Digging through piles upon piles of treasure that someone decided they’re better off without is incredibly addictive. If you've ever been thrift hunting, you probably know that. And if you haven't had a chance to catch the thrifting craze yet, chances are it was not your lucky day.
Whether it’s fashion, interior design, historical artifacts, retro objects, secondhand goods, it seems like there’s something for everyone’s taste. As for any professional thrifter, they’d tell you not where but how to find them.
So today, we are diving into the treasure box of people’s thrift store findings. And it can’t get more random than that. So scroll down below, upvote your favorite miscellaneous thrift objects and be sure to check out our previous posts with the same goodness here, here and here.
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#1 Mini Tent Used For Display At An Outdoor Gear Store That I Found At A Flea Market. Now A Cat Bed

Image credits: Laura Peterson
#2 My Daughter Was Excited About Her Thrift Store Find. I Think The Photo Definitely Is Weird And Wonderful

Image credits: Catherine Menendez Prebble
#3 I Bought A Dollhouse At A Garage Sale For My Daughter And I To Redecorate But Andy And Rosey (Our Foster Kittens) Are Little Freeloaders And Decided To Move In!

Image credits: Chrissy Maude
#4 Because Frames Are Therapeutic. Thrifting Them, Arranging Them And Then Arranging Them Again. Perfect, But Not.

Image credits: Jessica Martelle
#5 Started Collecting Uranium Glass About 9 Months Ago From Local Thrift Stores And Antique Shops
64k I went a lil crazy with it, but I love it! I found LED black light strips on Amazon and taped them on the bottom of each shelf. I found some black velvet fabric and used 5 thumb tacks and draped it down the back, then cut pieces to fit over each shelf. So no damage to the cabinet at all.

Image credits: Kenneth Wenzel
#6 Bucket-List Buy In Indiana Last Weekend, Found On Ebay
Just in case you're curious, the 8 foot Sinclair Dinosaur will fit in a minivan. Second pic is his new home in my front yard. 38k

Image credits: Amy Wade Ernst
#7 Suitcase Wall
I’ve collected suitcases all my life. I have found them at thrift stores and garage sales and sitting on the side of the road. I also have had friends donate them to me when they know I collect. My father was in the Air Force and my brother and I were born in Germany and the two burgundy trunks on the bottom row are the steamer trunks that brought us back from Europe to Canada on the steamship. My mother used to share a story how a nun saved me on the ship trying to crawl over the side! I think some may be interested in what I may keep inside. The labels do tell what’s inside of each. I store lots of things in them. I have a knitting suitcase, with yarn and knitting books, etc., I have photograph suitcases, (when we used to have photographs), I have a collection of plastic animals for when my grandchildren come over as well as many other suitcases with toys in them for my grandchildren, material, beads, a sewing/mending suitcase, a suitcase for screws, a suitcase with a drill in it… I could go on and on and on and on. It’s all pretty organized and getting more organized all the time as I sort through and give away lots of things that I don’t need anymore. One of the trunks is a Christmas trunk and one of the trunks stores my patio cushions from my patio furniture and another trunk stores my mother’s dress form and material and patterns for when I’m going to get to those projects. 115k

Image credits: Theresa Rose
#8 I Kept Only A Few Things From My Late Parent's Estate, One Being The Amber Glass Cat Decanter
My cat tried to climb the corner shelf upon which it was displayed, and I watched in horror as the entire shelf and contents slowly tipped and crashed to the floor, destroying everything on it, including my beloved cat decanter. The only thing that survived was the cat head stopper. I've spent the last 6 months slowly replacing the broken items thanks to eBay, but I couldn't find the exact cat replacement. Most of the ones I found were like the green one, with a bigger head, wider neck, and the ears sticking out to the side and not straight up. I bought several off eBay, thinking they were the same as my broken one, but my heart always sank when I'd open the box. I ended up re-selling most of them, but I kept the green one because I thought it was pretty. Finally, I found a matching amber decanter with a "Buy It Now" price, and so I did. I'm so happy I found an identical decanter at a reasonable price! I've seen them advertised as both "Empoli" and "Empoli inspired", but I don't know which one is correct. 8.5k

Image credits: Kerri Berry
#9 Found This Beautiful Stained-Glass Peacock Years Ago At A Yard Sale

Image credits: Kristi Higgins
#10 Found This Gorgeous,boho /Hippie/Vintage Daisy Crochet Blanket At Goodwill In Oviedo, Fl. For Under 5.09. It Matches My Daughters Bedding Perfectly!

Image credits: Amanda Cruz
#11 He Is From Facebook Marketplace
Had to have him!! My mom has one and I always wanted my own. Hope y’all can appreciate my garden gater Steve. ? he is placed where the water comes off the porch to look the most terrifying. ?? I live in Alabama so kind of unusual to see a alligator running around unless your in southern Alabama where the swamps are. 70k

Image credits: Carlie Tinsley
#12 I Found This Gorgeous Artwork At A Thrift Store In Knoxville. I Don't Know Who The Artist Was, But I Think Freddie In The Style Of Gustav Klimt Was A Fantastic Idea

Image credits: Dorothy Crawford
#13 Am I Too Late For The Stained Glass Train?
Found this beautiful piece at a local estate sale. Probably cost me less than a dollar? Purchase with a stack of things for $10. Has a chain to hang it, but I have a valance that would cover it, which I'm not willing to take down (so much sun!) So it leans against the window above my sink. *scale banana, for scale of course!* 23k

Image credits: Carissa Thompson
#14 Just Wanted To Share This Amazing Vintage Set I Thrifted For 50¢ For A Retro Photoshoot I Shot

Image credits: Nick Chapman
#15 My Incredible Find Today At Our Local Antique Marketplace Here In Nc !! This Beautiful Stained Glass Pumpkin Lamp!! Paid $18, Sells On Ebay For $195. Score!!

