

#108 My Brother And I Both Unintentionally Bought Each Other Turbo Man Dolls For Christmas (From Jingle All The Way Only The Hottest Selling Toy Ever)

Image credits: honestsparrow

#109 Wholesome 14-Year-Old Wrote A Letter To My Store Asking For Headphones For Christmas. I Found It Cute So Got Him Some Headphones And A Little Extra

Dear Razer:

Hello! My name is Luke and I am from Minnesota but moved to Wisconsin because we wanted to try something new. I am a fan of your creations and own many of your inventions. I have had the same turtle beach headset for the past 2 and a half years and the microphone barely works, so it's hard to communicate with my friends. I was wondering if I could have one of your lower-end headsets.

I ask for this because I am currently low on funds, and I am only 14, I can't get a job because I would have no way of transportation. I already have a chair, mouse, and keyboard from you guys and I know how high-quality your products are. I really enjoy your products and I believe that you are a great company.

Thank you for what you have done already, but if you can't get me a headset anything like a sticker I could put on my pc would be fine. You don't have to send me anything because I love your products and I understand if you don't do handouts. If you are reading this, thank you for taking your own time to read this.

Image credits: JetSetHan

#110 Delivered 30 Dozen Cookies To Hospital Workers And Fire Stations On Christmas Day

Image credits: SR_Achilles_VI

#111 My Dog Is Happy With His New Christmas Present

Image credits: DeoTheDoge

#112 Christmas Cards For People With Two Dads Or Two Mothers

Image credits: MaritimeRedditor

#113 Divers In Iceland Having Their Annual Christmas Ball

Image credits: Ellen Geirsdóttir Håkansson, Kristín Ólafsdóttir

#114 Today My Wife Surprised Me With This Used Bachmann G Scale Christmas Train That She Bought Back In May. I Don’t Remember The Last Time I Felt This Happy To Get A Gift

Image credits: Yosemite_Scott

#115 The Christmas Eve Siren And Light Show Outside The Children's Hospital

Image credits: VinylGilfoyle

#116 Bro Pays For Woman's Hospital Parking Penalty Ticket On Christmas Eve As Her Baby Was Ill. Such An Amazing Gesture From A Stranger

Image credits: chaostrulyreigns

#117 FedEx Driver Delivering Christmas Presents Quickly Because Kids Were Playing In Front Yard

Image credits: joemammaspizza

#118 My 14-Year-Old Son Built This Coffee Table For His Sister And Her Boyfriend As A Christmas Gift

Image credits: TexasKolache

#119 Merry Christmas. I Wanted To Surprise My Mum For Christmas, So I Framed My Pencil Drawing Of My Dear Grandpa As A Memory. There Were Lots Of Happy Tears

Image credits: Famous_Bird5985

#120 I Am 15 Years Old And In DCF Custody. My Mom's Old Navy Unit All Gathered Up To Make Sure I Had Presents For This Christmas

Image credits: malwerii

#121 I Surprised My "Animal Crossing: New Horizons" Obsessed Niece With An Early Christmas Present. All Handmade By Me

Image credits: ConstanzaL

#122 We Had To Hospitalize Our 5-Year-Old Pup For Possible Brain Cancer. I've Been Struggling Being Away From Him, So My Husband Came Home With An Early Christmas Present

Image credits: Primary-Remote5203

#123 My Boyfriend Bought Me Art Supplies For Christmas, But I've Never Painted Before. I Know This Needs A Lot Of Work, But I'm So Happy With My First Ever Painting

Image credits: jessdall96

#124 Our Donation Bin Is Already Full And Ready For The Holiday Season

Image credits: feythedamnelf

#125 Our Mailman, Who We've Never Met, Gave Us A Christmas Card

"I want to wish you the happiest of holidays this season." 

-Josh, the mailman

Image credits: Color_Blind_Rage

#126 Going To Be My Son's First Christmas. Thought I'd Spread A Little Festivities

Image credits: No_Balance6914

#127 My Dad Is Super Proud Of His Outdoor Christmas Lights. So, Naturally He Wanted A Photo

Image credits: jaysunarrrh94

#128 Amazing Christmas Art Using Stones On A Beach

Image credits: 5_Frog_Margin

#129 Merry Christmas Everyone

Image credits: dannyoc34

#130 Found A Wrapped Present While Walking Alone On Christmas Morning. Card Says "For Her"

Image credits: LeftWingQuill

#131 My Daughter, Yesterday Morning

Image credits: LVbellman

#132 4 Years Ago I Was Homeless. I Just Spent The Weekend Putting Up Lights On My House

Image credits: raydar18

#133 My Dad Has Used This Wrapping Paper To Wrap Small Items Since I Was About The Age Of Seven. I Am 29 Now And This Was The Last Piece Of Scooby Paper

He used it to wrap up this book I read to him and my daughter tonight. Merry Christmas.

Image credits: HoneyBunches-Of-Nope

#134 Here's The Presents Me And My Wife Bought For A Struggling Single Mom And Her 5 Kids, Apparently They Were Each Getting 1 Small Present And Were Pretty Sad

She doesn't know it was us and we didn't get to see their reactions, but I hope they had a great Christmas!

Image credits: DSTNCT-G35

#135 I Saved Flowers From My Boyfriend's Daughter's Christmas Ballet Recital. I Can't Wait To Give Them These

Image credits: Ellekm730

#136 Just Sharing My Favorite Christmas Eve Tradition With You: Christmas Vacation And Tacos

Image credits: loftwinglink

#137 Told My Friends I 'Cancelled Christmas' This Year Because I'm Getting A Divorce And Feel Miserable. They Came Over To Put Up Everything You See Here

I can't stop crying happy tears. Christmas is back on, have a good one everyone!

Image credits: harpersmth

#138 Brendan Fraser Is On Top Of My Local Cinema's Christmas Tree

Image credits: Light House Cinema

#139 I Have Covid And Couldn’t Visit My Family For Christmas. My Mom Insisted On Stopping By And Dropping Off Some Home-Made Soup

Image credits: knicknackVI

#140 So I Randomly Got Shipped An Extra PS5. Merry Late Christmas To Me I Guess. Sorry To That One Kid

Image credits: TheLustySnail

#141 My Neighbor, A 78-Year-Old Widow, Sent Me This On Christmas! I’m So Happy For Her!

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