Image credits: Stacey Chermak
#16 My Collection Of Coffee Tables Grapes Several Years In The Making
They were found at Goodwill, estate sales and yard sales. This is what happens when you are denied a set of table grapes as a youth... it turns into an obsession. Bejeweled banana for scale 11k

Image credits: Willette A. Hall
#17 Found This (Plant Hanger?) On The Side Of The Road. Turned It Into A Real Monster!

Image credits: Jay Dee
#18 Sorry For The Long Post, It’s Not Really A Strange Find, But A Great Story I Feel This Group Will Appreciate
So I stopped at my local Goodwill on the way home from running errands the other day, it had been a while and I just wanted to see if there was anything that I absolutely had to have. The first thing I spot were these boots. They are so pretty and so very “me”, but I though “ugh, they’re probably pricier than is ideal”…nope! $6.99, then I thought “no way these are my size”…nope! Size 7! At this point I couldn’t resist, but had to look around the rest of the store, I couldn’t just get the first thing I saw! After looking around the rest of the store I found nothing else that made my soul as happy as these boots, so I made my way to pay for these bad boys. The cashier commented on how cool they were and ring them up, I put in my Goodwill “rewards” and the cashier told me that I could use my birthday month discount if I wanted to get 25% off, so I used it! It came out to $5.25, THEN they told me I also had a $5 off if I wanted to use *that* so, of course, I say sure! I ended up walking out with these lovely boots for a whopping $0.25!! Best Impromptu Goodwill trip! 36k

Image credits: Adriana De La Cruz
#19 My Dad Drove By This Up On The Side Of The Road For Trash Pick Up
He went and knocked on the door to make sure they were really throwing it out. It’s an OLD sea captains chest. It was the guys great grandmothers that she had inherited. It’s awesome. 16k

Image credits: Jamie Murphy Flynn
#20 I Moved To Canada Last Year From The States And Got To Go To My First Yard Sales Here. I Got This Beautiful Art Nouveau Picture For One Dollar And I Am Over The Moon!

Image credits: Kimberlee Joy Charbonneau
#21 Found At Goodwill And It Fits My Husband Perfectly. Cats And Tacos. His Favorites.

Image credits: Moxie Nox
#22 A Lady In My Neighborhood Wanted This Out Of Her Garage And Gave It To Me So I Dusted It Off And "Fixed" It. My Buzzkill Friend Said I Ruined It By "Weirding It Up". I Beg To Differ.

Image credits: Andrea Weber Smith
#23 Finally I Have Something To Share,, My Beautiful Find At Abbie Ann’s In Akron Ohio,,i Am In Love

Image credits: Amy Love Starr
#24 A Neighbor Put This Fabulous Green Velvet Sofa Out On The Curb. It’s Mine Now

Image credits: Gloria L. Kenyon
#25 So I Found On Marketplace Thinking Life Size Was 5 Or 6 Ft Like All My Others But Nope. I Couldn't Say No So Now I Have A 12 Ft Table Centerpiece

Image credits: Missy Cisneros
#26 My Wife Saw This Lamp Creation On Facebook Marketplace And Sent It To Me Jokingly
We laughed. Three days later it was in our house. Apparently it was a show piece in a store previously. Updates as this really blew up: We paid $175. All lamps are wired to one plug and we turn it on through a smart socket app on our phones. We do not want to sell it. We love it as much as you do. 54k

Image credits: Neil Allen Moherman
#27 The Perfect Yardsale Find $13.00 In Kerrville Tx .. Beetlejuice/Mary Poppins

Image credits: Danyelle Bridgewater
#28 Blue Teapot
I found this teapot at a secondhand shop a couple of years ago. I thought it was so beautiful that even though I knew deep down I would probably never use it, and even though I don’t typically like having knickknacks sitting around on shelves, I paid $50 for it and brought it home. The other day, on an impulse I decided to add it to a post I created in my neighborhood Facebook group to advertise some things I’m getting rid of in preparation for moving. I listed it for $20, hoping that price would deter anyone from buying it for use in a craft project, because as much as I support repurposing projects, I was really hoping to find someone who loved this teapot for what it was, same as I did. A few days later, someone offered me $10 for it. I said I would think about it. Then she explained that she would be willing to pay the full $20 that was asking if I could wait until her next paycheck, and that she wanted to gift it to someone in her life who collects teapots and had recently remarked that her collection was missing blue. I told her nevermind about the money, that she could just have it. Now instead of collecting dust on my shelf, this beautiful teapot will be used as an expression of love and go to a home where it will be treasured. And that wouldn’t have happened if I hadn’t been willing to let it go. 22k

Image credits: Ashley Mann
#29 Hey You Guys! Look What I Found At My Favourite Local Thrift Shop...its The Itty Bitty Park Bench That I Didn't Know I Needed!
Let me tell you, it has quickly turned into the #1 gathering spot in my garden too! "Ben Nanner" and the chipmunks love it! 18k

Image credits: Melissa Payne
#30 My Dad Acquired These For Me From The Museum He Works At. I Need To Get Them Hung Up, But This Is Totally Normal Bedroom Decor, Right?

Image credits: Samantha Winslow
#31 So I Was Thrift Shopping Yesterday And Came Upon This Beautiful Faberge Martini Glass Set! In A Beautiful Blue Velvet Box
Each glass is signed by Faberge and the authentication cards are with it… At first I am thinking. “Nice, but where do I display these…” So I walked away and sat in my car for a min. Grabbed my phone and looked these up online. My jaw dropped when I saw the value! And like what are the chances of this happening to me again…None! So I ran in and bought em. I love them. So colourful and damn fancy! It was my lucky day y’all *Paid $50.00!!! 15k

Image credits: Karen A Thimot
#32 The Best Sweater, Regretfully Did Not Fit Or Come With

Image credits: Charlotte Gronvall
#33 Well That's Not Fricken Weird At All.... Watching The New Marvel Movie "Shang-Chi And The Legend Of The Ten Rings" And I See This. Found This In A Storage Locker Full Of Antiques Years Ago...

Image credits: Gary Wood
#34 Goodwill Cashier: “You Know Cinderella Is Missing Her Head, Right?” Me: “Yep! And A Hand!” *happily Pays $1.99 And Goes Home To Complete Macabre Art Project*

Image credits: Janelle Scheffelmaier
#35 I Love Finding Vintage Crewels
They are such special hand made pieces. My grandmother filled her home with her own crewels so whenever I find one I am reminded of her. Today the thrifting gods shined on me and I scored this huge beautiful green crewel to add to my collection Hand chair for scale 21k

Image credits: Chanel Boeve-Roth
#36 Goodwill Find Of The Day! I Only Paid $20 For This Stain Glass Wizard. What Shall I Name Him?! His Eyes Are Emerald Green!

Image credits: Jenna Curro
#37 You Bet This Came Home With Me For 5$! Found At Value Village In Marysville Wa How Could Someone Donate This Beautiful Shower Curtain?!! It's Splashing!

Image credits: Jessica Lynn Rigel
#38 Finally Found A Paper Bag Vase At Our Local Goodwill! I Was So Excited I Snatched It Up As Quickly As I Could. It Looks Different Than Most Others Ive Seen. Its Not Glossy At All And The Details In It Are Amazing. I Am In Looove With It!

Image credits: Lana Spencer
#39 I Will Always Love This Door Not Only Because Of Its Beauty
I will always LOVE this door not only because of its beauty, but because of it’s “Why”...My boyfriend called me one afternoon and said he “got me something“ and I was going to love it and that he found it down one of the backroads thrown out to the trash near our 110 year old farmhouse we had just bought and were restoring. IT WAS THIS DOOR and I loved it “as-is”. He spent hours removing the old paint to restrain it and hung it in the entry way to my walk-in closet I will always LOVE this door not only because of its beauty, because of its “Why” 28k

Image credits:
#40 Best $50 I Ever Spent On Marketplace

Image credits: Samantha Bailey
#41 The Lady At The Thrift Shop Told Me That My Child Would Love This Toy And It’s Such A Good Deal At Only $3
For a child wasn’t what I had in mind…. I now await the chicken concert. There are two very short videos in the comments now. 35k

Image credits: Ashley Taylor
#42 I Found This Vanity On Fb Marketplace
Owner was a woman whose mother had just passed, it was passed down from grandma. It was listed at $150 obo, I offered $175 because I really wanted it! I’m head over heels in love with it. 26k

Image credits: Bryan EO
#43 Found The Gremlin Head At Goodwill In Southern Maine Today As Well As The Dress. I Had To Share It With You All Immediately!!

Image credits: Sage Griffin
#44 My Mom Found These At Her House Recently, They Are My Great Grandmas, I’m So Thrilled To Get Them!

Image credits: Ashley MK
#45 I Found This Horror / Gothic Couch In A Thrift Store In NYC And Had To Have It!

Image credits: Dylan Ezzie
#46 Saw This At An Estate Sale But Couldn’t Afford It…
Then the next morning when I woke up I saw it sitting on my porch because the woman knew where I lived and there was a note attached to it instructing me to have it for free that she sending it over with love and that she believed it would be in the right home if it was with me… feeling over joyed! 35k

Image credits: Lynda Gumaskas
#47 Found A Life Size (5ft Tall) Resin Velociraptor On Marketplace In Richmond Va. Couldn’t Pass It Up For $300. He’s In Our Halloween Display Right Now Which Is Not Completely Done

Image credits: Travis Walsh
#48 I Found A Cat Size Couch, I Repeat, A Cat Size Couch (And It Was Only 4.99) Thanks Goodwill

Image credits: Danielle Fisher
#49 When I Was A Little Girl, A Relative Had One Of These Goblets. I Always Thought It Looked Like A Princess Vampire Would Have These Dishes And I Always Wanted Them. I Was Beyond Ecstatic That Someone Was Selling This Entire Set For Only $20 In Or Local Classifieds (Ksl)!!! Now I Just Need To Find A Cool Cabinet To Put Them In.

Image credits: Rachel Hopper
#50 You Guys Have Probably Seen These Mirrors Before But This Is By Far My Favorite Thrifted Find Ever

Image credits: Briahna Maldonado
#51 I’ve Been Collecting Fiesta Ware For Years Now And I’ve Got The Perfect Rainbow Tea Cup Display. All Of Them Came From Thrift Stores, Antique Shops And Garage Sales Around Minnesota

Image credits: Haylee Anderson
#52 On Our 2nd Date With My Now Husband, He Noticed These Pictures On My Kitchen Wall
My mother had bought them when I was around 16 (1986) from a door to door salesman when we were living in North Pole, Alaska. I always loved them and she gave them to me about 15 years ago. I had no idea where this little fishing village was located or even if it was real. Turns out, this is the fishing village my husband would go on Holiday with his parents as a child and it was the last place he had taken his Mother to visit on Holiday before she passed. It is Polperro, England...from our 2nd date we knew we were meant to be together. 28k

Image credits: Helen Renée Wuorio
#53 Found A Crab Purse While Thrifting. He Went Home With Me!

Image credits: Amanda Gee
#54 It Came Home With Me And I Plan To Get A Cat Bolo Tie. Presenting To The World My Thrifted New (To Me) Catstooth Suit.

Image credits: Lemon Harmony
#55 He Was The Runt Of The Litter 10 Years Ago
Bob is our 140lb German Shepherd. He was the runt of the litter 10 years ago, but once he started growing, Bob just didn't want to stop. He has this deep, gutteral, terrifying bark, and Bob is convinced his "job" is to lay at the end of the entry hall and watch the door. I've been wanting to get him something to lay on, the chaise lounge he had before was too big for that area, and the huge square Costco dog bed was a tripping hazard. So the other day I was coming home from work, and what is on the curb a block away? This sweet toddler bed with crib mattress! I ran inside, yelled "come now, before it disappears!" to my S.O. and we ran down the street to snag it. We carried it through the front door, and had not even made it down the hallway when the Gatekeeper appeared, took a flying leap through the air, and instantly claimed the bed. I guess it's a good thing it was meant for him... Pic 1 is his "please can I have it?!" look. No banana for scale, but one of Bob's ears is about the same size. Pic 2 is him working the door, watching... waiting... Good Boy, Bob. 27k

Image credits: Cassina Cheers
#56 I Know You Guys Will Love This As Much As Me. I Saw It And I Must Have It. It Now Is Mine

Image credits: Brenda Blake
#57 Possibly My Favorite Vintage Purchase Ever
I turned this vintage pink camper into a playhouse for my daughters. The camper was purchased at an auction near Newton, Kansas and the vintage contents have all been collected at thrift stores, garage sales, auctions and Goodwill. 22k

Image credits: Cristy Harder
#58 My Dad Is, What I Would Consider, An Expert Craftsman. He Finds Everyday Items And Transforms Them Into True Works Of Art
There are always free pianos listed on Facebook and Craigslist. He has been collecting up the baby grands and turning them into bookshelves, desks, hanging coffee bars, etc. for myself, brother, and mom. This was his first piano and set and I am beside myself with happiness. He even installed lights and a power strip for electronics. The desk is the lid to this piano. It wasn't worth it to refurbish, so he donated all the extra parts and pieces to my old piano tuner. I consider this one of my greatest treasures. I just wanted to share my amazing pieces with you all. This seemed like the most appropriate place. 22k

Image credits: Emily Felton
#59 So, When My Partner And I Moved Into Our House The Front Door Was Solid Steel With No Window..ugh…he Said I Want A Door That Nobody Else Has…i Think We Found It

Image credits: Greg Leahy
#60 Cabbage Skull Found At Goodwill In Los Angeles. Would Be Very Cool In Someone’s Garden!

Image credits: Clarice Cormier
#61 My Fiancé And I Went To An Antique Store In Lake Mills, Wi And I Came Across This Beautiful Needle Point
At first there were two other ladies in front of it discussing what items they were going to purchase, as there were some other fall decor next to this picture. I creepily stuck around and looked at the other great items near this picture and as they decided to purchase other things, I grabbed this so fast. My fiancé asked if we were really going to get this and I’m sure I gave him a wild expression. Of course we’re purchasing this! Come to find out, the owners of the store know the lady who made this. She’s 90 years old and her memory isn’t there anymore, but she’s made needlepoint art her whole life. Her name is Pat and I’m so happy I have this piece. (Also, I’m obsessed with Halloween and everything spooky, so this is just everything.) 20k

Image credits: Kristin Italis
#62 Why Did My Parents Buy This From An Estate Sale

Image credits: Justin Taylor
#63 Went To A Garage Sale And Picked Up This Beautiful Victorian Looking Dollhouse For Free!!!

Image credits: Elodi Breg
#64 Hi Friends! Might Be A Weird For Some But Definitely Wonderful Find For Me! My Size Yru Boots Basically New And No Signs Of Wear, Found At Goodwill! Only $25. Had To Share Somewhere Hope You Enjoy

Image credits: Deva Stry
#65 Found This Awesome Painting At My Local Thrift Store And Decided It Needed Some Unearthly Visitors Lol. I've Done Several Of These UFO Altered Paintings And They Are So Much Fun To Make

Image credits: Tracey Parker
#66 As A Dance Mom, (No Relation To The Show- I Have Thankfully Never Seen It) I Have Been Tasked With Costume Design For My Daughter’s ‘Shrek The Musical’ Muscial Theatre Competition Piece. She Is Papa Bear

Image credits: Lauri Filar
#67 My Mom Bought This Karen Alexander Dress In ~1982
I was rummaging through her old clothing and came across it - I vividly remember her wearing it well into the 90s, when I was a kid. I always loved it so much, so when I tried it on and it fit, my mom said I could keep it (under the condition that I put it to use, which I absolutely will). *Also, it has pockets* 62k

Image credits: Stéphanie K. Aresta-DaSilva
#68 Found This Guy At A Yard Sale! He Came Home With Me I Only Paid $100

Image credits: Brandon Alderson
#69 Found This Set In Sterling Heights, Mi At A Garage Sale For The Absolute Steal Of $400!!

Image credits: Sara Crosby
#70 Today While I Was At Work Making A Weekly Pizza Delivery To A School Across Town, I Saw A Sign Saying "Garage Sale". I Peered Down The Road To Get A Glimpse Of What They Had. I Was On The Phone With My Mom And I Shouted "There's A Knight In Shining Armor!!!" I Delivered This Pizzas As Fast As Humanly Possible And Sped Back To The House. I Ran Up The Driveway And Asked "How Much For The Suit Of Armor?" I Knew Right Then That The Universe Was On My Side When She Said $40. Fourty Dollars I Paid The Lady Without Hesitation Just As A Man Picked Up My Prince In A Hurry Trying To Buy It. 2 Minutes Later And It Would Have Been Gone! This, My Friends, Is The Story Of How I Became The Lucky Owner Of A Suit Of Armor The End

Image credits: Chlo Jo
#71 So John Fischer Was A Famous Artist In The 60s Who Created This Line Called "The Real Thing" Bread Jewelry, Which Consisted Of Collaborating With Food Companies To Make Actual, Wearable Jewelry. Believe It Or Not, They're Super Rare And Pricey!
I snagged a bunch from a garage sale in Cleveland. Here are some of the most interesting items ... Edited to add: these are real, actual food items. He collaborated with companies to create this line of jewelry. They are shellacked and most of the ones I got are surprisingly still well preserved 15k

Image credits: Laura Jean
#72 I Found This Rhinestone Covered French Fry Purse On Marketplace And I Just Had To Have It! $40 And He Even Delivered It To Me In Peculiar Mo Because I Had Just Gotten My Knee Replaced.

Image credits: Cathy Gicante-Jones
#73 A Big, Brass Hourglass I Found By A Dumpster. Not Sure Why I Need It, But Couldn't Just Leave It There

Image credits: Anna Soboniak
#74 I Might Just Have Won This Whole Weird And Wonderful Finds Game... Oscar The Grouch, Via A Buy Nothing Group On Facebook. I Love Him So Much. This Is Him In My Home

Image credits: Val Sutton
#75 I Was Scrolling Through An Estate Sale Listing Photos And A Painting Caught My Eye
29k I thought it resembled some art my great aunt used to paint. Long story short, I called the estate sale company and actually confirmed that it was painted by Vylitta Kirby, my great aunt. Not only did they have that painting but the owners loved her work so much they bought a total of FIVE of her pieces. She failed art classes in college and vowed to never paint again. It wasn’t until the late 50s that she started painting again. After retiring from teaching, she started showing at local art and craft shows. She took her show on the road with her sister in the 70s. From a farm in Arab, AL (the sticks), she was very proud that some of her work went to buyers in New York, California, and even Hawaii. I cannot believe I found five of her pieces in one home! My mom and I purchased all five and I cannot wait for 2-3 of them to find a new home on my walls.

Image credits: Meredith Gallaway
#76 My Thrift Store Find Today! I Literally Jumped Up And Down When I Found Him!
31k Remember the show The Dinosaurs?! It’s Baby Sinclair!! When you pull his string he says “I’m the baby, gotta love me!” And “Not the mama!” He was sticking up by his tail and I immediately knew who it was. I paid $2 for him!

Image credits: Christina Reamey
#77 Found These Last Minute On Friday At Bellingham, Wa Value Village. They Definitely Came Home With Me

Image credits: Megan Sutton
#78 I'm Excited I Finally Have Something To Share! I Got This Princess Castle Off Marketplace, And I Think It Turned Out Pretty Good!

Image credits: Erin Andrew
#79 Upcycled A Thrifted Backpack, Hoodie, And A Crapload Of Used Cardboard Boxes Into My 2021 Halloween Costume: A Periodical Cicada. Brood X Visited Texas 5 Months Too Late!

Image credits: Teri Guill
#80 Remember The $150 Impulse Buy Claw Machine That I Won In An Online Auction For A Closed Pizza Hut? I Took The Hivemind's Advice And Loaded It Up For Tonight
87k - We might have had 75 kids total. Nobody left empty-handed. I still have a lot of bags and candy left over, but I planned on that; I didn't want anyone to be disappointed because we ran out. - My wife did the marquee. When she's not trying to talk sense into me about bidding on things in random auctions, she enjoys doing graphics and crafts with her Cricut. She's amazingly talented and creative, despite her terrible taste in men. - The machine isn't "rigged." This particular model is 100% skill based. You can adjust the claw tension, but it doesn't change between plays. Some models (specifically anything made by EClaw) are on a payout system where the owner can set an interval (usually at least 60 plays) between when the claw strength is 'meh' and when it jumps up to 'can actually grab things.' - No, that isn't a Fidel Castro plush up in front. It's a talking Duck Dynasty toy that came with the machine, because reasons. Nobody won it so I am going to keep it on my desk.

Image credits: Paul Huizenga
#81 I Was Planning To Only Buy Three Vintage Sewing Books At The Antique Store But My Antique Dealer Took My Friends And I To A Case To Look At This "Really Weird" Brooch

Image credits: Elizabeth Snider
#82 Since We’re Sharing Sun-Moon Themed Items, Here Are My Coolest Boots! I Found Them On Marketplace For ~50$
They are by TredAir which was associated with Dr Martens in the 80s and that’s when this pair was probably made! 17k

Image credits: Lilla Lukács
#83 The Only Thing Weird About This, Is The Fact That I Found This Beauty On The Side Of A Curb. She Mine Now!

Image credits: Kenra Kay Slaven
#84 After Years Of Searching I Brought Home This Lamp From Ebay.
It was so dirty I had to go buy a paintbrush to clean her but it’s what I’ve always needed in my life. Hey, do you suppose she’s a wildflower? ?♀️ (She came with the original shade which I replaced because it was filthy) 23k

Image credits: Amanda Forbes
#85 Y’all. Found This Vintage Magnavox TV Cabinet For Freeeeeeee On Fb Marketplace
All of it works! The 8-TRACK PLAYER WORKS, the stereo has better bass than a Bose, the tv works and the turntable works. I am in LOOOOOOVE 10k

Image credits: Stacey Morris
#86 I Found This Today At Gw. Brand New In The Box

Image credits: Kristin Campbell Trimble
#87 I Bought This Dragon Throne Off Fb Marketplace. Turns Out It Was A Display At A Powersport Store The Guy Had Owned
Drove 2 states away to get it just so my Hellhound , Basher, can have a proper seat bc he works very hard to overcome his fear and anxiety . Agility exercises help him gain confidence so he likes to jump up and probably survey all the lands he will someday duhstroy. So yeah I am 38 with a massive medieval dragon throne in my living room. Whatever. 5.9k

Image credits: Michelle Rigatoni
#88 My Husband's Friend Is Moving And We Went To Help Him Move And Wound Up Going Home With A Giant 8ft Tall Oogie Boogie That We Paid $20 For. Can't Wait To Set This Guy Up On The Porch September 1st!

Image credits: James Mitchell
#89 I Was Cutting Back My Black Raspberries And Found A Fossil!

Image credits: Erin Durham Larkins
#90 Cycling By, I See This Wicker Chest In Front Of The Local Church That Seemed Out Of Place, But Wasn't Put Out On The Curb
Didn't want to make any assumptions, so I knocked on the rectory door. A man in shorts answered. "Are you discarding that chest?" I asked. "Someone dumped it here. It's yours if you want it. God bless!" he replied. It's nothing old or unusual, but I like the wooden bead work, and I think a higher power wanted me to have it, so there you go. On Fire Island, New York. 22k

Image credits: Shoshanna McCollum
#91 I Saw This Vintage Leisure Suit In A Local Antique Store Last Week, And I Couldn't Stop Thinking About It. Went Back Two Days Later, And...

Image credits: Greg Meyers
#92 Looking In The Pockets Of This Shiny Gold Blazer I Found This Ticket Stub For Prince & The Revolution With Special Guest Sheila E On New Years Eve 1984.
Now that would’ve been a fantastic show! Found at Value World in Dallas. 37k

Image credits: Matt Hendricks
#93 A Man Down The Road From Me Was Getting Rid Of These 1920’s/30’s Era Radios, I’m Going To See If They Can Be Repaired N Actually Use Them, But Even If Not I’ll Clean Them Up And Display Them In My Home Anyway. My Cats Seem To Like Them

Image credits: Melissa Gray
#94 Please Read This Whole Post Before Commenting, And Then Consider Whether Or Not Your Comment Is Appropriate To Say To Someone That Is Grieving
I have been debating whether or not I was going to write a post about why the group was paused for the last two weeks. I have decided to go ahead and address it, but please know that this post was difficult for me to write. It is very personal and very emotional for me to discuss this, but I think it is important to share our story. I’m going to insert a content warning here to warn you that this post will contain a discussion of death, so if you don’t have the spoons available to deal with that, you may want to stop reading here. Two weeks ago our dad fell ill with a condition that is very treatable, but there were no spaces available in any of the local hospitals. They are all overflowing with Covid patients. Our family frantically called all of the hospitals in the state, and all surrounding states. It took two days before we were able to find an available bed. By that time our dad’s condition had turned critical. He spent two days being delirious and confused in the ICU and then passed away suddenly and unexpectedly. Because of the hospital rules regarding Covid, in an effort to keep people safer, we were not allowed up to see him while he was alive. We did not get to spend sufficient time mourning at the bedside because we had to consider that the longer we spent there, the longer we were tying up the bed from someone else that might be saved by getting into it as soon as possible. I hope that is never a consideration that any of you have to make. My dad was a Navy veteran, a local business owner, a husband, brother, son, uncle, and friend to many. He always wore a mask while out in public, got his vaccine, and required masks be worn at his business. He cared about others and wanted to keep people safe. He was only 54 at the time of his passing. If you are someone who will not wear a mask, or get a vaccine, for any reason other than a legitimate medical reason, then leave this group. Even if you are not worried about getting sick yourself, your refusal to take the most basic precautions may result in the death of someone else’s loved one. If you ever make a comment here expressing a disagreement with mask wearing or vaccines, you will be permanently banned from this group. This isn’t a debate and I am not looking for feedback on our policy regarding this. I know that the majority of comments on this post will be positive and supportive, and I am very thankful for that, but I also know that these types of posts have a tendency to draw out the trolls. If you see someone make a rude comment, please do not respond to them, just report the comment to admin so that we can boot them as quickly as possible. If you would like to bring a bright spot to this gloomy time, I would very much love it if you posted pictures of your pets in the comments. I love them all, cats, dogs, lizards, spiders, prairie dogs, hedgehogs, all of them. My dad was a huge animal lover and he would have enjoyed that too. 46k

Image credits: Malissa Franzen
#95 Frog Afghan I Found At Goodwill Last Week. Never Saw One, Thought It Was So Ugly Its Cute. It Came Home With Me For $5. Lol

Image credits: Betsy Conklin Baker
#96 One Of My Favorite Goodwill Finds Ever! Can’t Imagine Why It Wasn’t With The Halloween Stuff

Image credits: Vlad Tepes
#97 So Excited! Found This Guy On Facebook Marketplace Last Night! My Victorian Gothic Couch Now Has A Friend

Image credits: Dylan Ezzie
#98 My Friend: "Look What I Found!" Me: "It.. It's Like My Old Drawings. It's Like My Tattoo." My Friend: "Yes. You Take It." /Overwhelmed Sobbing/
22k I've been drawing baby airships since I was sixteen. In math class, in the hospital, painted on the walls of my home, inked onto my leg. the list goes on. It was a little broken when my friend found it, but a little dab of glue fixed it right up. And when I go home for the holidays, it will finally be in my arms. I could probably mess with it a little bit in my studio to make it resemble my drawings more closely... But I won't. It's perfect the way it is. [Savers, Marlborough MA]

Image credits: Bex Aeterna
#99 Goodwill In Georgia. The Picture On This Plate Makes Me Happy

Image credits: Debbie SC
#100 I Stumbled Across This 26 Foot Geodome On Facebook Marketplace Last Year. We Snapped It Up For $500! It Took Us A Year To Finally Build The Platform And Reassemble It, But It Is Finally Done!

Image credits: Tanja Rutledge
#101 Unicorn Couch At The Salvation Army In Fredericksburg Va

Image credits: Emma Mee
#102 My Dog, Jake, In His Halloween Costume
37k I bought a pair of toddler-sized khaki pants and. Toddler-sized red polo at a local thrift store, then did a lot of dismantling/resewing to make them into a Jake from State Farm outfit.

Image credits: Judy Kriehn
#103 Best .99 Cents I’ve Ever Spent! My Dog And I Are Now Twins. Found At A Thrifty Shopper In North Syracuse, NY

Image credits: Mallory Roach
#104 Weirdling Connection
I was recently surprised with this amazing new feature for our flock from a fellow weirdling of ours as a housewarming gift. Her and I met through this group and she's honestly one of the kindest human beings on this planet. I stopped laughing long enough to take this clip so I hope it brings you guys as much happiness as it and all of you have brought into my life. This is Hagrid making her first weirdling debut. 4.3k

Image credits: Sarah Cooper
#105 This Ness Cindy Coat Is Probably My Favorite Thrifting Find! The Lining Is Super Silky And It Has Beautiful Navy Rose Buttons

Image credits: Lydia Parker
#106 Found At A Garage Sale In 2011. Lifesize Pillsbury Dough Boy

Image credits: Tracy Christian
#107 Hello Everyone!
It’s my first post. Hopefully she fits in the “Wonderful “ category. I have found her at the flea market in Palm Spring,Ca. And now I believe in Fairies. And what about you? PS. The dome is 8” tall. And little fairy is 2,5 inch. But she is sitting,so I don’t really know her full height. 7.2k

Image credits: Tetyana Tkachenko
#108 I’ve Been Looking For Two Chairs To Replace Our Two Old Ones
Yesterday I saw these chairs on Facebook Marketplace. They were being offered for free! No one was ahead of me and after a few messages back and forth a deal was made and I could pick them up the next morning. No stains, no tears, a smoke fee house. How lucky is that? I’m still so excited to own these. 12k

Image credits: Robbyn Christenson Coulon
#109 We Scored This Weird Wooden Lamp That Looks Like Someone Kneeling Down A Few Weeks Ago
There's no way to pick it up and carry it without feeling like you're doing something really wrong. I garbage picked this tiny lampshade and painted a face on it, though, and now it's my favorite lamp I've ever owned. . I am open to suggestions on what to name it. 2.3k

Image credits: Noah Orlowski
#110 I Love Vintage Sheets Because They Remind Me Of My Oma And Opa’s House
They always had these groovy orange striped sheets that I loved. So I started finding them at thrift stores to sew with and now I have a ton. I was recently given this beautiful stack of sheets from two of my thrifting friends because they love searching for them too. Do you recognize any of these sheets from your childhood? 16k

Image credits: Emily Tieman
#111 Last Weekend My Roommate And I Went To Our Local Restore And I Found This Amazing Deer Butt
I did not buy it and then spent the whole week regretting not buying it. Well I came home on Sunday and my amazing roommate had gone back and bought it for me! I guess the guy who works at the store said he could have just hugged her because they had been trying to get rid of it for weeks and it was about to go to the trash! We are not sure what to name it but I am so happy to have it in our apartment! (It's also totally fake!!) 10k

Image credits: Naosha LeStat
#112 I've Been Somewhat Passively Looking For A Dish Set For The Past Few Months Because I Have Become Bored With Mine
This was the last thing on my mind as I was walking through the aisles of our local Goodwill when a coincidental glance at these beauties STOPPED ME IN MY TRACKS. I already had 2 items in my hand and no cart. I was so paranoid to walk away to get one (because surely someone else would take them!), that I put my items down on the shelf in front of me, stacked these babies up, and walked them from the back of the store to the front. I got them all for $26. This is not at all the type of pattern I was looking for, I was trying to be more sophisticated, lol! It's like they slapped me in the face and demanded I take them home and I gleefully complied. The teacup and saucer are probably my favorite part, but they only had one. 8.8k

Image credits: Kerri Mitchell
#113 Just Wanted To Share This Find With You All!
Just wanted to share this find with you all! We have had this ball thing in the garden for over 11 years. We thought it was a garden ornament of some sort, just kinda rolled it about and moved it from place to place. Saw a Facebook post on Tuesday that looked like this thing, it was someone’s souvenir that they’d found and it was a bomb casing of some sort. I noticed the holes on theirs was empty….ours were not. So I posted photos of ours and everyone went nuts, telling us it was dangerous. Call police etc. So to cut a long story short, I called the police yesterday and they asked for photos. Then sent the bomb squad immediately So we’d been nonchalantly throwing a bomb about the garden for the past 6 years or so (it was partially buried before then) Anyway, we had to evacuate so off we popped to the local Chinese to get a take away for tea (I was delighted at this out come, no cooking, yay!) and Royal Navy bomb disposal came out, collected it and apparently they will now X-ray it and if it contains explosives (they think it might) they will do a controlled explosion. *Banana is for scale, it’s a joke in another group I’m in as well as this one (Things found in walls etc) to add a banana next to your random ‘find’ - in hindsight, popping a banana next to a potentially explosive device is probably not one of my cleverest ideas but in fairness it HAS been thrown about the garden for a few years already ??. Yes that is also the photo I sent to the police ? Also that person in the shorts….my husband, not plain clothed police or bomb disposal. The police had asked hubby where it was so he went down the drive to show them, this was just before we were told to evacuate* 23k

Image credits: Jodine Boothby
#114 I Thrifted A Pair Of Boots
After returning home and trying them on I realized something was inside! So I discovered this adorable tiny gnome tin. This was a better find than the boots and it made my day. 22k

Image credits: Nicole LoPresto
#115 Centerville, Ohio Salvation Army Family Thrift. A Deal At 50 Cents! This Cara Is A Little Firecracker

Image credits: Nikki Rogers Garwood
#116 My *almost* Finished Thrifted Wall Of Random People

Image credits: Cha'Neal Dawn Caldwell
#117 Excuse Me While I Cry A Little Outside The Thrift Store
When I was growing up, my Grandma had a set of these Hercules plates (Zeus, Hercules, Meg and Pegasus). I used Pegasus for EVERYTHING whenever I would visit. When she passed away several years ago, long story short her husband unfortunately did not allow my family access to any of her belongings. I asked my mom to keep an eye out for the plates if she ever gets the chance to collect the small, sentimental momentos she has been asking for. In the meantime, I am happy to have found a part of the collection at my local thrift store for my daughter to enjoy. 25k

Image credits: Mariah Ultraviolet
#118 Uhm Obviously I Had To Buy This. Who Wouldn’t Want This Amazing Piece Of Art?! $25 Goodwill Algonquin Il. Found My Costume For Waitressing Lol. Bear In The Big Blue House For Life!!

Image credits: Sarah Scarnechia
#119 Weird Et Shirt I Found Cleaning Out My Late Sisters Closet

Image credits: Heide Phillips
#120 I Have An Elderly Dog, His Back Legs Are Giving Out, Things Are Getting Harder, And We Are Slowly Getting Ready For The Day
29k He has a habit of getting up into my bed and pillow while I'm not home. 14 years ago I tried like anything to break it, now I find myself wondering how he made his legs work enough to get up there and quietly let him get away with it. Today at Savers in Worcester MA I stumbled across this print. I don't usually buy prints. This one spoke to me and reminded me of the comfort our animals get from us. I needed this. Living with a geriatric dog has it's challenges, this was a reminder to remember the love. When I got it home I noticed someone spent good money having this print framed, with UV glass and everything. I wonder if they were feeling something like what it made me feel. Print is called "Master Bedroom" by Andrew Wyeth

#121 Rescued This Fabulous Frog Prince From St. Vincent De Paul In Northern Cincinnati, Ohio. Fellow Weirdings, Should I Try My Hand At Painting Him, Or Leave Him As Is?

Image credits: Anna Simensen
#122 Y’all! I’ve Been In This Group For A While And Debated *several* Things To Post But This One Just Blew My Mind
I own an estate sale company. I see tons of amazing, unique, one of a kind things that people turn into treasures on the daily… but this guy… he’s been on my mind for a couple months. I went to an interview for a potential sale several months ago. I saw this beauty in the corner of the attic….given as a gift to my potential client a couple decades ago and sent straight to his semi permanent home - the hot attic in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. (I don’t buy from clients/potential clients as a rule so he was just a memory!) Fast forward 2 months. “Client” calls me back. Has sold the home and donated most of the contents. (No tag sale to be had!) Can I help with what’s left in the garage he asks. No. (the short answer from me as a business decision.) But I offered up some names and phone numbers of local buyers I knew that would help him out. I had a few buyers contact him directly and went on with life. Later that day… One of my referred “customer friends” had to swing by a house I’m selling from for a large piece of art she had previously purchased. In her front seat was the creature I had thought of so often! And. He was to be sold. AND. She gave me first dibs and I said YES! NOW!!! is where the story takes a turn for me. I pay my friend. Set him near my car and finish what I’m doing. (This day happens to be my wedding anniversary which I may have kinda sorta forgotten about. So I had dragged my husband along with me to move a few pieces of furniture before we went to dinner) We pick up our newest creature and as he goes to load it in the car The piece is signed. With that day. July 13. Our anniversary. AND. 1983. The year we were born I present to you my New Mexico coyote. (Accepting name suggestions!) 8.1k

#123 I’m So Excited To Present To You This Loveable Curvey Cutie That I Picked Up At A Local Garage Sale Here On Long Island
My sons thought I was kinda weird for wanting it so I disguised my enthusiasm by inquiring about a vintage edition of A Tale of Two Cities. And by the way how much for that thing over there? The homeowner had no idea how he got it or why he still had it. $15 and the book and this marvel came home with us that day! He journeys throughout my yard. One never knows where he’ll be lurking next. Here he is…banana for scale. 11k

Image credits: Fabiola Andrade Cimino
#124 Who Remembers This Grumpy Guy Posted By Jane Morgan A While Back?
I commented that he was the doppelgänger for my old kitty, Snagglepuss. I had no idea he was all the way in Australia when I half jokingly suggested someone buy him for me. Well…on July 8th, one day before my 42nd birthday, I got a message from Jane telling me that she went back and when she saw that he was still there, she bought him for me! Suffice it to say, I was beyond flabbergasted and incredibly grateful for her kindness in gifting me with a painting of what could easily be my scruffy boy’s twin! He now hangs on my wall with the rest of my beautiful, thrifted kitties…at the top, of course. Snaggle approves! Immense and unending thanks goes out to Jane for giving me such a special 42nd birthday gift and effectively restoring my faith in humanity! 13k

#125 I Love To Pick Up Watches From Tag Sales
I generally only pay $1 for them. Then I take off the bands and put the faces in a jar. Truly this is Time in a Bottle. Obligatory banana for scale. 21k

Image credits: Jody Lebel
#126 My Wife Found This As We Were Wandering Through A New Thrift Store
She just wanted to show it to me, but, I was amused enough that I went ahead and paid the $7.00 to add it to the collection of strangeness. The cats are interested in it too. 14k

Image credits: Dave Mundt
#127 I Wasn’t Ready For The Memories When My Mom Found This In Her Basement The Other Day. I Loved This Set And It’s Now Mine!!!

Image credits: Jenn Dawn
#128 I Told My Mom A Couple Of Years Ago How Much I Wanted A Lenox Spice Village To Display In My Future Kitchen Someday. Knowing How Highly Sought-After This Thing Is, I Figured It Was A Pipe Dream
My fiancé and I closed on our first home today and my parents gave us this complete, unused set as our housewarming gift!!! They drove from Chicago to Memphis to go get it ? Thanks also to the kind woman who held it for my mother for a few months while we waited for our house to be ready. The seller told my mom that it used to belong to her sister-in-law who recently passed and she wanted it to go to someone who would love it as much as her sister-in-law did. I absolutely will 35k

Image credits: Gina Theresa
#129 Ok, So My Sister & I Were Thrifting Yesterday. I Saw A Huge Collection Of Franciscan Ivy Dinnerware - Tons Of It, Lol. I’ve Wanted These Dishes For 40 Years. 138 Pieces. $99

Image credits: Kimberlyn Crowe
#130 America’s Thrift Store In Ocean Springs, Ms. I Left It There

Image credits: Elizabeth Campbell Doss